Chapter 809 Completely changed
"It seems that Junior Sister Luoxi is quite confident." Xiao Yu squinted her eyes and said, this little girl is really surprising, thinking about it, how can someone who can be valued by Xue Zun be so bad.

"If you are not confident, how can you have the strength to make a breakthrough? Brother, is that right?" Confident, she is just fearless, timid, thinking too much, which hinders her thinking.

Afterwards, they took a look at Gan Lu, "Will Junior Sister Gan also come with you?" This little girl was inseparable from Luo Xi, and they gradually accepted her as a member of the circle.

Hearing the question, Gan Lu nodded fiercely, "Of course, I will be where Luo Xi is, and I will go wherever she goes."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Long Li and the others suddenly became strange. They stared at Gan Lu's hand holding Jun Luoxi's arm, and there was an indescribable thought in their hearts.

Sensing this sight, Jun Luoxi rolled his eyes helplessly, "Brother, your eyes make me want to beat someone up."

"Ahem, what eyes, what eyes do we have, there are no eyes." The four left, looking at the sky and the earth, as if they didn't know what Jun Luoxi was talking about.

At this time, Ganlu also reacted, and she couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, "A few senior brothers misunderstood, Luoxi and I are married to Jinlan, we are good sisters, of course we have to advance and retreat together, what are you thinking, I am normal!"

"Oh..." After listening to the four of them, they realized that their own thinking was wrong, and they were immediately embarrassed.

"Then what, we just came to tell you that we should also retreat after the entrance examination is over, I'm afraid we forgot to tell you then, we'll go first."

If you want a higher success rate, you can only constantly improve yourself.

"Okay, thank you brothers." Jun Luoxi apologized, if they hadn't told her, maybe she didn't know the specific schedule, and her meals were not in vain, ha ha.

After watching them leave, Jun Luoxi and the two went to the school, and immediately heard Teacher Wu inform them about the entrance examination. The people in their class had failed many times and were repeated.

If they are successful in entering a higher school now, what they learn will become more useful and advanced accordingly.

When everyone heard this, they worked harder. It didn't take long before the day of the entrance examination came. The ultimate class was naturally the object of many people's curiosity. Last time they were brilliant, but this time, everyone's eyes were not the same.

However, in the end, everyone in the ultimate class was successfully promoted, and some people were severely slapped in the face. However, Pei Leng did not show up from the beginning to the end. However, the entrance examination is regarded as an individual in the group, and some people are absent, which does not affect it.

"My God, these people are really different." Everyone looked at the bright and timid people in the ultimate class, as if seeing them reborn.

"Yeah, but it's also true. They didn't work hard before, but now they've woken up," someone said.

But there are also people who disagree, "What is working hard, not working hard, you work hard and show me, the reason why they have achieved this is not because of hard work. You have forgotten, what is the reason why they ran day and night before?" ?”

"Yes, yes, running is good. I have persisted until now, and it feels really good. It seems that I will continue to persevere." While everyone changed their views on the ultimate class, they still did not forget to mention the method of running.

There were quite a few people who ran away, and from now on, countless people used this method spontaneously, and the college later made a special way to help them study. Of course, the college is obliged to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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