Chapter 810 Who do you think you are
Of course, the disciples of the ultimate class who are the originators will not tell these people that their running is different from these people. It's not that they are stingy, but that Jun Luoxi taught them this method.

Without her permission, how could they say it, wouldn't it be good to keep it for their own use?They kept those patched iron blocks well, and even secretly increased them for exercise.

The entrance examination is quite a competition, and for a period of time, everyone is discussing this topic.

Immediately afterwards, among some high-strength classes and crowds, everyone gradually learned about the enrollment of the main school, and went to sign up. What surprised and puzzled them the most was one thing.

That was the name of the two people, not only that, but also because they were freshmen.

"I'll go, these two freshmen are crazy. Although they didn't emphasize that newcomer disciples can't sign up for the assessment, they are too bold and too confident, right?"

Although the tone was shocking, the tone of ridicule and disbelief was quite strong.

Someone echoed, "Isn't that right? I've heard that these two are quite capable, and they're also good-looking, but good looks don't mean they're strong. I think they want to be popular!"

"That makes sense, I guess it's intentional, to attract everyone's attention" Girls have a lot of vanity.

However, they really miscalculated Jun Luoxi and Ganlu. Both of them have a low-key style and don't like publicity. However, everyone is not familiar with them and doesn't know.

"Hehe, who do they think they are, they come here before they have fully learned, and they are not afraid of falling hard when the time comes!" Some people were very upset after being shocked.

When they were newcomer disciples, some of them knew about this assessment, but they were quite self-aware and didn't come to take risks and make a fool of themselves.

But now, the two girls came so boldly, isn't it a slap in the face, saying that they were too cowardly to even try, for no reason, Jun Luoxi didn't know that she had been hated by others.

At this time, after she had arranged all the corresponding matters, she was ready to go to retreat with peace of mind. As for the important task of feeding Fei Fei, the black dragon and the two little eagles and vultures, she left it to her master.

First, he is close to her, and second, he can help her educate these little guys well.

Ganlu also signed up. For the sake of safety, she should go back to Wangyue City, but the time spent coming and going is wasted. Simply, Xue frivolously arranged for her a secluded place, suitable for retreat The place.

Although he was not a frivolous apprentice to Shixue, when Jun Luoxi went to see her with him, he would still give some pointers, and she was also very well-behaved and studied hard.

"Fatty, put it down!" In the small courtyard, Xue Qingkuang was drinking tea and reading a book in front of the stone table very calmly, and when Feifei caught the rabbit in the courtyard, she immediately reminded her.

Fatty stared at the plump rabbit under his feet, and let go of his paw helplessly, "Master is very hungry, I'm hungry."

"There are steamed buns over there, eat it first, it's not ready yet." This guy knows how to eat it in a day, and it's just a girl who is used to it. Look, he has grown so fat.

"Steamed buns are not tasty! Feifei wants to eat meat! Eat meat" Feifei immediately acted coquettishly and cutely.

Xue frivolously glanced at it, "If you shout again, you won't even have to eat steamed buns!"

Fatty was dumbfounded immediately, such a cruel master, in the end, he had no choice but to fly to the table pitifully, grabbed the dim sum on the table, "I don't eat steamed buns, but some dim sum and tea."

"Mmm, okay." Xue frivolously and calmly continued to lower her head, reading a book and sipping tea.

(End of this chapter)

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