Chapter 823 Xue Zun Appears
After the arrogant and unrestrained words were finished, without further ado, Jun Luoxi walked down the competition stage slowly, and there was only a quiet competition venue.

The situation here is special. After the competition between the two sides ended, no one came up for the time being.

"You!" The examiner elder was so choked by Jun Luoxi's words that he couldn't utter a word, and the chief examiner frowned, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this little girl was too ignorant.

He knew it wasn't her fault, and was going to step down for the other party, but she didn't go down, which made the assessment elders of their main courtyard seem incompetent.

In my heart, I couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied with her.

"Please, think too much, there are so many excellent disciples in the academy, you are the only one missing!" It would be better not to go, if not, in order to avoid the accident, he will have more chances at that time.

Jun Luoxi listened, smiled without saying a word, turned his back to the crowd, and walked slowly towards his position.

Mu Tianhan and the others frowned a little, "Junior Sister Luoxi is a little impulsive." Such a good opportunity should not be stubborn.

Gan Lu didn't take it seriously, "Impulsive, if it were me, I wouldn't go to that kind of place. We only care about superficial skills, and we don't care about it!" He believed in Jun Luoxi unconditionally and stood by her side.

This may be the reason why she was able to quickly win Jun Luoxi's heart, coupled with her similar temperament and unyielding character.

"Huh? Is the competition over so soon? Why are you all stopping?" At this time, a handsome young man came together with several people. Seeing how peaceful the whole venue was, he couldn't help but wonder.

Among the crowd, the previous disciples stood up and saluted one after another when they saw this, "The disciples see the dean."

Dean, such a young yard?Jun Luoxi was a little surprised, but not surprised. The stronger the strength, the more able to stay beautiful, which is normal!You can't judge a person's age just by their appearance.

After shouting "Refer to your lords", they also saluted the people behind the dean. That's right, they were Xue Qingkuang, Yao Zun and others.

On such a grand occasion today, as the important people of the academy, how could they not show up, not to mention that their disciples are also here, so they should come and see them both emotionally and rationally.

Moreover, after all these years, the branch hospital has been enough, and it is not bad to try another place. The Venerable can't be all from the same group, it should be washed with fresh blood.

"Ahem, there is a small problem, come on, everyone continue." The chief examiner immediately returned to his senses, signaling that everyone can continue to the next competition.

Xue Qingkuang and others sat down with the dean. Unfortunately, he happened to be sitting in the position of the person who announced Jun Luoxi's qualification to make fun of, so he casually opened the registration booklet.

Suddenly, he frowned, and held the register with both hands. In an instant, the register shattered into pieces. He stood up, and the table and chairs also shattered.

This stunned the assessment elders who were announcing the candidates for the competition, and they looked at Xue frivolously, not knowing what happened to make him so angry.

"Xue Zun, who is this?" The chief examiner looked at Xue frivolously in puzzlement. Although he is the venerable of the branch, even if he is placed in Fengyun main courtyard, his status is definitely higher than them.

For example, in the same college, the principal of an elementary school must have more face than the director of a middle school, that's why.

"Ask me? Why don't you ask yourself?" Xue frivolously looked furious, looking at Jun Luoxi, who was calm and indifferent, who was cracking melon seeds, without letting out a fit of anger.

It's about this time, I have been disqualified, and I am still so calm, can I still do it, do you have a sense of urgency?

(End of this chapter)

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