Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 824 Shocking People's Identity

Chapter 824 Shocking People's Identity
The elders who came for the assessment and the registered instructors were all confused. Ask them, what to ask them, they don't know anything.

One of the most speechless things in the world is that he doesn't know what happened, and can only watch others get angry and confused.

The chief examiner looked at the dean very puzzled, thinking that he could get some hints from his eyes, but there was none, and he was also at a loss.

He has only just arrived here, and he doesn't know what happened.

"Ahem, Xue Zun, you, what's wrong with you?" The examiner elder was sweating on his forehead, but he could only ask cautiously. This time, besides enrolling students, he has other tasks.

Among them, it is related to these venerables. They are big bosses, and they cannot be provoked.

Xue frivolously withdrew her gaze, "I don't want to talk about it now, let's continue the competition." The little girl said that if she doesn't make trouble for the time being, she will wait, even if she settles accounts after the autumn, she will have to wait until after the autumn.

The competition has just started now, so it's not appropriate to make too much noise.

"." I really didn't know why Xue was so frivolous. These people looked at each other, so they could only continue to order the competition to start. After that, he didn't speak anymore, and kept his eyes closed.

Others don't know, but Mu Tianhan and the others do. It must be because they saw Jun Luoxi's disqualification.

Although he still doesn't know the reason, but he, as a master, understands the temper of his own disciples, and now he must have been wronged, and he has not come here to complain, angry, yes, angry.

This little episode was slowly forgotten by everyone as the competition progressed. Until the evening, the first round of assessment competition finally ended.

During this process, Jun Luoxi watched the competition like a spectator, ignoring Teacher Su's gouging eyes. His disciple died in front of him but was helpless. Nothing could be more embarrassing than this.

But he couldn't do anything to Jun Luoxi clearly, even if it was a harsh word, after all, everyone knew that it was not Jun Luoxi who did it, but God, and the consequences of breaking an oath were like this.

Under the leadership of Jun Luoxi, Ganlu passed the first assessment without any pressure, let alone Mu Tianhan and the others.

At the end of this meeting, the elders in the main courtyard were slightly relieved. Xue Qingkuang didn't make another attack. It couldn't be better. They packed their things and prepared to retreat.

But at this moment, Xue Qingkuang opened her eyes with her eyes closed, "Wait a minute, I still have something to solve, don't rush away."

The examiner's heart skipped a beat, it's broken, the thing he was worried about happened, what happened?This will be resolved?
"What happened?" The other venerables and the dean looked at Xue frivolously in confusion. If his disciple didn't show up, maybe he passed the first competition before. How could he do it for others?

Xue frivolously glanced at Jun Luoxi's direction, and her gaze fell on the chief examiner, "My disciples are so bad that you actually disqualified them from the examination."

"Ah? Xue Zun's disciple, who is it?" the elder examiner subconsciously asked.

Wait, that's not the only way to disqualify from the assessment. The face of the assessment elder's face gradually faded, and he looked at Jun Luoxi, it can't be, it can't be such a coincidence.

Definitely not, maybe someone else, um, someone else.

But no matter how hard he racked his brains, he still couldn't figure out that there was another person who was disqualified from the assessment, because in the competition, those who advanced would enter the next level, and those who lost would still have a chance to be resurrected. people.

"Is she Xue Zun's disciple?" After realizing it, everyone began to have doubts, and looked for Jun Luoxi's figure.

For a moment, Jun Luoxi felt that he was being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, just like that dazzling star, attracting everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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