Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 825 I feel that I have slandered you

Chapter 825 I feel that I have slandered you
Jun Luoxi calmly finished eating the last melon seed in his hand, then raised his eyes, "What are you looking at, have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

"That's it" Ganlu was on the side, and started joking, and Mu Tianhan and the others were on the side, which reflected her even more brilliance.

"Don't even look at it!" Xue Qingkuang suddenly said indifferently, and everyone immediately looked back at him.

I knew it shouldn't be this woman, no, no, the elder who was assessing silently said in his heart, as if a big stone was pressing on his heart, and he felt a little out of breath.

But he didn't expect that Xue's frivolous words next made his lucky heart sink into the abyss.

"I don't know if my apprentice is very shy, what should I do if it affects her?"

The other four venerables looked at each other, speechless. That little girl is shy?They also said that she was shy, and she was clearly outgoing and independent.

Everyone savored these two sentences carefully, and then realized that Jun Luoxi was really Xue Zun's disciple, the one he rejected for Li Yaoyao.

He threatened to keep a low profile and protect the good disciples, that's why he kept out of sight. Today, they finally met.

Surprise, that is for sure, surprise, must!
The academy disciples present all looked at Jun Luoxi in unison, but when they thought of Xue's frivolous words just now, they had to turn their heads unwillingly. The tangled look made Jun Luoxi and the others almost burst out laughing.

As for what, it's just a sentence, don't need to be so serious, okay?

"Girl, tell me what's going on?" Without asking the examiners, Xue frivolously and intuitively asked Jun Luoxi, one could imagine how much he doted on her.

Jun Luoxi raised his eyebrows and shrugged helplessly, "Master, you'd better ask our examiner elder, my disciple is stupid and can't speak."

Stupid?He is eloquent, but he believes it!The dean said this silently in his heart, and secretly observed Qi Jun Luoxi.

The disciple Xue Zun accepted would be stupid, he didn't believe it, he was not as dark and cunning as him, so he was very incensed in his heart.

Xue's frivolous gaze then moved to the chief examiner. He frowned, moved aside, and let out the elder who was being examined. This matter was decided by him, and the final decision had been made when he came.

"I, I..." The elder looked tangled and embarrassed, but in fact his back was wet with sweat.

"Say!" At this moment, the chief examiner reprimanded coldly, there really was something else going on, otherwise he wouldn't have been so guilty and nervous.

The elder examiner was so drunk that he trembled, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and gave it up, "This little girl ignored our persuasion and insisted on hurting people when the result was announced after the competition!

That's all, she also slandered this elder, and the main courtyard assesses the character of the elders. I really have to announce the disqualification of her qualification for the reputation of the main courtyard. "

Still not telling the truth!Jun Luoxi's smile became even colder, people, I really can't see the coffin without crying, ha ha.

Xue frowned frivolously, "Then you suspect that my Xue Zun's disciples will slander you?" The reason why the little girl said that their character has problems, it must be!Never slander.

The elder examiner looked embarrassed, "Master Xuezun, can't say that, you can't protect her just because she is your disciple."

"Stop, it doesn't matter if you suspect what I say, but don't involve my master, don't you think I'm slandering you, then do you dare to make a bet with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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