Chapter 826 The Unexpected Incident
"What oath? Why should I bet with you?" The elder examiner suddenly became nervous. He didn't forget the fate of being struck to death by lightning after breaking the oath after making an oath with Jun Luoxi.

The little girl has a dark belly and must not jump into the pit.

Seeing that this person was so vigilant, Jun Luoxi smiled, "Didn't you say that I slandered you, oh no, your main courtyard examines the character of the elders, then should you do something to prove your innocence. "

This is what the man himself said. From the beginning to the end, she only suspected him for the time being, and he was the one who dragged everyone into the water.

While the two were talking, the problem became more and more serious. The other elders in the assessment frowned and stared at this elder. If you can't speak, don't talk nonsense. Why do you want to withdraw them.

Oops, after all the calculations, I still didn't expect to fall into the trap designed by this little girl, what should I do, what should I do?The examiner elder was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, his forehead was covered with sweat at some point.

"Are you scared?" Jun Luoxi sneered, and everyone looked at the expression of the examiner elder, and unconsciously began to doubt in their hearts.

"Who said I'm afraid, what do you think?" No, it doesn't matter if he loses face, if it affects other people, even if this matter is exposed, others will not let him go.

Jun Luoxi chuckled: "It's very simple. Didn't you keep saying that you were innocent and didn't take bribes? Then you dare to swear that you didn't accept the gift from Teacher Su? Oh, by the way, that thing seems to be the Millennium Bailing Kingdom, It's so rare."

Boom!The assessment elder was dumbfounded all of a sudden, how dare he make such an oath!How dare?
"Give me some reaction, everyone is watching." Jun Luoxi snickered, in fact, up to now, the expression on his face has revealed everything, and it doesn't matter whether he makes an oath or not.

Her purpose was not to make her swear an oath, but to tell everyone the truth of the matter. She was disqualified not because she was arrogant, but because of the selfishness of the assessment elder.

"I, I..." The examiner's lips moved slightly, and he muttered for a long time, not knowing what to say.

Only the examiner's face was extremely dark! "How do you explain?! Huh?"

Unexpectedly, actually doing such a shameful thing under his nose, it is simply, it is a heavy blow to their main courtyard.

The assessment elder was about to cry, he was very depressed in his heart, how could he know that such a serious thing would happen just by watching with a cold eye, how did he know that Teacher Su and Anxi were going to deal with Xue Zun's disciple.

If he knew, he wouldn't dare to give him a hundred thousand guts.

Yes, he told him in his heart that if it was someone else, he would definitely not reveal his secrets.

Everyone understood at this moment, they couldn't help sympathizing with Jun Luoxi, but they also felt resentment in their hearts, if she wasn't Xue Zun's disciple, and didn't have her own master to support her, would she just be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis, only to be bullied?

If such a thing happened to them, it would be such a pity. Suddenly, that kind of nameless anger lingered in the hearts of these people, and everyone's eyes were full of anger.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The instructors of our academy and the assessment elders of the main academy can be so black!"

"That's right, I don't know if there is any moisture in the other competitions, so it's worrying."

Those who watched the excitement didn't bother to fight, and the people who ate melons gave full play to their unique abilities at this time.

For a while, the assessment elders of the main courtyard were looked at suspiciously by everyone, depressed in their hearts, but they didn't know who to talk to.

(End of this chapter)

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