Chapter 827 I Have Principles
"Ahem, everyone be quiet, you can't suspect all the good people just because of one incident." The dean who had been silent all this time spoke slowly at this time, and the noisy scene slowly quieted down at this time.

The chief examiner glanced at the dean gratefully, but he knew that if there was no explanation for this matter, this time, there would be great hidden dangers, which would affect the reputation of the main courtyard.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the elder who assessed him knows that he has no way out, and the only way is to change his past, because he has no choice.

With a "plop", he knelt down and gave himself two big mouths.

"Elder, Mr. Xue Zun, I was wrong. I was also obsessed with money for a while, so I listened to the villain's temptation. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't remember the villain's mistakes, please forgive me this time."

The expression on his face was extremely sincere. At the same time, the one who announced the list of candidates for the competition also knelt down. It was because the two of them cooperated with each other that it was so difficult to be discovered.

It is equivalent to guarding oneself and stealing, who would have thought of it?
"This is the thyme fruit. It was him. Instructor Su insisted on giving it to me. I was also confused for a moment. Please let me go." While speaking, he took out the box containing the thyme fruit.

At this moment, Teacher Su's face turned black and white again. Not only did he lose his disciple, but this time, even his own future will depend on it.

Jun Luoxi sneered, "Elder, you are so honest, my disciples don't know what to say." Looking at this scene, Jun Luoxi spoke.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, darling, is there any other inside story.

The elder examiner who heard this had already scolded her countless times in his heart, "Miss Jun, people are not sages and sages can do nothing, I was also confused for a while, I apologize to you for this, please forgive me."

"No, no, this problem is not over yet. It's rare to come to the branch hospital. Didn't the elders get soft when they received the gifts yesterday, and didn't count the money so that their hands cramp?"

The elder was depressed and wanted to rush up to find something to seal Jun Luoxi's mouth. This dead girl, what they did was so secretive. How did she know it? It was as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

The examiner is not angry at this moment, but wants to kill someone, "Tell me the truth! Who else, who else participated, if you don't explain it, let me find out, and you all know the consequences."

The two examiner elders looked at Jun Luoxi's grinning face, depressed, and reluctantly took out a space ring and put it on the box. It's over, it's over now.

"I'm going! It's too oily!" The disciples of the college were shocked, while the mentors who gave the gifts were sweating coldly, and silently scolded Jun Luoxi in their hearts.

Xue frivolously sneered: "Heh, there are really many benefits to being an elder tutor in the main courtyard, are you right?" Yaozun and others nodded in unison.

On the contrary, those assessment elders and mentors in the main courtyard have black lines, and they have many benefits. They didn't take advantage of the benefits, but they also lost face along with them, it's simply!

At this moment, the examiner wished he could kill the two embarrassing things in front of him with two knives, "Tell me, what did you do when you took bribes, and who were conspired by you?!"

Fortunately, there were only two mouse droppings. If there were more, he couldn't imagine how many talents the main courtyard would lose!
The two trembled, and the examiner raised his head and quickly lowered his head, "No, only one, and we didn't do anything." They didn't dare to do anything, because it was too obvious and easy to be discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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