Chapter 847 Guess Who Is Not

"Besides this, can you think of other things?" Jun Luoxi shook his head helplessly and said, one by one, why is the heart of gossip so strong.

Ganlu and Feifei shook their heads together, "No!" This is the easiest and most obvious thing to do.

The corner of Jun Luoxi's mouth twitched, he ignored them, and looked down at the list.

Soon, the auction started, and the Juexi Auction House became lively all of a sudden. Among these people, some were powerful children who had come to celebrate the city lord Gan's birthday and hadn't left yet.

And in the past few days, the auctions in the auction house have never stopped. In the past few days alone, the income is unimaginable.

"Next, we're going to give you a surprise, the first treasure we added temporarily." After the auction went on for a while, Bai Xiao personally stood on the auction explaining platform.

As soon as he appeared, everyone in the venue was surprised and confused.

What kind of thing is it that can make Master Jian come to the auction in person? This thing must not be simple.

"What is it, what is it? Medicinal medicine is still a good weapon?" Someone began to shout, and the enthusiasm in the venue was once high, and everyone was curious about what was in the box behind him.

Bai Xiao didn't answer in a hurry, but looked around at the crowd. At this time, everyone became quiet inexplicably.

"I don't waste everyone's time, this treasure is a rare item that can be used as medicine, dragon scale!"

"Dragon scales, that's impossible. Dragons are an almost extinct species. The remaining dragon scales can still be used?" The longer the dragon scales and dragon blood leave the body, the less effective they will be.

But under extremely confined conditions, it is not impossible to exist, but this is equivalent to an ancient thing, very precious.

"I heard that the last time someone went to the forest to practice and entered the secret realm, there was a dragon inside, a black dragon! Could it be the dragon scale of that dragon?" The well-informed person immediately became curious.

I have to say, he was right.

"Everyone, please take a look." Bai Xiao neither denied nor confirmed, his only responsibility was to auction off the dragon scale, and at the same time protect Jun Luoxi's identity, but if others found out, he couldn't stop it.

"Black dragon scale, it's black dragon scale!" Someone exclaimed, the breath and power of the dragon lingering on it is not low, it must have peeled off recently.

A group of people stared at the dragon scales greedily and fieryly. Dragon scales and dragon blood can be used as medicine and have extremely powerful effects. Obtaining them is no less than obtaining spiritual grass and spiritual fruit that are rare for more than a thousand years.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Jun Luoxi curled her lips slightly. She understood why those people fought desperately to tame the black dragon before. The whole body of the dragon is full of treasures.

"Three pieces of dragon scales, the starting price is 100 million purple gold coins, and each time the price increases, it must not be less than 100." At the beginning, it was [-] million purple gold coins, which immediately discouraged many people with little money.

However, the good baby is not afraid of not finding customers. Many people present are still very wealthy.

"1000 million purple gold coins, I want it!" Before everyone started shouting, someone yelled, and the quoted price made many people even have no chance to speak.

"5000 million!" Slowly, the price began to increase, and finally the price of the three dragon scales was sold at a price of 9000 million purple gold coins, which was the highest price among all the items auctioned so far.

After the bidder paid, someone delivered the card to Jun Luoxi immediately.

"This is 9000 million purple gold coins, Miss Jun, please have a look." It was still Bai Xiao who delivered it in person.

(End of this chapter)

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