Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 848 Heading to the main courtyard

Chapter 848 Heading to the main courtyard
After receiving the card, Jun Luoxi nodded with a smile, "Thanks for your hard work, Master Bai, you have given me such a great convenience, and I don't like to owe favors, so I will give it to you as a reward."

As she said that, she took out another piece of dragon scale. Even though it is only the size of a palm, it has a very good medicinal effect.

Used in the elixir for recovering injuries, it can heal the wounded at the fastest and best speed, and if it is used in the elixir for breaking the rank, it can greatly increase the possibility of the cultivator's advancement.

Therefore, everything about dragons is so sought after and longed for by humans. Maybe this is also the reason why dragons are extinct, because they are treasure houses for humans.

"We can't accept this." Unexpectedly, Jun Luoxi still had dragon scales in his hands, and he wanted to give them away. Bai Xiao was surprised, but also marveled at her generous behavior.

9000 million purple gold coins and three dragon scales are equivalent to 3000 million purple gold coins. This price is about to catch up with the income of some small countries and small cities for half a year or several months.

Jun Luoxi slightly raised the corners of her lips, "There's nothing wrong with it, or are you looking down on this thing I shot?"

despise?How dare they, it's just that they don't have the guts to accept this thing.

"No, of course not, Miss Jun, don't misunderstand." Bai Xiao said helplessly, how should he explain it, the Lord never said how to deal with this situation.

"That's fine, your master has given me such a big convenience, it's just the hard work of being an auction house." It's not a commission, so it's not a violation of their master's words.

Bai Xiao opened his mouth and finally nodded. He took the box with both hands, "That's it, thank you Miss Jun."

"You're welcome." After that, Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu bought some things in the next auction and left. At the same time, Juexi Auction House immediately reported everything about her here.

After walking out of the auction house, Heilong couldn't help saying: "Master, can you guess who is behind this Juexi auction house?"

Jun Luoxi shook her head, "I can't guess, and I'm not that interested." When the time comes, she will naturally know that since the other party is unwilling to expose herself now, she can't find out, so why waste time and energy.

"Uh, you're real." Ganlu twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, she was already scratching his lungs curiously at what she said, but Jun Luoxi was so calm.

"Really? Why don't I know?" Jun Luoxi smiled, and strode forward. On the street, everyone looked beaming. In a few days, it will be the Chinese New Year. After the Chinese New Year, it is almost time for them to go It's time for the main house.

On the other side, in an elegant and spacious courtyard, the pear tree is still in full bloom, and the courtyard is full of vitality like spring.

There was a stone table under the pear tree, and at this moment, there was a man leaning on top of it. The man was dressed in a dark black brocade suit, and his long ink-like hair was spreading from one side of his body.

The man's skin is fair and handsome, and his face with distinct features is like a sculpture, with edges and corners. At this moment, he is closing his eyes, and the corners of his lips are curved, which sets off that superbly beautiful face even more dazzlingly.

The slightly pursed lips, together with the thick and slightly curly eyelashes that attract the eye even though they are closed, make people wonder what the eyes will look like if they are opened.

The quiet picture, as if it was half still, was so beautiful that it was unreal.

At this moment, a faint sound of footsteps came from a distance, his ears moved slightly, and his eyes slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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