Chapter 869 Extraordinarily jealous
Staring at the attractive eyes like a whirlpool, Jun Luoxi felt that his eyes were out of focus, and his heart couldn't be controlled, so he jumped wildly.

"I don't need to swear or anything. The relationship between two people doesn't need this to maintain." She just wanted to know whether she could reap sincere love without the restraint and influence of external forces.

Li Qianjue's eyes flickered slightly, and the corner of his lips curled up into a slight smile, this little girl, what a good opportunity, she didn't even want him to make an oath, you know, if you make an oath, you will be unable to break free for the rest of your life.

How many people dreamed of his oath, but she chose not to.

He decided that this little girl is the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life, and the jade pendant is the best proof, otherwise, after so many years, why did he just meet her and yell at her, and he violated his principles again and again.

Mother, is she the one you sent to your baby? It should be.

"What are you laughing at?" Feeling that Li Qianjue's smile was a little different, for some reason, Jun Luoxi began to get slightly nervous.

Without answering Jun Luoxi's words, Li Qianjue squeezed her hand lightly, kissed the back of it lightly and said, "It hurts a bit, it will be fine soon."

"What? Hiss." Feeling the tingling pain from the palm of her hand, Jun Luoxi couldn't help frowning, okay, what are you doing to cut her palm, this man can't suck blood, right?
Just when he had this thought in his mind, Li Qianjue cut the palm of his other palm and stuck it on it, muttering more than just what it was.

In the next second, Jun Luoxi felt that there seemed to be a faint connection in his mind.

"What are you doing?"

"Love Deed" Li Qianjue hooked his lips and opened Jun Luoxi's palm. The original wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but under the flesh, a pink wound was formed, which was very shallow. If you don't look carefully Can't see it at all.

"A love contract?" Jun Luoxi's eyes were blank. This is the first time she has heard of this strange contract. Does it have any effect?

The so-called love contract is a contract made by two people who love each other. It has the effect of spiritual overlap, but it requires two people to get along day and night. In addition, when one of them is in danger of life, the other can feel it.

And follow the intuition to find each other quickly.

"Yes, Qing Qi, now you and I have each other's blood in our bodies, it is a kind of testimony, there can only be one Qing Qi in our life, wild girl, you can't escape!"

Jun Luoxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Dare you, are you using despicable means to detain me?" It must be more than that, but it doesn't matter, she firmly believes that Li Qian will never hurt herself.

"Despicable is just an adjective. In terms of behavior, there is no such thing as despicable or despicable." Besides, he is not the kind of person who cares about what other people think.

"So, with this bond, you won't be able to restrict my freedom?"

Li Qianjue nodded, "My blood in your body will only let you down." As he spoke, he whispered in Jun Luoxi's ear, "I can't leave me even more."

"Bah, why don't you say it's the same for you?" You can't leave him, how about you deceive yourself? If you don't love anymore, even if you are together, there is no emotion to say. Love is deep, regardless of time, space and place.

"I don't say anything, but you can understand, we really have a tacit understanding," Li Qianjue said with pursed lips.

"." This man must have done it on purpose!
But fortunately, the conflict that happened this time was quickly resolved by the two of them. Perhaps, this is also the reason why the relationship between the two is growing day by day.

(End of this chapter)

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