Chapter 870 Arriving at Youdu City

Two people who are together are originally two independent individuals. If they want to get along with each other, they have to get along first. It is difficult for two people with independent thinking to understand each other.

And this requires every collision, resolution, smoothing the edges and corners, and understanding each other, so that there will be no repeated conflicts and affect each other's feelings.

Not long after, the two joined hands, sat on the big tree together and watched the stars, looked at the stars, cuddled each other, and gradually fell asleep.

When Jun Luoxi closed his eyes and his breathing became long, Li Qianjue slowly opened those deep pupils, and his pretty thin lips pursed into a curve.

With a slight movement of his hand, a thick cloak appeared. He gently wrapped it around Jun Luoxi's body, and pulled her into his arms.

In the warm and comfortable position, Jun Luoxi's breathing became deeper, while Li Qianjue, looking at the peaceful sleeping face in his arms, slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing that they didn't come back for a long time, Ganlu went back to her tent to rest, guarded in Jinyi in the first half of the night, and guarded in the second half of the night in Yueyu Luotian, and Jun Luoxi and the two returned all night until dawn.

We are all adults, and sometimes we all have wild dreams, but this is someone else's business, not the person involved, so we have no right to comment.

"Well, good morning everyone." Gan Lu Sui Yan came out of the tent in a daze, looked around but did not see Jun Luoxi and the others, and swept away all the drowsiness at once.

She blinked her eyes, "Hey, Luoxi and the others haven't come back yet?"


"We're back." Not far away at this time, Jun Luoxi and Li Qianjue walked side by side, their hair was stained with some dew, and it seemed that they had been out all night.

Jin Yi stared at a pair of panda eyes and lifted the curtain of the tent, "I thought you guys weren't going to come back."

"I have such a plan, but Luoxi doesn't want to leave my companion behind," Li Qianjue said indifferently, otherwise, he would have used his own flying monster to take her away directly, and he would have to wait until now.

The corner of Jin Yi's mouth twitched, damn man, can you please stop talking.

"Okay, stop talking. After eating, everyone is ready to go." Just like that, Li Qianjue was added to the team. Until they arrived in Youdu City, neither Jinyi nor Yueyu Luotian could be like before. Luoxi is very close.

"Master, we are here." In a restaurant that is not particularly luxurious, Jun Luoxi opened the door and walked in. It was agreed before that they would gather here, and Mu Tianhan and the others should have come with their master, so they must also stay. Here, and no one else.

As soon as he walked in, a fierce move came towards Jun Luoxi, and before she could make a move, Li Qianjue dispelled it, "Who!" How dare to hurt the little girl in front of him.

"It's you?"

Two voices sounded in unison, Xue Qingkuang and Li Qianjue stared at each other, with an aura of anger lingering around them.

It's like two enemies meeting each other with jealousy.

"Jeez, master is joking with me." Her family's master is like this, and he will attack her at any time, and it is also to train her resilience.

She knew, but Li Qian never knew, but even if he knew, he would pretend not to know.

What kind of master is this, I hate it!
"Just kidding, I don't believe it! The strike is so ruthless, is there anyone who teaches apprentices like this?" Maybe they will get hurt.

Li Qianjue felt annoyed at the thought of Jun Luoxi growing up in such a situation, and that he must have suffered from big and small injuries on weekdays.

In fact, it is normal for practitioners to have bumps and bumps, and everyone will encounter them.

(End of this chapter)

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