Chapter 871 The eyes are not right

It's just that it's a normal thing, and different people will naturally have different understandings.

For example, Li Qianjue, seeing Xue being frivolous and displeased, naturally felt that he disliked everything he did.

"I don't need you, an outsider, to take care of how I teach my disciples, girl, come to me." Xue raised her eyebrows frivolously, this brat has such a bad attitude, how can this be done.

On weekdays, she might be domineering to the little girl, absolutely not, the little girl wants to find someone who treats her well and pampers her, not such a tough guy!

"This deity is not an outsider, doesn't the girl master know it very well?" Li Qianjue curled his lips in triumph. It's not like the one in front of him has never heard Jun Luoxi declare that he is her man.

For a moment, the two looked at Jun Luoxi, waiting for her answer.

The corner of Jun Luoxi's mouth twitched fiercely, and he glanced at the venerables, Mu Tianhan and others who were watching the show, and walked towards them.

"Don't look at me. It's rare for you two to meet. If you want to have a fight, find a spacious place. Otherwise, if you break something in this store, you need to pay for it. I can't afford it, or do you pay for it yourself?"

When the unexpected words came out, not only the venerables were stunned, but even Mu Tianhan Jinyi and the others were very surprised.

I thought it would be very embarrassing for her. After all, one is my man and the other is my master. It is commonly known that the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh.

"Alright, let's just be the referee, absolutely fair and just!" Yao Zun said with a smile, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

The corner of Long Li's mouth twitched suddenly, Master, it's immoral to add fuel to the flames.

Li Qianjue and Xue Qingkuang glared at each other bitterly, "I won't fight with him, just a kid, he's not sensible, I don't care about him."

"I don't want to fight you either. If I fight with you, it will be bloody. You are Master Luoxi. You can't let others say that I bully the old man."

Hearing the word old, Xue frivolously frowned, "Can you speak? What is old? Girl, look, whoever you are looking for doesn't respect you as a teacher at all." .

Jun Luoxi glanced at Li Qianjue helplessly. After all, he is a master, so why don't you save face?

"The old man mentioned by the deity means respect, or else he would just call him old man."

"What? Say it again, I promise I won't kill you!" Xue frivolously raised her sleeves, gearing up for a fight, but was immediately stopped by Shou Zun and the others.

No, no, you have to control it, otherwise everyone will not be able to think about peace today.

Jun Luoxi helped her forehead helplessly, forget it, why did she forget that Li Qianjue is such an arrogant bastard, it is not so easy to compromise.

"Okay, don't quarrel, if you quarrel again, go out and quarrel, so as not to be upset."

Li Qianjue walked over with a smile, "Okay, listen to me, I won't quarrel with him."

"I don't want to quarrel with you yet!" Xue frivolously glared at Li Qianjue, this stinky brat, he really needs to be educated, otherwise, he will be very upset!

Afterwards, Jin Yi and Yue Yu Luo Tian were briefly introduced, and everyone sat down to eat.

With Li Qianjue, the presence of these two people has been greatly reduced.

After drinking and eating, the next day, the people sent by the main courtyard led Jun Luoxi and the others to the main courtyard by different routes.

There are a lot of people recruiting this time, if they all set off together, the formation would be too huge, so they all set off in batches and set off at different time slots, except for Jun Luoxi and the others, there are still people who have not yet arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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