Chapter 872 Special Approaches
"Woman, see you at the academy" When Li Qianjue was about to leave Youdu City, Li Qianjue said this to Jun Luoxi, meaning that he didn't intend to go with her, but would meet at the academy.

Looking at Li Qianjue puzzled, Jun Luoxi blinked his eyes, "Huh? Aren't you a recruit student of the college?" She thought at least he was before.

Li Qianjue pursed his lips, "I didn't want to go to that place before."

"Then now" is also true. Li Qianjue's strength is very rare in the main academy. There is really no need to go to the academy to study, it is better to do what you like.

"There's you there now, I'll accompany you." Li Qianjue's eyes were so gentle that water dripped out, making Jun Luoxi blush and heartbeat.

There is no way, when you meet such a handsome man, if you have nothing to say, you will be seduced.

She curled her lips, "Actually, there's no need, I'm not a child." She thought that Li Qianjue was from the academy, so she came here, or she just came to meet her, and then went back, who would have thought that she would go to the academy with her .

"I know, I won't hinder you" He knew that his little girl wanted to grow up and soar into the sky, so he would not do anything to hinder her growth.

To put it bluntly, he just wants to witness her growth, watch her work hard, and then protect her when necessary, it's as simple as that, because watching her grow is also a sense of pride.

From the first time I saw her, she was weak but still confident, to now being able to stand alone, her growth shocked him, her progress made him curious, and he really wanted to see how powerful was hidden in this thin body strength.

"Trust me," Li Qianjue added after a pause.

"I know" Since he has already said that, she has nothing else to ask, whether to stay or not is Li Qianjue's freedom.

Just like that, Li Qianjue left temporarily, but Xue Qingkuang didn't know about it.

"Well, without that brat being an eyesore, I feel that the air is much fresher," Xue frivolously said loudly deliberately.

Fatty squatted on Jun Luoxi's head, closed his eyes and meditated. Hearing the words, he opened his eyes, "Master, master, stop duplicity. He is obviously there, so someone can argue with you."

It's not the kind that is so strong that you can't see each other and can't tolerate each other. It's just a head-on confrontation, not to be outdone.

"Cut, who can't bicker with, it has to be that brat?" Xue frivolously defended immediately, how many brothers could he bicker with?

"Forget it, I won't expose you," Fatty said, continuing to close his eyes, while Yaozun and others, together with Mu Tianhan and the others, looked at the sky and the ground, but did not look at Xue's frivolous eyes.

There was no words all the way, following the leader's footsteps, they arrived at the main courtyard three days later. The structure of the main courtyard is similar to that of the branch courtyard. The main courtyard is after the market.

When they were in Youdu City, the leader issued a pass order to Jun Luoxi and the others, which was the same as the identity badge in the branch school. With this thing, they could enter and leave the academy.

Recognize the sign, or recognize the person, unless you are a prominent figure in the academy, who can let the unselfish guards let you go.

"Xi'er" Just as Jun Luoxi and the others were queuing up to enter the academy, a familiar voice sounded, followed by Li Qianjue who appeared behind her.

He jumped in line without hesitation, however, Ganlu smiled and didn't say a word, she had already been bribed by the conditions promised by Li Qianjue.

She didn't speak, and the others didn't say anything. In addition, Li Qianjue's aura was very strong, and he felt like a stranger should not enter. At a time like this, who would have trouble with a powerful person?

(End of this chapter)

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