Chapter 873

"You bastard, you really linger!" Xue frivolously glared at Li Qianjue very dissatisfied, didn't they all get out, what else are you doing here, can't let your disciples practice and study hard.

Don't know if you are indulging in love, you will lose your direction and goals.

In fact, Xue frivolously rejected Li Qianjue for another reason. He was afraid that Jun Luoxi's strength would not improve, and the other party approached her because of her looks.

In the future, when strength is the main priority, he will change his mind when he encounters someone who is stronger and not inferior to his apprentice, so he rejects it, and it is also a temptation.

It is said that the parents of the world are pitiful, but at the moment, Xue is frivolous and has good intentions.

Li Qianjue raised his eyebrows slightly, "Master Xi'er, why didn't you say that my true feelings can be learned from the world?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Jun Luoxi immediately yelled to stop, "Stop making trouble, you have to look at the place if you want to make trouble?" The two of them listened to what she said, so they didn't say anything.

Soon Xue Qingkuang and Jun Luoxi arrived, and they showed their identity badges. Her disciple's identity was different from Xue Qingkuang's. It was obvious that the guards had more respect for Xue Qingkuang.

"Please show your ID card." When the guard looked at Li Qianjue, he was struck by his stern aura. After being stern, he spoke immediately, and he must not forget his duty.

Li Qianjue raised his eyebrows, and took out a black, palm-sized irregular jade tablet, and he didn't know what kind of animal it was engraved on.

The guard just started to frown, and when he was about to say something as a joke, the one next to him, a little older and calmer than him, immediately said, "Okay, that's fine, please come in."

"Heh" Li Qianjue flipped his palm, and the sign disappeared, leaving only the guard with a masked face.

"Why are you in a daze, keep going" his companion reminded him, and then he checked Ganlu's identity badge.

Just at this time, Jun Luoxi looked back and saw that his brand was different from hers, and couldn't help but be puzzled, "Are you a college student or a tutor?"

"Neither of them." Li Qianjue pursed his lips, his eyes full of mystery.

"then you."

Li Qianjue stretched out his finger and raised it on his lips, "Shhh, you will know when the time comes." The face under the mask was hidden, but those eyes were still so captivating.

"If you don't say it, I'm not curious." She was just asking, and as she said that, she walked inside. Because Xue Frivolous and the others were different from her, when they learned that he was coming, the academy sent someone to receive them.

Not far away, they saw a group of people surrounding them, exclamating from time to time. Out of curiosity, the two decided to go. Anyway, the college has already made their class arrangements, so just read the announcement at that time.

"Such a superb painter is amazing, so what, brother, can you draw me one too? How much is it?" A woman looked at the portraits displayed with envy.

Above, without exception, the paintings are all beautiful women and men.

"I don't need money to paint, but who to paint is up to me, you guys." The man's voice was very arrogant, "I don't paint!"

When he turned his eyes, he happened to meet Jun Luoxi who was walking over, his eyes straightened, he pushed aside the crowd, and ran towards her.

"Beauty, beauty!"

Suddenly a person came running, calling you a beauty, still looking like that, you don't need to think about it, you know it's a hooligan, Jun Luoxi's brows suddenly furrowed fiercely.

But Li Qianjue was even more decisive, stretched out his fist, and flicked his sleeves at the man, a powerful madness swept over him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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