Chapter 876 Pick a Reward
Huaxian looked at Jun Luoxi in shock, and stammered, "You, what are you doing, return the painting to me!"

"Return? I am the one who drew this painting, not you, why should I return it to you?" Jun Luoxi looked innocent.

"But the painting was drawn by me, so I can't give it to you. If you want it, I'll copy it and give it to you later! I will give back to the beauties, don't worry." Thinking that Jun Luoxi fell in love with this painting, Hua Xian naive way.


"How can a copy be compared with the first hand, I don't want it, this painting is better, thank you, your painting is really good, if you keep working hard, you may become a great painter in the world in the future!"

Saying that, Jun Luoxi mischievously looked at Li Qianjiu and strode forward.

Huaxian stopped her all of a sudden, "How can you be like this? I didn't say I would give you the painting. Besides, I can guarantee that the painting will be exactly the same!" The difference is not too big.

Jun Luoxi shook her head, "Why can't I do this? You said you wanted to paint me, and I agreed, but you didn't say that you would leave my portrait to you, right, so let's be honest, ah!"


"If you deny it, I'll take it as if you agreed. After painting so many beauties, it's not an exaggeration to make a special case for me? Great painter?" Hua Xian, who was a little dizzy from Jun Luoxi's praise, nodded subconsciously.

When she reacted, Jun Luoxi quickly thanked her, took her leave, and left in one go, so that he didn't even have a chance to regret it.

"Eh? I am dignified, but I fell on a woman's head?" He murmured in his heart, looking at Jun Luoxi's leaving back, thoughtfully.

"You like it, I'll draw it for you in the future." Li Qian despaired at Jun Luoxi, who had a smile on his lips, and felt a little unhappy. Although the painting was taken back, he was very upset!
Jun Luoxi raised his eyebrows, and immediately knew that this guy was delicious again, and couldn't help but feel ashamed, how could there be such a possessive man in the world.

"Okay, I have no objection, but if you dare to be ugly, I will never end with you!" Jun Luoxi pretended to be fierce.

Li Qianjue immediately beamed with joy, "Of course not." In his heart, she is the most beautiful.

In this way, the two left here, and soon joined Ganlu and the others. Just now, he and Li Qianjue walked too fast, the college was big, and they were separated for a while.

"Luo Xi, where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time." Really, it's so sad that you don't want sisters when you have a man.

"Walk around casually, sorry, I didn't notice that you were lost," Jun Luoxi smiled and said.

Gan Lu waved her hand, "It's okay, oh yes, I just met Xue Zun, and he asked me to tell you, gather at the Jubao Pavilion in the main courtyard at Shenshi" Shenshi, 3 to 5 pm modern time.

"What are you going to Jubao Pavilion for?" Jun Luoxi asked strangely. Hearing the name, it must be the place where all kinds of good things from the other side of the academy are located. There should be someone guarding that place, and it is not easy to approach.

"You forgot, you are the No. 1 recruit in the branch school. The top ten are rewarded. You can choose freely. Let you go. It must be for this." Xue Zun's implication is also the same.

At this time, Feifei flew out of the Warcraft space, slipped his pocket on Jun Luoxi's shoulder, and slipped into the pocket, "Woman, let's go, let's pick the baby."

The so-called rewards are just treasures, and I don't know what good things there are in the main courtyard. Last time, it saw a lot of good things in the branch courtyard, and helped Jun Luoxi get a lot of good things.

"Well, let's go then." Jun Luoxi nodded, seeing that the time is about the same, it's better not to be late.

At this time, Li Qianjue stopped, "I won't go, I have some things to do, Luoxi, can you do it by yourself?"

"Okay, no problem, you go do your thing, you don't have to worry about me" It's not a child, you need to take care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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