Chapter 877

Li Qianjue looked at Jun Luoxi tenderly, "Okay, you can go."

Watching Jun Luoxi leave his sight, he turned and walked towards the other direction of the college. When he came to the college, he also had something he needed to do next.

Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu asked the former students and disciples, and immediately found the location of the Treasure Pavilion.

"Girl is here" From a distance, seeing Jun Luoxi, Xue frivolously smiled, and he felt at ease when he couldn't see Li Qianjue, an eyesore.

Mu Tianhan and the others greeted Jun Luoxi, "Junior Sister Luoxi, you are here."

"Well, I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long." Jun Luoxi apologized, and everyone gathered here, probably waiting for a long time.

Like Jiang Han, they had already arrived early, but whether it was Jun Luoxi's No.1 strength or Xue's frivolous disciple, even if they were late, they felt depressed and didn't dare to say anything.

"It's okay, we just arrived, and the person who led us hasn't come yet." Long Li explained, at this moment, two people came from a distance, and they looked like they were elders from the main courtyard.

They took a quick look at Xue Qingkuang and the others, with a smile on their faces, "These must be the five new sages. I have admired their names for a long time, and seeing them today is really extraordinary. The main courtyard welcomes you."

"Thank you, what's your name?" Yaozun, who looked older, greeted with a smile.

The two elders immediately looked in awe, "Let's call them elders. There are too many elders in the college. You may not remember their names. Wait for a long time. Please invite some of you."

Gan Lu smiled and waved to Jun Luoxi, "Go ahead, I'll wait for you outside." It's not that she won't be rewarded for being in the top ten, but the academy will train her, which is part of the benefits.

"Well, let's go." Hearing that he was going in, Jun Luoxi and the others couldn't help but get excited. The Treasure Pavilion in the main courtyard must have unusual treasures.

There were eight guards guarding outside the Treasure Pavilion, and when they saw the two elders appear, they still had no expression on their faces, "passing order!" Without a passing order, they are not allowed to enter, if they insist on coming, they will be dealt with as intruders.

"Please look." The two elders took out two plaques and explained: "We were ordered to bring the top ten disciples and five holy venerables who were the top ten in the admissions competition of the eating branch to the Treasure Pavilion to choose the prizes."

The eight guards checked the two tokens in turn, and there was nothing unusual before they nodded, "No problem, let's go in" and returned the tokens to the two elders.

Afterwards, the gate of the Treasure Pavilion was opened, and there were still guards scattered around the courtyard. When they saw them coming in, they were slightly surprised and continued to patrol.

This is the treasure house of the academy, so it is natural to be cautious.

"Several, please come with us." The two elders led them into a separate pavilion at the end of the yard, took out the key, and opened the door. The guards were only responsible for guarding, which could avoid the occurrence of guards and theft.

Afterwards, they entered the Treasure Pavilion, and at the first glance, they were dazzled by all kinds of treasures neatly piled up inside.

These treasures were arranged as neatly as possible according to their size and functions. The whole room was full of treasures of all kinds and strange shapes, and correspondingly there were small books for explaining the functions of the treasures.

"On this floor, the bottom four can choose two items at will, one to three can choose four items, and four to six can choose three items," the two elders said smilingly.

(End of this chapter)

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