Chapter 899 Insufficient Greed
After eating and drinking enough, this group of people looked at the quiet surroundings, no monsters disturbing, no skeletons chasing after them, a little moved to the point of tears.

It's not easy. These days, they haven't had a good night's sleep. Now that they are full, they really want to take a good rest.

But they also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. If those skeletons were really attracted by the sound of the flute by mistake, they would be in great trouble if they came later.

"Let's go!" The leader saw that everyone's spirits were quite good, and he felt that his decision was correct, and he was not in a good state, so he couldn't cope with the next thing.

The forest has been walking for many days, no matter how wide it is, it should be approaching the edge, they have to stick to the end!
Everyone followed in his footsteps and began to walk forward.

"Idiot! This direction is going to the inner circle, really!" After seeing the actions of these people, Shui Qing in the dark couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

You're stupid, didn't you realize that the more you went inside, the more skeletons there were?Moreover, is it an idiot who leads the way!If you can't see this, how can you not see the structure of the surrounding trees?

The farther you go, the taller the trees are!Warcraft are rare and powerful at the same time!

Well, they really don't know. To be precise, the surrounding environment and tree structure are very different from what they have seen. In addition, being chased by skeletons, they often change their routes.

Over time, they have lost their way without knowing it.

After helping their foreheads helplessly, Shui Qingqing had no choice but to keep up. At the same time, he used skeletons to change their routes as much as possible. This method was not bad, and gradually turned them on the right track.

But this different skeleton attack makes these people think that they are approaching the periphery. They feel that, like the monsters, the strength of the periphery is lower, so they start to panic.

"Senior brother, I found a lot of good spiritual herbs around here, maybe it's because no one has set foot here, the age is not low, not as good as us," one person said greedily.

When everyone heard this, they immediately became excited. During the time of fleeing for their lives, their elixir was almost exhausted. If they had these spirit herbs, if they went out and refined them into elixir, it would not be considered as nothing.

The man in the lead frowned, "I think it's urgent, let's leave here, if there is a chance, come back next time." For some reason, he always felt that someone was following them.

"Brother, I know that you are doing it for everyone's benefit, but you should also know the importance of these spiritual herbs to everyone!" Some other people spoke, and most of them immediately echoed.

"That's right, it won't take a long time to dig some spiritual grass, not to mention we're not going to the outside, we'll get out soon!"

Those who would rather die than the spirit grass retorted: "I still think what the brother said is right, let's get out of this damn place first." If you don't get out of the forest, all accidents may happen.

"Then why don't you go first, brothers, and we'll catch up later?" They wanted Lingcao, and they would never give up.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party's consent, he turned around and left. Seeing this, the others followed one after another, for fear that it would be too late and the spirit grass would lose their share.

The man in the lead frowned, "In this case, if you want to stay, stay, and if you want to leave, keep up!" At this time, the choice is your own, and what you will face is luck.

Seeing this scene, the eyes with clear water became even colder!The location of those spirit herbs is protected by monsters, and while he distracted the skeletons, he also temporarily attracted the attention of monsters.

But I didn't expect these people to be so greedy!
(End of this chapter)

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