Chapter 900

Those who are not greedy can easily die.

"Humans do it for money, dead birds do it for food, hehe" Shui Qing sneered, watching quietly, if it was a skeleton, he would not let it out, and deal with these monsters if he had the skills!

As for how much he can survive, that's not up to him!At the same time, let them know one thing well, that is, they are going in the wrong direction.

"This spiritual herb is really good, we have made a fortune!" People say that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing. They may belong to this kind, and you will see a rainbow after the storm.

The others thought deeply, took out their tools, and quickly dug these spiritual grasses, their eyes were full of excitement, and they ignored the danger of approaching.

"Ah!" As long as someone screamed, they raised their heads and began to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be startled when you look at it, and at some point, there are already a few extremely huge monsters around them, drooling at the moment, watching them covetously.

No, it should be staring at them like you would stare at delicious food.

"Damn it! How did such a powerful monster appear? We...have come to the periphery." They are about to walk out of the forest, no, this must be an illusion.

Being stared at by these people, the Warcraft began to become fierce!Some Warcraft, you look at it, it can feel the fear and timidity revealed in your eyes.

Therefore, they will choose the time to attack. Whoever said that monsters are dull, but when they are smart, even humans will feel inferior!

"Gudu!" Someone subconsciously let go, and the excavated spiritual grass fell to the ground immediately. The monsters saw it, and their eyes became more bloodthirsty. These spiritual grasses are the food for their promotion, and they are the treasures they protect.

Now, babies are coveted and destroyed, it's no wonder they are not angry!
"I think we may have gone the wrong way." The group of people who realized it later realized that the spirit grass they encountered before was obviously not so good.

As soon as the words came out, everyone thought about it carefully, and felt that there was a possibility. They were going in the general direction, but the surrounding terrain was strange, and they were not familiar with it.

They regretted it immediately, they knew that they should leave with their brothers, not here.

"What should I do?" Someone lowered his voice and said, holding a weapon, ready to fight at any time.

"Of course it's running!" Their direction was wrong before, but starting from these two days, it should be correct, just run!

However, how could these monsters give up, and immediately rushed towards them, the slow ones were directly held down by the palms of the monsters, and with a click, their heads were bitten off and eaten by the monsters!
Shui looked at all this clearly and coldly, "If you follow my route, you will be fine. You have to make your own decisions."

Don't give them a hard time, thinking that without the skeleton, they are not in danger.

Nether Realm is not the place where these "people" should come!

The sound of fighting soon sounded here, and the bloody smell permeated this place, and those who left early were far away at this moment, but they could still vaguely hear the sound.

"Brother, something seems to have happened to them. I seem to have heard the voice of a monster." Someone said, asking the leading man if he wanted to go back to support him.

He pursed his lips, and a dark light flashed in his eyes, "They are many people and powerful, so they probably don't need us, just wait for them ahead." If they can't wait, it proves that something happened.

"That's right, let's go" Because of their selfish desires and the danger they found themselves, what has it to do with them?At this time, of course, your own safety is the most important thing!

(End of this chapter)

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