Chapter 115 Untitled (1)
Father Amao is a kind old man, and he didn't blame Mingyu for coming here after more than half a month. After chatting with Mingyu for a while, he asked Mingyu to come here to learn crafts when he was free. When Mingyu came back, He even asked Mingyu to take back the things he brought over.

Thinking of the stern-faced old man, Mingyu sighed, this was a gift from exchange, and the farm didn't have a good thing at all, and now the old man doesn't accept eggs, but it's very worrying.

But then, when Mingyu saw the oil residue in the kitchen bowl, she suddenly became bright. Before that, she was thinking of making steamed buns, but Xiaoyong sent some dried mushrooms picked up from the mountain, which can be used as shiitake mushrooms. Steamed stuffed buns with oily residue, when they are ready, take some and send them to Papa Amao, you won’t be stubborn about not accepting them!

Thinking of it like this, Mingyu started making noodles. Although she is not from the north, she can still make simple buns.

And when she just came out of the orphanage, her first job was to work in the canteen of the middle school in the county seat. In the canteen, the lunch and dinner dishes don't need her as a little girl to cook, but the steamed stuffed bun can be served early in the morning. If you want them to do it, you will naturally learn a hand.

To be honest, although I haven't eaten the oil-dregs buns, they are considered meat anyway, and they have been fried. I can't eat decent meat buns, but these oil-dregs buns and dumplings are very rare in the village.

Mingyu was chopping up the stuffing, and that was all she could do to comfort herself.

Before the noodles were finished, Mingyu remembered the incident of meeting Wu Cai on the road, and her heart tightened, and then she felt that there was no man in the house, it was really very unsafe, it seemed that she should really listen to Aunt Xu, While you are young, quickly find a man for yourself.

"Mingyu, are you at home, open the door?"

Just when Ming Yu was thinking wildly and thinking about men, Shi Shi's shout came from outside, Ming Yu hurriedly wiped his hands, and walked out, seeing Shi Shi standing at the gate of the courtyard with a basket in his hands.

"Xiaoshi, why are you here?"

Shi Shi smiled heartily, handed the basket in front of Mingyu, and lifted the cloth on it, "No, these are just collected from the field, my mother asked you to bring some over."

What was in the basket was none other than edamame, and it was still a shelled bean. Looking at the green and tender beans, Mingyu salivated unconsciously. Because the time was wrong and there were no seeds at home, she There are no edamame, and even now they only grow peas.

"Why did you peel off the shell and send it over?"

Mingyu took the basket unceremoniously, and brought Shi Shi into the yard, thinking that the beans might be peeled by Grandma Wang, and Shi Shi's words also proved her idea.

Shi Shi opened his mouth and smiled, "Hey, I don't have the time, it's not because of my grandma, she's worried that you won't be able to keep up!"

Suddenly Si Shi saw the dough Mingyu made and the stuffing on one side, and said in surprise: "Mingyu, are you going to make buns or dumplings?"

This is not a big festival, why did it come up, Shi Shi looked at Mingyu with some disapproval, thinking that Mingyu spent money recklessly because she made money today, but she knew that this time the wine was sold It was exceptionally good, and I heard Xiaoyong secretly tell her that Mingyu bought meat buns in the town today, and this prodigal bitch is going to change back to her previous appearance, right?

Shi Shi frowned when he thought of Mingyu who didn't know how to be frugal before, and he was worried, and he hesitated to speak when he looked at Mingyu.

"Hey, Xiaoshi, what's wrong with you, I can't make buns anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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