Chapter 116 Untitled (2)
Mingyu couldn't understand why Shi Shi's face changed so suddenly, looking at the bowl of dough he made, he didn't think there was anything wrong with making a bun, let alone the filling was oily residue!

However, Mingyu didn't wait for Shishi's reply. Looking at the expression on the other side's hesitation, he knew that Shishi probably had something to say, so Mingyu simply went on to say: "I went to Papa Amao today, I just sent a few eggs and a piece of meat, which was considered a teacher's gift, but my father was very stubborn and refused to accept it. It happened that there was still some oily residue in the house, so Xiaoyong gave me some shiitake mushrooms, so I wanted to make some Baozi, take it to Dad."

So, she really didn't start making buns because she was greedy.

Huh, it turned out to be like this. Hearing Mingyu's explanation, Shi Shi subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. She just said, Mingyu has changed so much, how could she change back again.

Her relieved expression was so obvious that Mingyu couldn't bear to look at her even more. She felt a little embarrassed and ashamed for the epic, and felt that she questioned her good friend, which was too inappropriate.

So in order to express his apology, Shi Shi saw Mingyu handling the beans and hurried forward, "Hey, Mingyu, you haven't made the stuffing for the buns yet, leave this to me, I'll help you!"

"Huh? It's almost lunch time, don't you want to go back and cook?"

Looking at the epic who suddenly became affectionate, Mingyu was even more sure that the epic must have concealed something just now. About her making steamed buns, could it be that it is really a sin to make steamed stuffed buns at home?
Although Mingyu knew that steamed buns made of pork were expensive, and most people would not do this, but how did they know that the villagers were used to simplicity, and this flour was an expensive thing, although every household would buy some, but It is not something that can be eaten at will.

Steamed buns and dumplings are eaten during big festivals like Chinese New Year, or when doing good deeds, when guests come to the house, workers, and masters are invited. Like Mingyu, she makes steamed stuffed buns on a daily basis. There are really very few, almost none, and in the eyes of others, it is a very extravagant performance.

Besides, although the shiitake mushrooms are not worth much, the oil residue is a good dish that can be served even if there are guests on weekdays. Isn't it too wasteful and extravagant to just make buns like this?
"Hey, I can't use me in the kitchen work at home now. Grandma has taken care of it all. Oh, my parents are right. An old man is like a treasure!"

Epic squinted her eyes happily. Since grandma moved into the house, although the room is a bit crowded, I have to say that this housework has become much easier. She used to be too busy all day long, and was so tired I can't straighten my back, but after grandma comes, she can't do most of the work, so life is so easy.

The corners of Mingyu's mouth twitched, can the word "feeling" be understood in this way?
Suddenly Mingyu thought of Wu Cai, and paused, "By the way, I went to Amao's father's place today, and I met Wu Cai on the way. The way that man looked at me wished he could eat me up. I was worried that he would eat me." If you have any thoughts, you should be more careful when you go out in the future, but don't go alone in the remote place."

Mingyu is not sure whether Wu Cai will find her alone, or whether he will count the historians, but he should be more careful.

"What? Wu Cai is still in the village, and you met him. Didn't it mean that he left the village with Mu Sang and went to live in a big courtyard in the town?"

Hearing Wu Cai's name, Shi Shi almost jumped up, "Then what to do, I heard from my father that Wu Cai is not a good guy, and the people in the village don't have much contact with him except the lame man, he is still like that. Look at you, it's okay, Mingyu, it's too dangerous for you to live here alone, or..."

Shi Shi just wanted to say, let Mingyu live in her house, and then remembered that there is no place in her house now. Although she can sleep with her, she can't say anything about bathing, eating, etc., but although she didn't say anything, But Shi Shi thought in his heart, he would discuss it with his parents when he got home soon, so he couldn't rest assured that Mingyu lived here alone!
Mingyu doesn't know the idea of ​​the epic, but it is impossible for her to live in the historian's house. If she lives with her girlfriends for a day or two, there is no problem, but if she wants to live for a long time, no matter how good the relationship is, how can she bear it? It's not a big family, and it can fully afford the food and lodging of one more person.

Mingyu thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure if he stayed in the village, maybe he came back to pack his things?"

Looking at the epic, Mingyu still looked worried, Mingyu didn't want to make everyone panic when nothing happened, so she persuaded: "Don't worry, no matter how bad Wu Cai is, he can't be in broad daylight." It’s not right what you do next, I’ll be more careful during the day.”

"If it's at night." Mingyu smiled slyly, "Hey, it's not that you don't know the situation of my house. I guarantee that Wu Cai can't even touch the door of my house. I'll go to the village chief to find out later to see if Wu Cai is still there. Village chief, it would be better if we were not here, if we are still here, we are thinking of a way to prevent the other party from thinking about us."

Shi Shi has already made plans, and will discuss it with her parents when she returns home, so now that Mingyu said this, she nodded along with the trend, and she didn't want Mingyu to panic.

(End of this chapter)

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