Chapter 117 Oil residue buns (1)
It was still early, so Mingyu decided to leave Shi Shi to help her make buns. After waiting, she could take some back home, saving her from being nagged by Grandma Wang again.

While waiting for the dough to rise, Si Shi had already finished the beans. Mingyu looked at these green beans and thought of the edamame he made at home before, and immediately drooled, and immediately took out the few peppers he had saved. There are a lot of them, although the only material is chili, but the most important thing is this little thing, and the others are not that important.

Seeing Mingyu took out a handful of red peppers, Shi Shi was taken aback, "Ah, Mingyu, why do you like this food? It's so choking, spicy, and irritating. How can you bear it?" ?”

"Ha, it's okay, the big deal is to drink more licorice tea after eating."

She herself is not very good at spicy food, but this annoying little thing makes people love and hate it so much, eat it, and toss herself to death, with tears and snot, but if it is missing, there will still be food. It's really not good at all, and it doesn't taste right.

She also just found out that it's not that there are no people in the village who don't know chili peppers, but that the people in this place can't eat spicy food at all, not to mention getting angry and getting acne, if it's serious, it's worth spending money to buy medicine. , No one can accept such a loss and suffering, so it is not surprising that there are almost no peppers in this place.

She said, there are wild peppers on the mountain, why no one has them in the vegetable garden.

Remembering that Mingyu came from far away, Shi Shi thought that maybe the people on their side ate this, so he didn't persuade Mingyu not to eat this scary thing, but looked at Mingyu with a handful of food. The peppers were all chopped up, and he was going to make a sauce with a spoonful of bean paste for the pot, so he escaped directly from the kitchen.

Ever since she had lunch at Mingyu's place and watched Mingyu cook, she was choked by the chili pepper, every time she saw this thing, she couldn't help but run away, it was too scary, wasn't it?

Mingyu looked at Si Shi with a funny face and backed away, calmly set fire to stir-fry chili sauce, smelled the spicy smell wafting in the air, took a deep breath, it was so fragrant, what should I do if I want to eat it now.

The buns were ready just at noon, Mingyu divided the buns into three portions, only two of the buns were kept for herself to eat, and there were eleven left, which happened to be seven from Shijia’s side, and four for Papa Amao. The size is only the size of a child's fist, and it was made by Mingyu according to the head.

Mingyu and Shishi left together, and Shishi returned home naturally, while Mingyu delivered steamed buns to Papa Amao. When they left, the pot was stuffed with beans, and the aroma in the air made Shishi drool on one side, but he couldn't help it. Dare to speak up.

"Girl, why are you here again, but have you eaten?"

Father Amao was about to go to the kitchen for dinner, when he saw Mingyu coming in from the outside, holding a basket in his unchanging hand, Father Amao frowned, thinking that something happened to Mingyu.

"It's ready. It's not that I made some buns at home. I can't eat them by myself. I'll send you and grandma a few. They're made of oil residue and shiitake mushrooms. They're not good stuff. Dad, please don't eat them." dislike."

Mingyu smiled and took out the steamed stuffed bun from the basket, handed it to the grandma who heard the movement, and without waiting for the old man to refuse, she directly put the plate into the old man's hand.

"You child, what are you doing so politely? Dad still lacks something like you?"

Father Amao was upset, and instinctively thought of the matter of refusing Mingyu's gift before, thinking that Mingyu might have specially made this bun and sent it to them, so the stubborn old man was unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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