Chapter 136 The Little Helper (2)
In fact, she invited a group of children, and she didn't know what price to offer, and the target was also a group of children, and she was not unscrupulous enough to bully a group of children, so she decided to listen to what this child had to say, if I thought it was okay, so I did as the child said.

Mingyu thought, since these children had helped others before, and when others came to pick tea seeds, it couldn't be just a basket, a basket, or even a sack or two sacks.If all the people who come are adults, even if it is just one person, then the number of people does not need so many children.

Xiaotian also didn't expect that this time it was two big sisters who came to pick tea seeds. In the past, there were not only uncles and aunts, but there were also young big brothers, but there was no big sister, so Xiaotian was a little embarrassed to meet him suddenly. , but picking tea seeds is the only job they can do and make money, so there is absolutely no reason to give up.

Strengthening his belief, Xiaotian settled down, and said with a cheerful face: "Hello, two sisters, as long as the sisters don't have sacks, we can finish it this afternoon. It's just that picking tea seeds is easy, but tea seeds are not Lightness is also a physical effort, according to the amount we pick, a sack is 5 Wen, after picking, I will ask my father to help my sister carry all the tea seeds down the mountain, this is how we used to help."

Another meaning of this sentence is that there is no second price!From Xiaotian's firm and stubborn eyes, Mingyu can also see this point, but a big bag costs only 5 Wen, which is only [-] yuan in RMB, but she has to sigh again, this cheap labor.

However, even with such emotion, she will not be in a hurry to raise money for others, even if she looks like a group of cute, innocent and sympathetic children.

Mingyu nodded and agreed with Xiaotian's price. Since everyone else is like this, she will not lower the price. It's only 5 Wen, and if you save a few more eggs, you will get back.

For children, there is no concept of lunch break. Seeing that Mingyu agreed to hire them, they immediately burst into laughter one by one, rushing to lead the way for Mingyu and Shishi. Around Mingyu and Shi Shi, chatter began to strike up a conversation.

For example, where do they come from, and whether they pick tea seeds to extract oil for consumption.For example, tell them that the tea seed dregs extracted from the oil are also good things, you can wash your clothes and hair, and you don’t need to spend money to buy saponins. After washing, your hair and clothes are fragrant, and there are no lice on your head. .

For example, when it comes to my own family, maybe it’s because they eat tea oil in their village, and they don’t even eat lard a few times, so they have a disgusted and greedy expression on their faces. Of course, no one said that they are arguing that they don’t know tea oil , clamoring to eat lard.

For another example, when they earn money, they don’t just buy snacks, but save most of it, preparing to buy candy for their parents during the Chinese New Year, buy shoes for their parents, or buy flowers for their mother and sisters, etc. .

Most of these are boys. Girls talk more about embroidery and cooking. Because Mingyu and Shishi are both girls, there are actually quite a lot of questions like this. Ask Mingyu and Shishi if they can embroider. Without good-looking patterns, how can I go to the shops in the town to get embroidery work and so on.

Mingyu and Shi Shi fell in love with this group of half-grown children before they had much contact with them, so with these lovely children, the process of picking tea seeds was extremely enjoyable.

(End of this chapter)

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