Chapter 137 Untitled Again (1)
The five sacks of tea seeds were indeed as promised by Xiaotian, and they were all picked in one afternoon. It happened that Xiaotian's parents had finished their work and came up to the mountain to help move the tea seeds down. Just borrowed it from Xiaotian's family.

In the evening, the sky was not completely dark yet, so the host did not ask Shi Shi and Mingyu to help with the cooking, so the little host Xiaotian entertained the two guests.

Almost all the villagers in Xiawu Village know how to extract oil. Even a three-year-old child has seen the process of oil extraction. If they can speak clearly and fluently, the children will be able to tell you a thing or two.

Seeing that the master's house was busy, Mingyu didn't have the nerve to ask for advice, so she asked Xiaotian about the process of oil extraction. Although oil extraction was an old method in her time, without any machinery, she didn't know what it was here. situation, so I still want to know more about it.

When Xiaotian heard that Mingyu wanted to know how to extract oil, he didn't have any taboos, so he directly took Shi Shi and Mingyu to the place where he squeezed oil, a small room.

"Wow, is it possible that the tea seeds also need to be fried in a pan, and then oil will come out?"

As soon as he entered the house, Shi Shi first saw the big pot in the house, and immediately thought of frying lard at home, isn’t it just to cut up the lard and throw it in the pot to roast, so he saw that the house was empty, so he just took a big pot Most obviously, I immediately thought of the usefulness of this pot.

"Pfft!" Xiaotian smiled without hesitation, and fried the tea seeds in a pan. Is this oil pressing or deep frying?

"What, what's the matter, isn't it so difficult?" Seeing that Xiaotian and Mingyu both laughed, he knew that he had said something wrong without thinking about it, Shi Shi blushed a little, but if this pot was not used to fry tea seeds, then put it on. What are you doing here?
She blushed after watching the epic, Mingyu explained with a smile, "Um, Xiaoshi, this pot is used to steam crushed tea seeds, see if there are two big stones at the head of the house, that one is used to extract oil of."

When she entered the room and saw the familiar thing, Mingyu knew that the method of extracting oil here was the same as what she knew, so she naturally knew what the pot was for.

Si Shi was dumbfounded when he heard that, "Huh? Steam? Why steam it? Wouldn't it be cooked after steaming?" Don't blame her, she really doesn't know how the oil is squeezed out.

"Sister Mingyu, you know."

Xiaotian on the side was also surprised. Originally, when Mingyu wanted to ask him how to extract oil, he thought that Mingyu would not know how to squeeze oil, but seeing how sister Mingyu looked like, it was clear that she would.Xiaotian immediately looked at Mingyu angrily, since he knows how to extract oil, how can he still have a serious attitude of asking for advice, it will make the child very upset, okay?

Mingyu couldn't see Xiaotian's emotions, but she didn't think about explaining, but said with a smile: "Xiaotian, is what I said right?"

Well, since you are so serious about asking for advice, I don't care about the previous concealment.

Master Xiaotian touched his nose and nodded, "Well, our oil is all squeezed out. After the tea seeds are dried, they are crushed with stones again and again to form foam, and then steamed in a pot, and then they can be squeezed. "

Looking at Epic's puzzled face, Xiaotian rolled his eyes and waved his hands, "Don't ask me why I want to steam, I don't know, we have been doing this for generations, otherwise you can ask my father, maybe he knows .”

When Xiaotian asked her to find the serious uncle who didn't seem to know how to laugh, Si Shi shuddered and stuck out her tongue. She didn't squeeze oil, even if she knew it so clearly, it was useless. Anyway, Mingyu wanted to As for the oil press, she will go and have a look at it when the time comes.

And it's not that generations have been doing this, the old man must be right, their backs are still like this, she doesn't want to go to such a terrible uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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