Chapter 138 Untitled Again (2)
Apparently seeing Epic's fear, Xiaotian laughed straight away, he knew that no matter who saw his father for the first time, he would be frightened, it wasn't that he wanted to laugh at his own father, there were too many situations like this, He is used to people's faces changing color when they hear him say something about his father.It's fun to see daddy depressed, no one told him to go and play with his cousin.

Then, before dinner, Xiaotian dutifully explained the oil extraction process to Mingyu and Shi Shi, the complicated procedures, and the hard work, which made Shi Shi speechless.

And because Mingyu knew it long ago, she didn't show much emotion, but after Xiaotian's detailed explanation, she felt bitter in her heart. It was really too simple for her to extract the tea oil by herself.

Even this level of physical strength alone can't pass it!Worry, really worry!

However, despite this, she still has to squeeze the camellia oil, not for the oil, but also for the oil residue!Maybe it's only Mingyu who squeezes oil not for oil, but for oil residue!
As expected, Xiawu Village really uses tea dry for washing, and besides being used for washing, the villagers also know that the tea dregs are a good fertilizer, so a lot of tea dregs will be used to fertilize the field, and tea seeds don’t have much time To pick tea, the oil can't be used up even after pressing too much, so every year after autumn, most of the villagers will go up the mountain to dig a layer of mud under the tea tree to use as fertilizer.

The mud covered with tea seeds is a good material, which can save a lot of farmyard manure. Because of the tea dregs, the food in Xiawu Village has always been the best in the surrounding area.

It's a pity that the businessman pays much attention to profits, no matter how good it is, as long as the businessman shakes his head, none of the farmers will bow their heads, so even though the rice in the village is good, the price is not much higher.

After eating, Xiao Tian didn't go to take a shower, and sat next to Mingyu and Shi Shi and asked, "By the way, sister Mingyu and Shi Shi, you will go back tomorrow, will you come to play in the future?"

When picking tea seeds in the afternoon, I would not urge them to do it fast enough, but just chat and laugh with them, and I would not just look at them like adults just because they were young, and look at them like children. Xiaotian really likes Mingyu and Shishi, so knowing that Mingyu and Shishi will leave tomorrow, he is still a little bit reluctant.

He could see Xiaotian's reluctance at a glance, Shi Shi also liked this cute child who always pretended to be an adult, so he stretched out his hand to touch Xiaotian's head with a smile, and said, "Come on, do you welcome Xiaotian?"

Xiaotian grinned and nodded vigorously, "Welcome, if Sister Mingyu and Sister Shi Shi come back, they will live in my house in the future. My house is big and there are many rooms. I am not afraid that there will be no place to live." After getting the desired answer, Xiaotian doesn't care about Epic's head-touching action, because before, he hated other people touching his head the most.

Hmph, I always thought he was a child. My cousin said that he is a man and can protect his family. In just a year or two, he can earn money to support his family. If his father didn't allow it, he would have followed his cousin. Brother has made money, thinking of this, Xiaotian feels a little upset.

Xiaotian's parents looked at Xiaotian's child's expression, shook their heads and smiled, and always said that he was no longer a child. Looking at this, he was no longer a child. He looked at Mingyu and Shishi again, nodded, this Two children are fine.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and both shook their heads and laughed. Of course, no one saw the movements and expressions of the husband and wife. If Xiaotian saw his father smiling like this, he would definitely be shocked. Bar.

(End of this chapter)

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