Chapter 140 Bridge Village (2)
Could it be that it was because she heard the marriage proposed by the old lady, so she rashly ran to Nanyang Town to see if the future husband agrees with her?The master and madam believe this statement, but he doesn't believe it, not to mention, the young lady's future husband is in Nanyang Town, not this small mountain village, so why did the young lady come here?
Despite all the doubts, Steward Yang still abides by his duties as a steward. The master sent him to protect the little lady, so he followed him honestly. Although the little lady had a bad temper before, she watched her grow up after all. That kind of temperament is favored by their elders, and I can't blame others. Now the little lady looks like a lot of ladies, but for the sake of the little lady's own safety, or for others, he will take good care of the little lady. Miss.

The yard that Butler Yang bought was exactly as Yang Sisi thought. It was not an old house with his mother attached, but an old house of a wealthy family in Qiao Village. I have always wanted to sell the house in my hometown in the city, but there is really no one in the village who can afford his big house, and there is no rich person in the town who will come to buy the yard in the village, even if the yard looks so beautiful. luxury.

The house was built on the east side of the village, because it occupies a large area, and because of the original style of the house, there is no one else around, just a big courtyard standing there, it looks a little lonely, but Butler Yang just took a fancy to this house So I bought it without hesitation.

The carriage entered the yard from the main entrance, and Yang Sisi got off the carriage. Seeing that there was a garden in the yard, she nodded in satisfaction. If she could live in a better place, she would not be far from wronging herself. The delicacy of life cannot be changed by a journey.

Yang Sisi didn't say anything to the housekeeper that day, and she was really exhausted from the journey. Now that she has a safe and comforting place, she wants to rest early, so that she can cheer up tomorrow. To deal with the matter in the future, Yang Sisi just talked to Butler Yang, and then went to rest in the room that Butler Yang said.

"Miss, are you going to sleep?"

Xiaoqing fetched water and went into the house. Seeing Yang Sisi's tired face, she hurriedly put down the basin in her hand and went to make the bed.

"Well, you are tired after following me all this way. Pack up and go to sleep first. I don't need you to serve me here anymore. After you have rested, go to the village to inquire about the situation and come back and tell me."

Yang Sisi leaned lazily on the bed, looked at the diligent Xiaoqing, lowered his eyebrows to remove the complicated eyes, and ordered lightly.

"Good miss." Xiaoqing didn't see Yang Sisi's expression, so she didn't know that Yang Sisi's trust in her had long since fallen. But he just thought that Yang Sisi was tired, so he didn't think too much about it, and went out with the basin after tidying up.

Seeing Xiaoqing go out, Yang Sisi fell on the bed, picked up one side of the quilt to cover her head, and fell asleep when she closed her eyes. This time she brought Xiaoqing out alone, not because Xiaoqing won her more Trust, and because she already knew what was going on in Xiao Qing's mind, that's why she brought her out.

She wanted to test Xiaoqing's endurance limit, to see if this little girl would have other thoughts if she didn't stay in that luxurious mansion all the time, if she had, then she would definitely be rude in the future, if not, this Easier to handle.

She didn't know that Xiaoqing could drive a carriage before, but this time when she went out, she neither called the groom, nor asked Xiaoqing if she could drive a carriage. If you don't know how to drive, you have to look like you know how to drive, which explains that she learned from her father.

Xiaoqing's father is a groom in the family, so with this explanation, it also makes sense that Xiaoqing can drive a carriage.

It's a pity, maybe Xiao Qing didn't know, but she already knew the estrangement between her and her real father, learning to drive from her father?She believed it before, but now... Hehe!
(End of this chapter)

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