Chapter 141 Still Bridge Village
This time, Yang Sisi slept until dawn the next day, and opened her eyes to see the unfamiliar environment. She was still a little dazed, but soon, she called Xiaoqing and asked about the situation that she had asked about yesterday.

In fact, Xiaoqing didn't know what kind of information her lady wanted. In her opinion, such a small village really had no useful information. Xiaoqing thought about it and said, "Miss, this village is called Qiaocun. , the village is not big, with only fifty families. The house we live in used to belong to a rich family in the village. Because it was developed, we moved out. The house was too big and good, so it was not sold until Yang The butler is here. Most people in the village have the surname Qiao, and only a small number are foreigners..."

When talking about the house they live in now, Xiaoqing obviously curled her lips in disgust, thinking that no one can afford such a yard because it is too good?Even the poorest Zhuangzi in their house is much more luxurious than this courtyard.

Yang Sisi really didn't want to roll her eyes when she heard what Xiaoqing said she had inquired about, but she didn't make it clear yesterday, so it's no wonder she only inquired about this, but she couldn't clearly say what she wanted to inquire about, which is not bad.

Listening to Xiaoqing's words, Yang Sisi decided to go out for a walk after breakfast. Since Xiaoqing had already gone to inquire about the news, even if she was not very familiar with the village, she should not get lost.

Yang Sisi wanted to visit the village, but Steward Yang had no reason to stop her, but he sent her a dress from a girl in the village. In the words of the steward, it was not eye-catching.

Although he would not be able to get used to these coarse linen clothes for a while, Yang Sisi didn't say anything, and directly changed into the clothes given by Butler Yang, without even frowning, and now Butler Yang's doubts deepened.

Yang Sisi didn't know what his housekeeper was thinking, so he changed his clothes and took Xiaoqing out. First of all, he went to the bridge named after the bridge village, Dam Bridge.

In my memory, that person said that the house in his hometown is not far from the bridge, and the details are not very clear. I didn't really care about what I said, now...Yang Sisi frowned as he walked, looking at the surrounding environment, hoping that he could find that person's home at a glance.

There is a lake in Qiaocun, Mingyue Lake, but it is far away surrounded by mountains. The terrain of the mountains is steep, and the surrounding mountains are full of rocks, which is not suitable for planting. However, there are no other big rivers and streams in the village, and the draft water of several nearby villages comes from the Moon Lake. A small stream in the middle of the river can still be satisfied if the draft is a little farther away, but if it is watering the ground, it will be hard work.

So Qiaocun has a famous dam. Qiaocun and several nearby villages dug an artificial river along the big lake on the village, and Qiaocun built a dam at the end of the village to store water. As for Qiaocun, it got its name. The big bridge in the village is the big wooden bridge across the dam, so the opposite side of the dam is the largest, most concentrated and most fertile farmland in the village.If you want to go to the opposite side without building a big bridge, you have to turn a road and take a lot of wrong roads.

"Brother, why don't you leave when you come back this time."

At a certain corner of the dam, two young men, to be more precise, a young man and a young boy, were sitting firmly cross-legged under the shade of a tree, with a fish basket next to them, and they were watching the other with a fish basket. It was obvious that two young men were fishing in the dam with a bright sun.

When being questioned, the young man who looked stronger and older, with a stern face and a scary face nodded, frowned on his shiny forehead, bent his straight eyebrows, nodded and said: "If you don't go, you can't go Where, I will stay in the village to farm in the future.”

"Oh, this is really great." The young boy was about to clap his hands excitedly, if the man beside him raised his eyebrows and gave him a cold look, he almost dropped the fishing rod in the dam, but The young man was not afraid of the scary looking man around him, he reacted instantly, and said with some doubts: "Hey, but big brother, do you know how to farm?"

The eldest brother left home at the age of five and joined the army for 15 years. During this period, the number of times he came back to visit relatives can be counted with one slap, and every time he stays, he can also be counted with ten slaps. This kind of work in the fields is in his impression. Didn't do it, maybe before the age of five?But it's been so long, brother?

Hearing his younger brother's words, the young man frowned fiercely, his whole body began to emit air-conditioning, and finally said coldly: "You can go hunting in the mountains." Farming is not necessary to support a family, hunting is also possible, right?The man thought a little uncertainly.

"Wow, big brother, you can hunt, you must be very good, can you take me with you then?" He never doubted his big brother's ability, and it was a good idea for his big brother to say that he could go hunting in the mountains.

Although there are no hunters in their village, there are still some in other villages. I heard that as long as the hunters work harder, their life will be better than their farming. If the eldest brother can hunt, the life of the family will definitely be better.

Let’s not talk about this, let’s just talk about hunting in the mountains. It’s very powerful when you hear it. He has never been to the deep mountains. He heard that there are wolves in their bridge village. The elders in the village do not allow them to go up the mountain. He really wants to go Take a look on the mountain, there must be a lot of wild game.

And there are so many good medicines in the deep mountains. If you go to the mountains, you will be able to dig some good medicinal materials. When the time comes, you can sell them for money. He will come out and build a house to live with his elder brother. Then the second sister-in-law will not dislike him. Money, and will not always dislike the big brother who can't work, and will divide the family property of the parents.

"No, it's dangerous on the mountain." Although he wanted to agree to his younger brother's starry eyes, but thinking of the dangerous situation on the mountain, he still shook his head and firmly refused to agree. Don't know what's going to happen.

Looking at the firm and somewhat fierce eyes of the elder brother, the boy shrank his neck, well, the elder brother’s eyes are too fierce, it’s better to persuade the elder brother to take him up the mountain later, even if you don’t go to the deep mountains, it’s okay to go to the outer mountains to have a look .

"By the way, brother, I heard that a big family came to our village and bought the big house of Mr. Qiao. What kind of big family do you think will settle in our village?" In fact, he was not interested in the old man who came to settle in the village. He just wanted to find a topic to talk to his taciturn elder brother. If he couldn't make up his mind, he would definitely believe that his elder brother would not skip a word all morning.

"I don't know, don't worry about other people's affairs." My brother and I were simply not interested in rich families, and having seen dudes and dirty men in rich families, we directly frowned and hated them.

"Hey, I don't care, I'm just curious." Leng was cut by the big brother coldly, the boy was a little depressed, but he had to change the subject, "Xiaotian has been talking about you these days, Brother, why don't we go to Uncle's house tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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