It's hard to be a peasant girl who time-travels

Chapter 177 The Master and Servant Talk

Chapter 177 The Conversation Between Master and Servant (1)
Although I really wanted to see Yang Sisi's change of face, Ling Ronghui didn't talk to Zhong Lin for a long time after all. After all, he still had an appointment, so he couldn't delay for too long, otherwise that guy Ah Chen would be fascinated by what he specialized in in the future, and he forgot Time, when he comes to kill, then his whole house of treasures may be lost.

Ling Ronghui left the pharmacy after telling everyone, and Zhong Lin recalled some of the knowledge Ling Ronghui taught, and after regaining consciousness, he saw Yang Sisi approaching him at a very close distance, using a strange way, as if being held by someone. Abandoned eyes stared at him.

Zhong Lin couldn't help shivering because of his own thoughts, bah bah bah bah, how old is she, how old is this girl, if the elder brother sees a little girl looking at him like this, I don't know if he will think that he If you don't learn well, a beating will be really light when the time comes.

This time, Zhong Lin took three steps back after the school test, and said in panic, "Miss Yang, are you still here?"

This is simply a make-up, stabbing Yang Sisi fiercely, without hesitation, Yang Sisi has the urge to cry, but the people watching the theater at the pharmacy, no matter how determined they were before After all, she was still a girl, Yang Sisi glared at Zhong Lin, turned around and ran out.

This look was really resentful and coquettish, and Zhong Lin was even more frightened. Fortunately, Yang Sisi had already run out at this time, otherwise if she saw Zhong Lin's expression, I don't know if she would vomit now. A mouthful of blood.

People who have been watching the show, seeing that Yang Sisi has already run away, and seeing Zhong Lin's performance, suddenly laughed in various ways. Everyone was thinking, Brother Lin/this brother, why is it so funny? No wonder the little girl ran away in anger.

Zhong Lin returned to his own counter, and the drug boy who was familiar with him ran over immediately, took Zhong Lin by the elbow, and asked with a smile: "Oh, brother Lin, who is that little girl?"

But after waiting all morning, there was no sign of impatience. At first he thought it was brother and sister Lin, but now it seems... not this kid's little wife!Yaotong regretted that he didn't take advantage of the rest time to find out the news with the little girl, otherwise he would definitely know.

Now I have to ask Brother Lin in person, he will definitely not say it, or he just said it doesn’t matter or something. Sure enough, what he thought was right, and Zhong Lin shook his head, "Don't talk nonsense, she is our Residents who just moved to the village some time ago."

Then he looked around and made sure no one could hear them, then he sneaked close to Yaotong's ear and whispered, "It's a lady from a rich family, don't talk nonsense, if people misunderstand..." This is something that offends people. How could it be possible for a lady from a rich family to let poor boys like them get close.

"No misunderstanding, no misunderstanding, we all know it!"

Yaotong smiled and comforted him, but he didn’t say anything so he wouldn’t misunderstand. Obviously he thought that Zhong Lin was embarrassed at this time, and everyone knew how to measure it. No one is good, especially the girl just now. The drug boy is also busy and has a crush on him. He will not harm her girl.

Some jokes are said as soon as they are said, but they can't be unscrupulous, how could Yaotong not know.

Zhong Lin also knew that he couldn't say it, since the other party said so, he should not keep explaining, the more he explained Yue You wanted to cover up the feeling, there was nothing in the first place, it is estimated that he was so anxious, others would not believe that there was nothing.

Fortunately, at this time, a woman came to grab the medicine with a prescription, Zhong Lin hurriedly pushed the medicine boy, "Okay, someone bought the medicine, let's stop talking and work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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