It's hard to be a peasant girl who time-travels

Chapter 178 The Master and Servant Talk

Chapter 178 The Conversation Between Master and Servant (2)
Yang Sisi, who ran out of the pharmacy, didn't know at all that Zhong Lin wanted to get rid of her relationship very much now, no, it wasn't to get rid of the relationship with her, after all, they really had nothing to do with each other now, in fact, they didn't want to get involved.

If he let his family know that the lady from the new big family in the village has a good relationship with him, he is sure that the second sister-in-law will come to the door, and even his parents may pack him up and send him to the lady. before.

Moreover, this place is the territory of the Ling family. The young master of the Ling family, her nominal fiancé is here, and the Ling family and the Yang family are family friends. If she chases a country man here, the family will definitely send someone to arrest him. She grabbed it back.

The family must now think that she is here to cultivate a relationship with Ling Ronghui, doesn't the housekeeper at home think so.She doesn't want to be ruined by her family because she is too impatient.

Yang Sisi ran out of the pharmacy and stopped at a corner. Not long after, the girl Xiaoqing also came over. Yang Sisi's face was a little heavy, "Zhong Lin went to Hetang Village again? He went to that person's house again. at home?"

The hands she held were tight, obviously she also knew that Zhong Lin was with Zhong Quan, and that Brother Ren had plans for that woman, but she just couldn't see other women who were closer than her relationship with him.

Yang Sisi admitted that she was just jealous, why she ran out to find him so early, but things didn't develop as she wanted at all.

After asking two questions in a row, Xiaoqing was a little dazed, but she quickly realized what Yang Sisi said, and hurriedly nodded. She knew that her lady's complexion must be bad at this time, so she hurriedly persuaded: "Miss, don't you?" Worrying, Young Master Zhong is only helping that woman and his brother lead the red line, and the servant girl heard that Young Master Zhong's brother has been busy recently, and has been looking for a good girl in the nearby villages to find a good girl for Young Master Zhong. Miss, do you want to..." Let someone tell Master Zhong's brother some news about himself?

Xiaoqing didn’t need to say the following words, Yang Sisi thought of it, but when he heard that Zhong Quan was betrothing Zhong Lin now, he couldn’t hide his surprise, “You’re serious, it’s not that he’s looking for him for himself. Matchmaker, are you going to propose marriage to that person?"

"Miss, the matchmaker for Young Master Zhong's brother has been found a long time ago, and it has been a matter of the past few days to find a matchmaker for Young Master Zhong. After buying the real estate, I will hand it over when Young Master Zhong gets married. Young Master Zhong's eldest brother may be looking for the best girl!"

As for a big courtyard with three entrances, I really didn't expect that a hunter would have so much silver. Even in such a down-and-out town, a large courtyard with three entrances would cost hundreds of taels.

I heard that there are not only houses, but also [-] acres of fertile farmland.

But even if there is a three-entry yard and a good farmland, how can Zhong Lin say that he is only a farmer, how can he be worthy of his own lady? The wealth of the Yang family, even the dowry for the lady, is enough to buy such a farmer. a town.

So Xiaoqing still couldn't figure out how her own lady fell in love with such a worthless kid.

Yang Sisi's complexion in front of him was better, but when he heard Xiaoqing's last words, his complexion became even more ugly, and he said, "Hmph, the poor village girls in this place are ignorant and uneducated, how can they be worthy?" I have to go to Zhong Lin."

But, miss, Ren Zhongquan is not worthy of you at all. If the master and madam know that you have taken a fancy to such a worthless poor boy... Xiaoqing lowered her head and did not dare to speak, but she couldn't stop her heart. Some gloated, as if seeing Yang Sisi being punished.

(End of this chapter)

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