Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 229 The Book Is Not Exhaustive

Chapter 229 The Book Is Not Exhaustive (3)
Not long after, the man delivered the elixir he had bought at the auction to Mr. Shao. After being appraised by the medical masters in the Shaojia Medical Research Institute, they agreed that the medicine was excellent, so he took it to Shaoyin's room as a gift and wanted to give it to him. give her.

Just from the outside, he saw Shaoyin's melancholy face, looking at the sky, as if he was looking at a very, very far place.

He stopped and didn't bother her, just lowered his head and sighed softly.

Shaoyin's gaze spanned thousands of years, across thousands of mountains and rivers, and seemed to see the unmelted Zique God Capital.He picked up the pen and wrote what he wanted to say to Mo Zihuang, but the book couldn't finish it, there was too much to say, and he couldn't express it.

Her pen tip slid across the white paper, outlining a clear face.Inadvertently, she actually drew his appearance, the tentacles were cold, and she was holding the pen, as if she was holding the ice and snow in the capital of God.

The rustling snow has fallen for a few days, and the Shendu is covered with white powder and jade. The cold air slides over the branches and blows down a few plum blossoms.

Prince Wu Zun's mansion has never been so dead, and everyone knows that after their master came back this time, it was colder than before.Even standing three meters away from him would make people feel bitingly cold.

Feng Xize stood in the study, looking at Mo Zihuang with a frosty face, holding a cinnabar pen in his hand, reviewing piles of backlogged memorials.Since he came back, he hasn't closed his eyes for a moment, kept busy, sleepless.

Such a master made him even more worried.He seemed to be an emotionless person, closing himself up so that he could not feel a trace of popularity.

Counting nine cold winters, there is no trace of heat in this room. All the charcoal stoves have been removed. Staying in this room will freeze hands and feet.He didn't know what was hidden behind that layer of yarn, and the Lord didn't allow anyone to pass by.

"Master, your injury hasn't recovered yet, so you shouldn't work hard! Take a break!"

Feng Xize said worriedly, seeing Mo Zihuang's haggardness in just a few days, the eyes that were originally radiant now only had a cold look.After he came back, he didn't drink a drop of water, didn't eat rice grains, and when he was sent back, he was injured all over his body, which made him even more worried.

Mo Zihuang did not speak, and silently reviewed the memorial, as if nothing had happened.

"Sister Yin hasn't come back yet, will the auction be held as scheduled?"

Feng Xize mentioned Shaoyin, and only a gleam of light appeared in those empty pupils.


Feng Xize heaved a sigh of relief with those cold words.Fortunately, Grandpa could still hear him talking, and he was still a living person, otherwise he would have thought it was just a walking dead.

"Then this subordinate will do it."

He exited the study, secretly wiping off a cold sweat.He was guessing in his heart, has the master lost his love?How did it become so cold?

Although the previous master was indifferent, he was still a person of flesh and blood. The current master made him a little afraid, let alone other people.

When all the backlog of memorials were reviewed, Mo Zihuang stretched out his hand to lift the Shaman in the room, sat by the bed, and stretched out his hand to hold the hand of the sleeping beauty on the bed.She seemed to be asleep, lying there quietly, without a sound, but her heartbeat and breathing stopped.

"Ayin, don't be naughty, after sleeping for so long, it's time to wake up!"

His cold voice, revealing an unspeakable gentleness, fell slowly.

The cold air permeated the house, making Xiaolong and Xiaomeng shivering from the cold, nestling together to keep each other warm.Seeing that he was unwilling to believe the reality of Shaoyin's departure, the two little beasts felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Ayin, you said: holding hands to grow old together, raising eyebrows together. This heart will never change. Without you by your side, how would we be forever?"

He held the cold hand, his eyes filled with mourning.

"Stop joking with me, it's not funny at all."

Unable to wake Shaoyin, Mo Zihuang's handsome face showed a serious look, as if he was really angry.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Leng Yueli didn't know when she appeared behind him, her heart-warming voice fell down coldly.

"Uncle, Ah Yin is just asleep, she is still smiling at me."

There was a trace of confusion in Mo Zihuang's eyes, and Shaoyin's gentle smile was still in his mind.

"Uncle, you must have a way to wake up A Yin, right?"

His eyes turned to Leng Yueli, looking at his fairy face that was not stained with worldly dust, a gleam of hope floated in his despairing eyes.

"It's not that there is no way, it's just that the hope is too slim."

Leng Yueli knew that Mo Zihuang couldn't bear the stimulation anymore, so she opened her mouth and said a way as a way to delay the attack.

"Uncle, what can I do? Tell me quickly!"

When Mo Zihuang heard that there was a way, his face showed excitement, and his whole body seemed to come alive.

"There is a strange flower in this world called Leitan. It is said that this flower has the magical power to bring the dead back to life. If you can find this strange flower, she may still wake up."

Leng Yueli said, looking at the light of hope rekindled in him, but her heart was uncertain after all.Laitan is just a legend, no one has found this flower.When he mentioned this flower, he just told Mo Zihuang not to despair.As long as he has hope in his heart, I believe he can support Feng Meixue and Mo Yanhua back.

"Okay, I'll go find it right away."

In order to save Shaoyin, Mo Zihuang cheered up from the grief, with a look of determination in his eyes.

He immediately summoned the four generals of gold and iron horses on the cloud, and handed over the task of finding Leitan.All the members of Yunshang were sent out of Shendu to look for Lei Epiphyllum.

He also immersed himself in ancient books, looking for a few words about Lai Epiphyllum.

This was the largest operation since the establishment of Yunshang. Except for Feng Xize, all the people on Yunshang left the capital of God.

In a dark alley, a figure wrapped in a gray cloak stood in the corner like a ghost, looking at the masked woman.

"What do you want to call me?"

The feminine voice, with a sense of yin and yang, fell into the alley.

"The four generals on the cloud and all the others have been dispatched to the capital of God. Presumably this news should be very valuable!"

The woman's coquettish voice, full of jealousy, fell clearly.

"Hahaha! It's really great news! It's really God helping me! You help me hold back all the generals on the cloud, so that they can't return to the capital, and I will get rid of your thorn in your side for you. Wait until the day you come back , King Wu Zun is in your pocket."

The man in gray said darkly, his eyes were full of cunning, and he said very tempting conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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