Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

230 Chapter 1 The words are still in my ears

230 Chapter 1 The words are still in my ears ([-])
"Happy cooperation!"

The charming woman laughed tremblingly, as if she had seen the picture of herself becoming Princess Wu Zun.

"With the help of Yu Geyun, this time it will surely succeed in one fell swoop!"

The man in gray laughed out loud. He had been planning for a long time, waiting for this perfect opportunity.

It seems that whether it can be a big event depends on this time.

Now the imperial guards in the capital of the gods have been secretly sent by King Wu Zun to escort the relief food and grass, and they are already empty of troops.If the minions on Yunshang were sent out again, King Wu Zun would have no more soldiers to use.

That night, the lights in Dingnanhou's mansion were brightly lit, and the young master Ye Liwan, who was sleeping with his concubine in his arms, suddenly heard a strange cat meowing, and shivered and climbed down from the bed.Probing his head and walking towards the door, a biting cold wind swept over him, making him shiver from the cold.

He was holding a lamp in his hand, and it seemed that it might be extinguished at any time by the cold wind.

He walked into the snow-covered forest, and when he saw a man in gray, he immediately showed respect.

"Military Diaolong, you are finally here! I am looking forward to the stars and the moon, and to you!"

Ye Liwan looked at Qu Jinhuan, Diaolong's military commander, with a fawning expression on his face.

"Young Master is serious. In a few days, Qu will change his name and call you His Majesty."

Qu Jinhuan, Diaolong Army Master, looked a little pale, which seemed to be the sequelae of poisoning, which made his face look scary like a ghost.

"Your Majesty! Are you talking about me?"

Ye Liwan looked at the Diaolong military master anxiously, with a crazy light in his eyes.

"Of course it's you."

The disdain in Qu Jinhuan's eyes flashed away, revealing a cunning and sinister look.

"Young Lord is the heavenly emperor, and now in the ruling and public, only Young Lord can afford the position of emperor. Kill the crown prince, seize the throne, and he will ascend to the throne. Don't forget about Qu."

Hearing his respectful words, Ye Liwan was blown away.

"Everything is at the command of the military division."

Ye Liwan spoke quickly, with excitement on his face.

An earth-shattering conspiracy unfolded in this snowy night, even though it was silent, it was already undercurrent.

The warm wind infused with the fragrance of flowers blows slowly, playing the colorful strings of time.In the blink of an eye, there is only one day left until the day when Beichen and the stars are connected.

The Shengyin Academy on the Qixing Ridge, the dragon vein of Huaxia, is like a magnificent city.The lake reflects the cloud shadows, the shadows overturn the haze, and the soft brilliance sprinkles on the shore of Mengli Lake. The clear lake water is extremely shallow and blue, and the arcs and ripples are shining, making it extraordinarily beautiful.

The willow silk flows green, the peach blossom fan dances, the birds gather, and the brocade scales swim.

Shaoyin sat on the grass, her long skirt spread out on the ground, and there were tall books piled up around her.These books looked very old, and the yellowed pages were flipping through her fingertips.

Looking at the contents recorded in these ancient books, Shao Yin's eyes showed a dignified look.

The dean of Shengyin Academy is Shaoyin's grandfather. This first academy in China has been passed down for countless years, and the library includes ancient and modern Chinese and foreign classics.She borrowed a batch of books about Hetu Luoshu, as well as other parallel space materials brought over from the research institute.

The slender figure, in the breeze, is as peaceful as a fairy in a picture scroll.Her focused expression was full of seriousness, and she almost searched for the books in the entire library for several days.After reading countless materials, she also had some understanding of Hetu Luoshu.

Hetu Luoshu is a divination astrolabe handed down from the Zi family, which has the power to calculate the past and predict the future.If you want to use this book to open the door of time and space, you need to rely on the right time and place, and the caster has to pay a corresponding price.As for the price, there is no clear record in the book.

She closed the book, folded her hands, and leaned on the stone chair by the lake.The petals in the peach blossom forest fell on her body, but she didn't even notice it.

Now looking at the scenery of lakes and mountains, and three or five couples walking through the tree-lined path, her heart feels empty.Returning to her original world, she felt unreal, as if she was in a dream, and her soul could not find a harbor to rely on.

The taste of longing, like misty rain in the rainy season, obscured her damp heart.Seven emotions and six desires, ups and downs, all kinds of feelings settled in her heart.The nose is sore for a while, thinking about someone makes me want to cry.

Thinking of his every frown and smile, every word and every action, all turned into all kinds of loneliness and all kinds of concerns.

For a moment, she wished she could leave everything behind, as long as she could see him, she didn't want anything.

However, there are too many helplessness in life, which cannot be satisfactory.


A kind voice came from the side and fell into Shaoyin's ears.


Shaoyin turned her head, and saw the white-haired old man Shao walked up to her and sat down, staring at the lake in front of him with his old eyes.

"How time flies, and in the blink of an eye, my precious granddaughter has grown up and become sentimental."

Old Master Shao said gently, the wrinkles on the old face have become more and more, time has left clear marks on his face, but it does not diminish his majesty.

In the eyes of others, the extremely majestic old leader is only her most loving grandfather in the eyes of granddaughter Shaoyin.When she was sick, she took care of her old man non-stop.

When she was a child, her grandfather was the most clingy to her. Her parents were often away, and her grandfather would tell her stories and lull her to sleep.Her health was not good, and grandpa ran around looking for a good doctor for her.No matter how busy grandpa is, he will still find time to accompany her.

"This time you wake up after being in a coma for so long, grandpa is really happy, but you are not happy. Your eyes are often full of melancholy, and you are in a trance, as if you are cut off from the world. Grandpa doesn't know that you are in a coma What happened during this time, but Grandpa has nothing but one wish."

Old Master Shao paused, and patted the back of Shaoyin's hand with his rough palm.

"As long as the sound is long and happy!"

His voice is full of deep love, as long as his granddaughter is happy, he will rest in peace even if he dies.

The most selfless family relationship in the world doesn't need anything.

"Grandpa! I can't bear you!"

When Shaoyin heard her grandfather's words, her eyes turned rosy, and her voice was a little choked up.

"Silly girl, go wherever you want! Although grandpa is an old man, he is still very strong, so your parents don't have to worry about it. Just do whatever you want, grandpa supports you! If you don't cherish some happiness, You have to regret it for the rest of your life, grandpa doesn't want to see you looking unhappy. Your parents and I think the same, as long as Yinyin is happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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