Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

233 Chapter 2 Influenced by what one sees and hears

233 Chapter 2 Influenced by what one sees and hears ([-])
He traded ten years of life for her happiness in this life, and he didn't regret it.

He has been calm and rational all his life, let him be stupid once!

At least, he once loved a girl in his life.Loved, crazy, stupid, impulsive, this is not in vain to go through the world.

When his physical strength was exhausted and his body fell down, there was still a smile on his face.

"Shaoyin, goodbye."

His lips moved, and he slowly closed his eyes.

The night was dark and the wind was high, and the gods of the Tianyao Dynasty suddenly lit up with flames soaring into the sky, and the sound of fighting one after another rushed all the way from the gate of the city to the palace.

"Master! It's not good!"

Feng Xize ran into the study anxiously, saw that Mo Zihuang was still reviewing the memorial, and said hastily.

"A large number of rebels have now surrounded the palace, intending to seize it. The leader is General Xiong Han!"

"Immediately mobilize the Royal Guards to guard the palace! These people will pick their time!"

There was a chill on Mo Zihuang's cold face.Now that the defenses in the capital are empty, presumably there is an inner ghost, which is why the rebels have an opportunity to take advantage of.General Xiong Han was originally dissatisfied with Emperor Feng, but this brainless general should have no courage to rebel, and there must be someone behind the scenes to instigate him.

"Master, the other party came prepared, and the Royal Guards may not be able to resist for long."

Feng Xize said worriedly, the army was sent to relieve the disaster, and the tribe on Yunshang also left the Shendu. Now they are weak and the situation is very bad.

The opponent's army has been hiding in the divine capital for a long time, and now it suddenly broke out, and the gate of the nine palaces will be breached at any time.In addition, Xiong Han has military power in his hands, and his subordinates are also brave soldiers.

"Ze, quickly enter the palace and take the prince away. Their goal this time must be to kill the prince. You send the prince away just in case."

Mo Zihuang remained calm even in times of crisis.Now that Emperor Feng declared that he could not afford to be seriously ill, those rebels must take advantage of this opportunity to kill the crown prince and seize the throne.

"Yes! This subordinate must protect the prince's safety."

Feng Xize nodded, and immediately took orders to rush towards the palace.Prince Feng Jingyan has a very good relationship with him, and usually likes to stick to him to learn business, and now that the prince is in trouble, he is naturally obliged.

"The dark guard listens to the order, protect your mistress well, and don't make any mistakes."

Emperor Mozi knew that the capital of God was in danger now, and he had to go to the palace in person, but he left behind all the secret guards to protect Shaoyin.

"Master, it's too dangerous for you to go alone!"

Feng Feixu, the young master of Dingguo who rushed over, spoke dissuadingly when he heard Mo Zihuang's words.

"No need to say much."

Mo Zihuang stretched out his hand to prevent them from persuading them.A black robe floated up in the air, stepped on the snow, and single-handedly rushed towards the palace on the red shadow horse.

"General Xiong Han only surrounded the palace gate and did not attack. He must be waiting for the master to pass by. The trip of the master is really dangerous."

Feng Feixu frowned, seeing that Mo Zihuang had already left, he quickly chased after him.The dark guards who protected Mo Zihuang were left behind to guard the cold room.

"My lord is so devoted to the mistress! Even at this critical moment, I still miss the mistress! My lord has not fully recovered from his injuries!"

"But I haven't seen the mistress come out, it's really strange."

"Don't talk too much, Lord's order, we just need to obey."

All the hidden guards were outside Shaman, and no one dared to step in without the order of the master.

So they didn't see that the pale face of the person lying on the bed was cold and dead, gradually returning to blood.The faint breath, accompanied by the beating of the pulse, became more and more clear.

Shaoyin twitched her eyelashes, feeling that she had slept for a long, long time.She slowly opened her eyes, and what appeared in her eyes was not the sky, but an antique bed curtain.

"This is where?"

She couldn't see clearly for a while, and she didn't recognize this place until the scene in front of her gradually became clear.

"Jade Emperor Pavilion!"

She once slept here for one night, and she has a deep impression of Yuhuang Pavilion.It may also be because the person living in the Yuhuang Pavilion is Mo Zihuang, so she recognized it at a glance.

Because she cared, she remembered everything about him clearly.

She remembered that she lost consciousness in the Jiuhua Mountain Palace, why is she in the Yuhuang Pavilion now?Could it be that Mo Zihuang brought her back?
How is he now?


Seeing her move her fingers, Xiao Mengmeng, the Huoyue ferret nestled aside, let out a cry of fright.

When it saw Shaoyin open her bright eyes, it froze for a moment, then threw itself into her arms with tears shining.


"Mengmeng is good, the master is back."

She stretched out her hand and gently touched the fluff of Xiao Mengmeng, the fire moon ferret, with a gentle smile on her face.


Seeing her wake up, little hazy cried out in joy, and also nestled into her arms.What surprised her was that Xiao Mengmeng didn't get angry this time, but allowed Xiaolong to stay aside.

Seeing the two of them living in harmony, Shao Yin's eyes also had a gentle look.She knew that Ziwei had successfully sent her soul back here, but she could never go back.

"Father, mother, grandpa, I will be happy!"

She said silently in her heart, this time she went back to the modern world, and she felt that her last knot in her heart had also been resolved.

She got up and stood up, and saw that her clothes hadn't been changed yet, they were still the clothes she wore in Jiuhua Mountain that day.All the way to escape in embarrassment, her clothes were already dirty.

She went to the closet beside her, intending to change into Mo Zihuang's clothes, but when she opened the closet door, she was stunned.

There are exquisite clothes in the closet, the colors are dazzling and colorful, all of which are clothes worn by women.

She took a white silk blue gauze dress and put it on, the size was completely tailored for her.She put on a blue cloak with white arabesque patterns dotted on it, making her look like fresh blue snow.The collar of the cloak is white fluff, which makes her feel extra warm.

She walked to the mirror and saw how haggard she looked.The hair was draped over the shoulders unrestrained, showing a bit of laziness and casualness.

She saw that there was a dressing table in front of the Luan mirror, and there was an exquisite box full of jewelry on it.She picked up the comb, combed her long hair, and simply decorated her forehead with colorful tassels to make herself look more energetic.The hair was tied with a white velvet ribbon, and it looked like snow was covering the black hair.

"Purple Emperor, I'm back."

Shaoyin looked at the mirror with a smile, thinking that she was going to see Mo Zihuang soon, and felt a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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