Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

234 Chapter 1 Invasion of the emperor map

234 Chapter 1 Invasion of the emperor map ([-])
She didn't know if she looked ugly now, or was she too haggard?
Originally, she seldom cared about her appearance, but now she became nervous, hoping to show her best side in front of him.She didn't understand the meaning of "women are those who please themselves" before, but now she understands it for herself.

Seeing that she was about to go out, Xiao Mengmeng left and jumped on her shoulder.

She stretched out her hand to lift the Shaman, and a beautiful figure appeared in the eyes of the hidden guards, like a snow lotus in clear water, free from dust, which made them amazed instantly.

"Purple Emperor?"

Shaoyin walked to the study beside her, and saw that the candle was still on, but Mo Zihuang was not here, and her eyes flashed with doubt.

"It's so late, where will he go?"

She looked at the sky, it was freezing outside, where would Mo Zihuang go?

The memorial on the table seemed to be half-approved. If there was no urgent matter, Mo Zihuang would not have left in such a hurry.

She stepped out of the gate of Yuhuang Pavilion, intending to go out to find Mo Zihuang, when she heard a voice suddenly.

"Mistress, don't go out, there is chaos outside, please stay here, mistress."

Seeing that she was about to go out, a hidden guard hurriedly appeared to stop her.

"Who are you? What happened outside? Where is the Purple Emperor?"

When Shaoyin saw this person who appeared suddenly, she was so careless that she didn't notice it, and she couldn't help being surprised.

"Mistress, this subordinate is the guard of the Lord. General Xiong Han rebelled and besieged the palace, and the Lord went to the palace."

The dark guard answered, making Shaoyin understand what happened.He thought that the mistress would turn pale with fright when she heard such things, but the result was beyond his expectation, because Shaoyin was too calm.

Shaoyin's unruffled courage in the face of danger made him seem to have met King Wu Zun.

"What is the situation of the enemy and our troops now?"

Shaoyin asked indifferently, feeling extremely uneasy when she heard that Emperor Mo Zi was going to the palace.

"There is a disparity in the strength of the enemy and our army. Our army was sent out to provide disaster relief, but it has not yet returned. The enemy has a strong army and has been plotting for a long time! The Lord did not bring the soldiers in the mansion with him, and all of them stayed behind to protect the mistress."

Shocked by Shaoyin's majesty, the dark guard quickly answered.Seeing that she obviously has no martial arts, but she has an aura that makes him break out in a cold sweat, it makes him feel a lot of pressure.

Maybe only such a woman can be worthy of their master!

"These bloody bastards! Impatient to live!"

Shaoyin immediately became angry when she heard the words, this happened as soon as she woke up.Who dares to destroy her happiness, she wants them to know why the flowers are so popular!

There was a strong fighting spirit in her eyes, and flames clustered in her eyes.

"Since your lord has left all the soldiers in the mansion to protect me, then I have the right to mobilize you. Now, follow my orders and do it!"

Shaoyin immediately asked him to gather the elite soldiers in Prince Wu Zun's mansion. Although the number was not many, it was enough for her.

She immediately opened her mouth to deploy. Originally, everyone was a little indifferent to the order of the mistress, but after hearing her plan, they all showed serious expressions and were eager to try.

They followed the master, and they were also familiar with the art of war, but they were not as proficient as Shaoyin.They looked at Shaoyin with admiration.

"What are you still doing? Still not acting!"

With Shaoyin's order, the elite guards in Prince Wu Zun's mansion immediately moved into action.

She looked in the direction of the imperial palace, where the flames were already bright, and half of the sky seemed to be stained with blood.The whole city was in turmoil, and the people even hid in their houses and dared not come out.

"Mistress, are we waiting for news here?"

The hidden guards who were in charge of protecting Shaoyin did not leave. They were ordered to protect the mistress, so naturally they dared not leave a step.

"Waiting for news? What I want to do is to create news! Prepare your horse and go to the palace!"

On Shaoyin's small face, there was a sense of pride and confidence.The flames of war were burning, and her eyes were fearless.


The dark guard knew that the mistress was the same as the master, they always said the same thing, so they didn't say anything at the moment, and immediately prepared the horses.

Shaoyin jumped on the horseback in a smart and agile manner, whipped the horse and galloped heroically towards the center of the battlefield at this moment.

In the past, he was the one who protected him, but this time, it was her!
The vermilion palace walls stretched endlessly.The resplendent cornices of the imperial palace rise high towards the sky, like a phoenix about to fly, bathed in the bright firelight.I don't know if it's the end of ashes or the rebirth of Nirvana?

The gates of the Jiuzhong Palace were already surrounded by large armies, and all the exits outside the palace were blocked.

The hulking general, Xiong Han, was like a big black bear, holding a spear in his hand, with a smug look on his black face.It seems that he has already succeeded in getting involved in Huangtu's hegemony and ascended to a high position.

This time, as a vanguard, he led the generals to attack the imperial palace first. When Lord Ye Xiaohou succeeds to the throne, he will be the founding hero and his name will be immortalized forever.

One day when King Wu Zun is around, he will never have a chance to stand out, and he can only be inferior to others all his life, how can he be reconciled!

Now that the gods are empty of troops, as long as he suppresses the imperial guards and Lord Ye Xiaohou leads the city guards to hold back Wu Zunwang's troops, then he can drive straight in and break through the palace in one fell swoop.

Without King Wu Zun, the Tianyao Dynasty is equivalent to breaking the mainstay, and it will definitely collapse and be defeated.

"Cheer up your spirits for this general. If you break through the palace gate tonight, you will be promoted tomorrow, and you will eat and drink with this general."

Xiong Han roared loudly, making the soldiers' hesitant hearts firm up again.When people's hearts are covered by greed, they will lose their minds.

"Tap Tap!"

A crisp sound of horseshoes came from the end of the army, and every sound stepped on the hearts of everyone.

When they saw that handsome and domineering figure like a god, the hearts of all the soldiers were once again filled with fear and awe.King Wu Zun's prestige and invincibility have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every soldier. Now seeing him coming, tens of thousands of soldiers dare not even vent their anger.

The fiery red shadow, the noble black clothes, and the cold eyes all exuded an awe-inspiring and domineering aura.

"Bold! Why don't you kneel down when you see this king?"

Mo Zihuang's domineering voice fell as cold as ice.

A yell came down, and some soldiers who hadn't recovered from their senses subconsciously knelt down and saluted him.

All of a sudden, crowds of people knelt down one after another, causing the entire army to become chaotic.

"Idiot! Kneeling ass! Get up for me!"

General Xiong Han actually knelt down when he saw them, his face turned red with anger.He stared at King Wu Zun who came riding alone with a pair of tiger eyes, and there was also a look of horror in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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