Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

251 Chapter 3 The Ups and Downs of You

251 Chapter 3 The Ups and Downs of You ([-])
"My lord! Lord Shangguan is here!"

Seeing that the pig's head was really a servant, the guard said quickly.

"Ah! Lord Shangguan is here, hurry up and take me out!"

Wang Xiaosan couldn't stand up at all, it was great to think that Shangguan Wei came at this time, he happened to ask her to severely punish those troublemakers.

The guards couldn't lift him, so they called a few people and carried him out like a pig.

"Your Excellency is the master for Xiaosan! Some unscrupulous people broke into the mansion and beat me up like this!"

Wang Xiaosan began to cry, with snot and tears flowing together, and Shangguan Wei frowned.

"What a shame to cry and cry!"

Shangguan Wei looked at Wang Xiaosan with disgust, and said coldly.

"You said that unscrupulous people broke into the mansion to commit murder, but is there any witness?"

"The next official is the witness!"

Wang Xiaosan was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he was the only one there at that time, so he said it.

"Those tricksters are them!"

He looked around for a week, and when he saw that those punks did not escape, but were still standing at the door, he immediately shouted in surprise.

"Ridiculous! You testify for yourself, and you just point out that you are a troublemaker. Are you an idiot when you are an official?"

Shangguan Wei shouted angrily, the crisp voice made Wang Xiaosan tremble with fright.

Normally Wang Xiaosan would stare at her lustfully, she had long wanted to deal with him, but seeing his pig-headed appearance today, she felt secretly refreshed.

"Xiaguan was really beaten up like this by thugs! But there is only Xiaguan!"

Wang Xiaosan tried his best to make himself look more believable, but the pig's face showed no expression at all.

"If there is no evidence, then it's a false accusation! We are all good citizens, please, Lord Shangguan, to see clearly and give justice to our common people."

Shaoyin walked forward slowly, smiling faintly under the veil.

"Yes! We are all good people!"

"Your Majesty's authority is so powerful, we little people are so afraid!"

Everyone started booing, and seeing that Wang Xiaosan had been beaten for nothing, but there was no evidence that they were extremely aggrieved, they couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and laugh.Their weapons are all directly obtained from local materials, and they don't even need to be taken away.At that time, everyone was stupefied, let alone testifying to Wang Xiaosan.Before Wang Xiaosan had time to arrange perjury, Lord Shangguan had already arrived, catching him by surprise.

It's just that they are very strange, why did Lord Shangguan come here at this time?

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let anyone be wronged!"

Shangguan Wei said impartially, with the light of justice shining on his face.

There is indeed a lot of darkness and corruption in the officialdom, but she always insists on doing practical things for every common people and making decisions for the common people.In the hearts of the common people, Shangguan Wei is a good and honest official, but there are too few such good officials in the imperial court.

"Tonight, I received a report letter. Someone reported that Wang Xiaosan, the servant of the Ministry of punishment, received huge bribes, bullied men and women, and ruled lawlessly!"

As soon as Shangguan Wei finished speaking, Wang Xiaosan's face turned pale.

"Master Shangguan! You are wronged! This is a frame--"

Wang Xiaosan said tremblingly, with death gray on his face.

"Framed? Open your eyes and see what is written in black and white on this ledger?"

Shangguan Wei threw the ledger onto Wang Xiaosan's pig-headed face, the pain made him sweat.

When he saw the ledger, he quickly tore it off and stuffed it into his mouth, trying to destroy the evidence.

Shaoyin was also taken aback when she saw his action, and then showed a smile that was not a smile.

Seeing him swallowing the ledger, Shangguan Wei calmly said: "How delicious is it? I forgot to tell you, the person who reported it copied a stack of ledgers, and the one just now was just a copy."

Her words made Wang Xiaosan choke directly, and coughed desperately, but he still couldn't spit out the big ball of paper.He rolled his eyes and was choked to death before being sent to the Ministry of Punishment.


Everyone was stunned when they saw Wang Xiaosan choking himself to death!

In just one night, the bizarre death of the corrupt official Wang Xiaosan spread throughout the entire city of God. When the people heard the news, they all applauded and cheered, saying that God wanted to accept him!Good and evil will be rewarded in the end!
It is said that the huge amount of money embezzled in Wang Xiaosan's mansion was nowhere to be found. Although the officers and soldiers searched the mansion all over, they did not find the money.

Everyone was guessing that the money must have been hidden in a secret place by Wang Xiaosan.

And where the huge sum of money is now, only one person knows, that is, Shaoyin who sneaked into Wang Xiaosan's room that night, stole the account book, and took all the treasures in the dark room away.

That report letter was written by Shaoyin, otherwise, how could Shangguan Wei arrive in time!

Before saying goodbye to everyone, Shaoyin took out a medicine bottle and secretly handed it to Hua Yuxia.She once helped herself, and it was also a reward for her.

Shaoyin left a sum of money for Beston, which was used to form a force.Many things cost money, and Know-it-all is her big housekeeper, so she will not be stingy.

After finishing all these tasks, it was already late at night when she returned to the Imperial Doctor's Mansion.

Without disturbing anyone, she opened the lock with the key and walked into the Imperial Doctor's Mansion.Today, she is very busy.

After returning to the Imperial Medical Mansion, she felt a sense of relaxation that everything was finally over.

The boots were on top of the white snow, and the bride price that was originally placed in the yard had now been moved to the basement.Below the entire imperial doctor's mansion is a huge basement with a very large area.

Usually, there is no need to open the basement, so even Shaoyin himself did not know that the Imperial Medical Mansion had a basement, but Mo Zihuang had told Lan Qinyan a long time ago, so she asked Xiliang to put things in the basement, and the entrance to the basement was right next to it. In Shaoyin's study.

The Imperial Doctor's Mansion was originally built for Xiao Jiumo Hanyuan, but after it was built, Xiao Jiu had already left them before living there.Where Xiao Jiu is now, no one knows.

It is useless for this mansion to be empty. In the end, Emperor Feng asked Mo Zihuang for his wishes, and gave it to Shaoyin, which can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

If other people wanted to live in this mansion, Mo Zihuang would be the first to refuse.

Shaoyin didn't know about Xiao Jiu's affairs, but felt that this mansion was very suitable for her.She walked without carrying a lamp, but walked quietly on the road towards the dark house.

In the past, Xiliang would light the lamps to wait for her to come back, but tonight the lights were not lit, which made her a little worried, so she walked a little faster.

Just when she was about to enter the room, she heard a "bang"!
She turned her head following the sound, and saw fireworks soaring into the sky above the icy lake, forming a huge heart shape, blooming in the dark sky.

(End of this chapter)

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