Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

252 Chapter 4 The Ups and Downs of You

252 Chapter 4 The Ups and Downs of You ([-])
Immediately afterwards, a large expanse of gorgeous fiery trees and silver flowers appeared on the snow-white icy lake, surrounding a love ice sculpture made of ice and snow, reflecting bright light.

The astonishment at that moment made Shaoyin's heart surge and her breathing became a little short of breath.

"Ayin, marry me! I will treat you well for the rest of my life! Love you, spoil you, and only you for the rest of my life!"

Mo Zihuang was dressed in black and walked out of the dark night, but he was more charming than the night.She has a dignified temperament, full of the domineering aura of a king, and everything is flawless, making people hold their breath just by looking at it.

He looked at Shaoyin with a smile, and under her stunned gaze, he knelt down on one knee, holding a rhinestone ring in his hand.

Beautiful rhinestones reflect eternal brilliance under the light of fireworks.The pattern of the diamond ring is very complicated, and there is an air of timelessness.


Shaoyin stood where she was, feeling so excited that she didn't know what to say.As wise and rational as she is, at this moment, she is also extremely nervous.Sweat dripped from her palms, almost moistening her palms.

The sound of the violently beating atrium in her heart was extremely loud, making her ears roar like thunder.

"Marry him!"

"Marry him!"


At this moment, the surroundings in the darkness suddenly lit up with light.Countless lotus lanterns were all lit up.

Shaoyin saw many familiar faces, Feng Meixue, Mo Yanhua, Mo Yunluan, Sheng Ming, Sheng Yifan, Mo Lingxuan, Yue Nichen, Zhan Luochu...

Many people she knew, friends with whom she had a good relationship, and Mo Zihuang's relatives all rushed back.

They all waved glowing bouquets in their hands and booed aside.

Smiling faces, full of expectations and blessings.

Mo Zihuang knelt on one knee on the icy lake, behind him was a huge heart carved out of ice and snow, and large expanses of fiery trees and silver flowers bloomed on the icy lake, forming a magnificent and beautiful scene.

He looked at Shaoyin nervously, and his palms were sweating.

In front of all his friends and relatives, he got down on his knees and proposed to her, and if she refused—

He never knelt down to the sky or the ground or the king all his life, but only knelt in front of her.

Kneeling and begging her to entrust her life to herself!

Tell her your sincerity!
Wanzhang soft red, beautiful as a cloud, he only wants her alone.

Two generations of Ronghua, three lives of fireworks, how can she be as drunk as she is!

The colorful fireworks, reflecting the beauty of Shaoyin, are so beautiful.The night wind blew her long hair, and she walked in front of Mo Zihuang step by step, every step seemed to be on his heart, and the clear footsteps became more and more clear in his ears.

She stretched out her hand to hold him, and took off the veil. Her voice, as quiet as a spring, fell into the apex of his dry heart like nourishing everything.

"I am willing!"

Shaoyin's voice is full of affirmation, and she is as sweet as sugar, and will follow the ups and downs of your life.Whether it is poor or rich, whether it is bitter or sweet, whether it is wind, frost and sword cold, or thousands of feet of Ling Shuo, she will hold his hand side by side with him, and will never be burdened.

As long as the king's heart is like mine, she will be with him for the rest of his life, walking to the end of time, watching the sunset and thousands of mountains, and looking through the dusk of old age.

This time, he formally proposed to her, and she formally agreed to his proposal in front of everyone. He put the diamond ring on her hand. This scene seemed to be immortal.

Leng Yueli waved her sleeves, and the sky filled with hell cherry butterflies flapped their wings and danced in the air to form two connected hearts, beautiful and beautiful!

There was a look of relief on his face, and he was also deeply moved when he saw his lover finally get married.

"that is really good!"

Feng Meixue held Mo Yanhua's hand, her beautiful face was filled with excitement.

Mo Zihuang's engagement ring is the eternal heart of the Mo family's ancestors. It is a gift from their husband and wife to the young couple. I hope their love will last forever and they will grow old happily.

The ring in Shaoyin's hand was originally worn by Feng Meixue, but now it has been passed on to the eldest daughter-in-law, and she has finally settled her worries.

"Zihuang's child will watch the clouds and see the moon! They will be happy!"

Mo Yanhua's handsome face showed joy, seeing his eldest son finally found his own happiness, he was really happy for them.

"Sister-in-law! From now on, if Little Huanghuang bullies you, beat him hard!"

Mo Yunluan said loudly, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Auntie! Fanfan supports you!"

Sheng Yifan's childish voice fell firmly.

"Sister-in-law, in the future, if your elder brother treats you badly, just kick him away, don't show mercy."

Mo Lingxuan said with a smile, since Shaoyin ruled Yue Nichen, she looks much better, and he really doesn't know how to thank her.

"Shaoyin, I wish you happiness!"

Yue Nichen watched with envy that Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang could love each other openly, and if one day she could also express her love openly, how wonderful it would be!
Everyone applauded and cheered, and laughter rippled on the frozen lake.The petals all over the sky fell down one after another, and the entire ice lake became the most beautiful picture scroll.

"Nine children!"

Shao Le, who was standing beside Zhan Luochu, saw the happy smile on Shaoyin's face, and felt a twinge of pain in his heart.That piercing pain, like the sweetest poison, eroded into the atrium little by little.That kind of pain, like an unreasonable mess, erected sharp thorns, tightening his heart.

He really wanted to smile and bless her, but he couldn't say the words of blessing because his heart was too painful.

The person I love so much is about to marry another man, but he can only be an outsider!

"Jiu'er, please forgive me, I can't say words to bless you."

He said silently in his heart, his eyes were full of melancholy, his handsome face was pale and bloodless.Even a forced smile cannot be maintained.

"Brother Le, your face is so ugly, are you sick?"

Zhan Luochu felt that Shao Le was about to lose his footing, so he asked worriedly, his eyes under his eyelashes revealed a look of worry.

"I am fine."

Shao Le shook her head, not wanting anyone to see her embarrassed side.

"Boy, kiss your bride!"

Feng Meixue shouted from the side, seeing Mo Zihuang staying in place in surprise, she almost slapped him on the head directly.

"Kiss her! Kiss her!"

Mo Zihuang's brothers also started booing, making Shaoyin's face flushed suddenly, and she was extremely shy.

"Okay! It's all gone, it's gone! Stay where it's cooler!"

Seeing Shaoyin shy, Mo Zihuang immediately said to them with a straight face.

"Brother, you are crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, it's not kind!"

Old Simo Guixu laughed out loud, seeing his elder brother's embarrassment, he felt extremely amusing.

(End of this chapter)

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