Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

253 Chapter 5 The Ups and Downs of You

253 Chapter 5 The Ups and Downs of You ([-])
"We came all the way back, brother, don't be so stingy! Let us feast our eyes!"

Little Liumo Xingxi also has an evil face, it's really interesting to see the big brother's expression.

Everyone started teasing Mo Zihuang, and the atmosphere seemed particularly harmonious.

Shao Le felt that he couldn't blend in with the excitement of others, so he quietly left from the side.Seeing him leave, Zhan Luochu hurriedly chased after him.

Seeing this scene, Lan Qinyan couldn't help shaking her head.

"They're all idiots!"

She sighed lightly, thinking of Yueshang Yuanqing in her heart, and there was a touch of helpless sadness in her eyes.

She said they were idiots, so why not herself?

"It's so late, the young couple still have something to say, so let's not get in the way here!"

Leng Yueli's warm voice fell slowly, and she opened her mouth to relieve Mo Zihuang and the others.

"My little uncle is the one who understands the most! You guys learn a little bit!"

Mo Zihuang glanced at Leng Yueli gratefully, he really couldn't resist his younger brothers and sisters.No matter how majestic and domineering he is, it is all useless.They are all brothers who grew up playing in mud together, so there is no difference between them.The relationship between their brothers and sisters is very good, and they have not become unfamiliar with each other because of growing up.

"Anyway, it's more interesting to have a bridal chamber in a few days! Do you think so?"

Leng Yueli's handsome face maintained a harmless expression, and what she said made Mo Zihuang and Shaoyin vomit blood.

It seems that this is the most black-bellied one!
"Hahaha! My uncle is very right! Brother, we will definitely ask my uncle for advice!"

Little Bamo Haipo couldn't help laughing, being amused by his uncle.Their little uncle is a very serious person, and it is rare for him to make such a joke.

"Goodbye, brother, let's learn from my uncle!"

All the brothers teased Mo Zihuang, turned into streaks of light and disappeared without a trace.

The others also left very tactfully, leaving space for the two of them.

"Zihuang, where did this ring come from? It's so special!"

Shaoyin took Mo Zihuang's hand, sat on a bench by the lake, leaned against his shoulder, looked at the diamond ring in her hand, and thought of the waltz that night, she became more and more sure that Mo Zihuang must have a relationship with someone People from the same place she has a strong bond with.There is even a possibility that Mo Zihuang is from modern times like her.

"This is a gift from your mother. The eternal heart of our Mo family's ancestors is only possessed by the eldest daughter-in-law!"

Mo Zihuang lit up the ring in his hand, it was a gift from Mo Yanhua.The two rings are a pair, and they look very chic when put together.

"Do you know Huaxia?"

Shaoyin asked tentatively, she hadn't told him about the fact that she was from modern times, so as not to scare him.After all, this is a very unbelievable thing. She doesn't want him to worry about gains and losses, and is afraid that she will leave suddenly. She just hopes that life will be peaceful as usual.When the right opportunity comes, she will tell him everything.

"What is Huaxia? Is it a place name?"

Mo Zihuang asked suspiciously, his face full of puzzlement.

"It's a place name. It's a place far, far away."

Shaoyin thought of her parents, and her eyes softened a little.She wanted to tell them she was doing well and not to worry.

"Have you ever been there?"

Seeing the nostalgia on her face, Mo Zihuang felt that it was a very important place to her.

"I've been there."

Shaoyin nodded, her gentle voice fell softly.

"If you like it there, let's go together in the future!"

Mo Zihuang held her hand, his cold voice was full of warmth.

"If it was Huangquan Purgatory, would you dare to go?"

Shaoyin said amusedly, he didn't even know where Huaxia was, and he said such things, he really likes to coax people.

"As long as I'm with you, what's so scary about Huangquan Purgatory?"

What Mo Zihuang said made sense, filling Shaoyin's heart with warmth.

Yes, without him, even living in the world would be like suffering in hell.As long as two people are together, is there any place that you can't go and dare not go?
"Ayin, I am really happy today! Thank God for letting me meet you!"

He hugged her cherishingly, with tenderness in his eyes.

He had been busy all day today, preparing to surprise her, but he didn't get any news that something happened to her, otherwise he would definitely be furious.

"I'm glad too!"

Shaoyin did not break his joy, if there is any trouble, she has the ability to solve it by herself.She didn't want to cause him more trouble, it was rare to see him so happy, how could she have the heart to destroy it!

What was going to be a bad day turns out wonderfully sweet for him.Even if there was an unpleasant episode in the middle, she was still happy at the moment.

There are always many unhappy things. If you lose your mood because you hold grudges against those people, wouldn’t you punish yourself with other people’s faults?Shaoyin would not do such a stupid thing.

The two didn't say much, just snuggled together quietly and felt each other's existence, which was already very satisfying.

"Zihuang, your proposal tonight surprised me, did you come up with it yourself?"

Shaoyin asked, the way of proposing marriage on one knee is definitely not something in this world, she must ask clearly.Maybe in this vast foreign world, you can still meet fellow villagers!

"My mother taught me that. She said that you must be sincere when proposing marriage. If you don't kneel down, how can you beg? Actually, I'm also a little nervous. I'm afraid you'll think I'm crazy."

Mo Zihuang said with some embarrassment, for them, such a way of proposing marriage can be said to be shocking, and it is also thanks to his mother who said it so confidently.

"You're a lunatic, and the cutest lunatic in the whole world!"

Shaoyin smiled slightly, the corners of her lips curled up, full of sweetness.

She heard the crux of the matter, it seemed that Feng Meixue was the key person.She intends to try it out, and then she will know whether she is from the same place as herself.

"I don't think that's a compliment!"

Mo Zihuang looked at Shaoyin with a bitter face.


Seeing his aggrieved appearance, Shaoyin couldn't help laughing out loud, the melodious laughter of a yellow warbler was like the sound of heaven.

Seeing her laughing at him, he couldn't help turning his head and made a fuss. She pulled his sleeve, and he turned his head.

"Zihuang, when I meet my mother-in-law tomorrow, please ask her if she knows about Huaxia."

Shaoyin said, seeing him showing a childish side in front of her, she felt a softness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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