Chapter 254
If he can't be vulnerable in front of others, then let's show his vulnerable side in front of her!

She will protect him with her own hands!
"No reward, I won't go."

Mo Zihuang said awkwardly, with a pair of deep eyes on his handsome face, he secretly glanced at Shaoyin, and then turned back quickly.


Shaoyin kissed him on the cheek, and her soft lips touched his skin like soft jelly, making his whole body numb and ecstatic.


Mo Zihuang pointed to his cheek, only to get a shudder from Shaoyin.

"it hurts!"

He rubbed his head and looked at Shaoyin pitifully.

"Do you want another one?"

Shaoyin smiled softly, and her voice was even more gentle.

"No! I don't want it anymore! It's the hardest thing to endure a beauty's grace!"

Mo Zihuang shook his head hastily, this little girl's advantage is not easy to take advantage of, he wants to be content with Changle.

"Do you know what to do tomorrow?"

Shaoyin asked eagerly, her pleasant voice was somewhat sturdy.

"Your Majesty's order, how dare you disobey!"

Mo Zihuang said with a smile, there was no trace of displeasure on his handsome face.If someone else dared to threaten him, he would have thrown him into the lake long ago.


Shaoyin blushed, stood up straight away, and walked towards her room.When she heard him call out his wife, her face had already betrayed the joy in her heart.

Mo Zihuang watched her leave, with an uncontrollable smile still on his handsome face.

But why did Ah Yin come back so late tonight?What happened in the end, he needs to find out.

In addition, where is Huaxia?Why did Ah Yin ask herself to ask her mother?

He couldn't figure it out, so he flew directly towards the palace, intending to ask his mother what was going on that night.

After he left, Shaoyin went back to the bedroom, took out a roll of parchment, wrote a sentence in Chinese characters on the parchment with the most durable ink, and then sent Brother Baozi to find a way to send it to Mount Jiuhua.

She drew up the route, and handed over the special medicine powder to Brother Leopard, who was very skilled in martial arts, and told him to send it there.

She hopes that her method will be useful and that she can pass on her message to her parents a thousand years from now.

She didn't know that after Brother Leopard sent the sealed brocade box to Mount Jiuhua, an archaeological team that entered Mount Jiuhua discovered an ancient brocade box among the ruins, which shocked the leaders of the archaeological world.

The brocade box was sent to Shao Dongli's research institute. When the archaeologist carefully opened the brocade box, he found a parchment scroll inside.

Everyone was shocked, thinking that this time there must be a great discovery.

When the sheepskin scroll was carefully opened, the almost weathered handwriting printed on the sheepskin scroll came into the eyes of the Shao family.

"Hello, Shaoyin!"

Seeing those four words clearly, the originally majestic couple laughed and burst into tears on the spot.

After hearing the news, Mr. Shao, who came here, also burst into tears after seeing the familiar words, but his eyes were full of peace of mind.

"Yinyin, may you be safe forever!"

He silently prayed in his heart, his eyes fixed on the writing on the parchment.

This archaeological discovery was later called an unsolved mystery through the ages. After the Ziwei wise man learned about it, he smiled peacefully.

His silver hair has now turned frosty white, no longer the brilliance of the stars, leaving him as lonely as snow.

However, Qing An, he has no regrets.

Light smoke and snow willows, falling and blooming.

The Emperor Phoenix Palace under the cover of night looks like a phoenix spreading its wings. The thin crystal snow, cold and dusty, looks like white smoke rolling over the glazed tiles, adding a touch of beauty to the Emperor Phoenix Palace.

Exquisite palace lanterns hang high above the golden phoenix lampstand, and the lanterns are neatly arranged in the mouth of the phoenix.

Mo Zihuang walked into the majestic Emperor Phoenix Palace without hindrance.If other people wanted to enter the Emperor Phoenix Palace, they would have to go through layers of strict screening before they could approach.

In the dormitory of the Empress Dowager, the luminous pearl was dazzlingly bright.A wisp of tea fragrance drifted past, like a breeze carrying a rain of flowers, making Mo Zihuang's mind calm down all of a sudden.

In the depths of the palace, in the floating world, abandon the prosperity and enjoy a piece of happiness and freedom.

Mo Zihuang stood behind the golden snow and mist gauze man, looking at the huge Emperor Phoenix Palace, he felt very cordial.

"The emperor is here, come in!"

Feng Meixue's gentle and melodious voice swayed like the wind chimes hanging from the Linglong White Pagoda.

Mo Zihuang stretched out his hand to lift the Shaman, stepped into the house, and saw Feng Meixue and Mo Yanhua sitting leisurely and drinking tea, on the plain white porcelain cup, a blue flower of Yaruo was in full bloom , with light sea blue and dots of emerald green, full of elegance.


Mo Yanhua's clear voice fell slowly.He stretched out his hand to hold the teapot, and poured a cup of hot tea for Mo Zihuang. This is the Tianchi Hancui they picked from Qianshan Xuehai this time. To the fresh taste of Qianshan Xuehai.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it after drinking tea."

He glanced at Mo Zihuang faintly, and saw that the exquisite lotus beads on the center of his brows became more and more colorful, so he couldn't help frowning.

The two of them went out this time to find Xuetalei for Mo Zihuang, and heard from Leng Yueli that the only blooming Xuetalei in the world can dissolve the heaven-defying power of Linglong Lotus.It even has the miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life, and it is a spirit flower that condenses the essence of heaven and earth aura.

After Shaoyin lost his breath, Mo Zihuang also learned about the strange thing of Lei Epiphyllum from Leng Yueli's mouth, but he sent all the people, but he couldn't find out where Lei Epiphyllum was.It is conceivable how rare the tear epiphyllum is.

Even Feng Meixue and Mo Yanhua, after gathering all their powerful connections, went through untold hardships before they discovered the clue about Lei Epiphyllum.

Feng Meixue, Mo Yanhua, Nalan Fengyin, Hua Lengzui and Meng Junlin, the five of them went deep into the sea of ​​snow and mountains, and found a seed of Epiphany in Yunding Tianchi, the deepest part of the sea of ​​snow.

The Tianchi Hancui tea leaves were found next to the Lai Epiphyllum seeds, so they decided to bring the tea back with them.

Mo Zihuang had never seen this kind of tea before. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea. Suddenly, he felt a cool spring rushing to his mind, which miraculously calmed down the fiery flames in his body caused by the ups and downs of emotions.The anxiety that was a bit irritating at first also disappeared.

"This tea is called Tianchi Hancui. It has the effect of clearing the heart and calming the mind. You can take it back later."

(End of this chapter)

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