Chapter 270
Her voice was resounding, and that genius doctor Du was in a cold sweat.

"Then—then what disease do you think she has?"

Miracle Doctor Du originally just made up a disease name, but he didn't expect this little girl who was ten years younger than her to be able to speak clearly and clearly.Seeing that the woman's symptoms were sluggish, she planned to wake her up with acupuncture, but now that Shaoyin disrupted her plan, she could only pretend to be calm.

"She's suffering from lovesickness!"

Shaoyin's voice fell, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

Especially Lan Qinyan's parents were dumbfounded.

Their daughters seldom go out, and they don't have a close relationship with any son, so how could they be lovesick?
This is simply impossible!
"Yan'er has no crush!"

Nangong Qingyi spoke, feeling that Shaoyin was talking nonsense.

"Yeah! Yan'er knows very few people! It shouldn't be lovesickness!"

Zhan Luochu also shook his head, feeling that what Shaoyin said was too unrealistic.

"I've never heard of anyone suffering from lovesickness like this. It's ridiculous."

That genius doctor Du originally thought that Shaoyin would make some great suggestions, but he didn't expect to say such a funny thing, and immediately said sarcastically.

"Excessive lovesickness, the brush takes shape."

Shaoyin didn't argue with them, but took the paintbrush in Lan Qinyan's hand, walked up to the painting, and clicked two dots.

It was just a simple movement that made Lan Qinyan, who was originally stunned like a sculpture, to stand up.


The audience was in an uproar, and everyone was stunned!

Even the imperial doctors outside opened their mouths wide open. They couldn't believe that Lan Qinyan returned to normal after Shao Yin just moved her pen.

"What the hell is going on here? What did the Emperor Doctor do just now?"

"I do not know!"

"She didn't even prescribe the medicine, and Miss Lan woke up!"



Everyone made various guesses, but they couldn't explain the reason why Lan Qinyan woke up, so they turned their suspicious eyes to Shaoyin.

"Yan'er! My dear Yan'er! I scared my mother to death!"

Seeing Lan Qinyan standing up, Nangong Qingyi immediately ran over, crying until her makeup was stained.

"Just wake up! Just wake up!"

Lan Xi was at a loss for joy, he was so excited to see his beloved daughter standing in front of him in good condition.

"Shaoyin, how did you do it?"

When Zhan Luo first saw that Lan Qinyan was fine, she was even more curious about what Shaoyin had just done.

"I just moved the pen, put the finishing touches on it, and did it with little effort."

Shaoyin put down the paintbrush in her hand, her jade face was still calm, as if nothing had happened.That calm demeanor made everyone feel deeply moved.

"I still don't understand, isn't it just a painting?"

Zhan Luochu didn't know the importance of this painting. Lan Qinyan painted a lot, and I never saw her become like this.

"The little girl is fine, I really trouble everyone!"

Seeing that Shaoyin didn't explain, Lanxi thought it was because there were too many people here, so he issued an order to evict the guests.

Although the imperial doctors were so curious that they were dying, the owner had issued an order to evict the guests, so they could only leave with such doubts.

That miracle doctor Du wanted to hear the final result, but was kicked out by Mo Zihuang directly.

"Idle people, don't stay here and get in the way!"

Miracle Doctor Du led the servant out of the Lan Mansion with a dark face.

After these people had left, Feng Meixue and Tang Qiqi walked over from the next door.

"Yin'er, tell mother quickly, how good is Yan'er? Why did she wake up after you drew two strokes?"

Feng Meixue also asked curiously, with a strong interest on her face.

"The person painted in this painting should be Qin Yan's sweetheart. Because of the longing in her heart, she was so focused when painting that her whole mind was immersed in the painting, unable to extricate herself. Originally, as long as she finished painting this Draw back your mind.”

Seeing that Lan Qinyan blushed and there was no outsider here, Shaoyin continued to explain.

"It's just that, because she cared too much about this person in her heart, she couldn't finish painting for a long time. Her mind was always concentrated on the painting, and she lost her response to everything outside, so she was lovesick!"

Seeing her parents' questioning eyes, Lan Qinyan could only blushed and nodded, admitting what Shaoyin said.

The man in that painting is her sweetheart.

Although she is a master of Danqing, she is good at drawing, but when drawing her sweetheart, she is extremely cautious, for fear that the painting will damage his face.When drawing the most important eyes at the end, she kept recalling the eyes of brother Yuanqing, but she was afraid of making a mistake, so she couldn't write for a long time.

What happened later, she didn't know at all, she only knew that her brother Yuanqing's face was always in her mind.The scenes in the painting are her childhood memories, and they resurfaced in her mind. She was immersed in the painting scroll and couldn't extricate herself from it until Shaoyin's finishing touches woke her up.

"So it is!"

Feng Meixue said suddenly, no wonder Lan Qinyan stared at the picture scroll motionlessly.Everyone only observed whether there was any problem with her body, and all ignored where her eyes fell.


Empress Tang Qiqi exclaimed, seeing Shaoyin's medical skills this time, she was really superb.Without medicine or needles, all the strange diseases that the imperial doctors are helpless can be cured.

"Shaoyin is amazing!"

Zhan Luochu said admiringly, he never thought that Lan Qinyan could be cured so simply.Except for her, no one else noticed such details.

"As expected of an imperial physician!"

Lan Xi said sincerely, this is the real master of medicine, it seems that he needs to study more.

Seeing Shaoyin's praise from everyone, Feng Meixue just nodded her head slightly without showing any complacency, so she admired it more and more.

Although Mo Zihuang didn't say anything, but his handsome face proudly wrote: Look, this is my wife, Mo Zihuang!

"Shaoyin, thank you this time!"

Lan Qinyan heard her mother tell her what happened, she walked up to Shaoyin and thanked her.

"You're welcome! I also have something to ask for your help!"

Shaoyin said lightly, looking at Lan Qinyan.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Lan Qinyan asked in confusion.

Others were also puzzled for a while, only Mo Zihuang knew what Shaoyin was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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