Chapter 271
"You hold this thing."

Shaoyin took down the Hanyu Linglong ball and let Lan Qinyan hold it.

According to her words, Lan Qinyan stretched out her hand to hold the cold jade exquisite ball, and the bead that was originally glowing with a faint halo suddenly gave off a dazzling light.

"This is?"

Feng Meixue felt that there was a strange power hidden in this bead, it was extremely gentle, making people feel as if they were bathed in the Buddha's light, and their body and mind were peaceful and peaceful.

"This is something my uncle found. This will only happen if the person we are looking for touches it."

Shaoyin just said it briefly, and Feng Meixue immediately understood.

"Yan'er, cry quickly!"

Feng Meixue pulled Lan Qinyan's hand excitedly, thinking that she was one of the seven predestined people, as long as there were her tears, the chances of the tear epiphyllum blooming would be one point higher.

"I—I can't cry now!"

Seeing the idol in her heart holding her hand at this moment, Lan Qinyan was quite happy in her heart, she couldn't cry.

"Miss, why did you tell Yan'er to cry?"

Nangong Qingyi and Lanxi looked at each other in blank dismay, completely confused about the situation.

"When you say help, do you just need me to cry?"

Lan Qinyan Bingxue is smart, and when she heard Feng Meixue's words, she knew what Shaoyin was talking about helping.


Shaoyin nodded, and prepared an empty porcelain bottle to hold tears.

"Why don't you hit me? I'll see if I can cry."

Seeing Shaoyin and Feng Meixue's eyes burning, Lan Qinyan obviously wanted her to cry very much.But now she really can't cry, so she can only think of something else to help.

Hearing her words, everyone was speechless for a while.

"Zihuang, take out the gift we received this morning."

Shaoyin didn't follow her suggestion, not because she didn't want to beat someone, but because of Lan Qinyan's strong temperament, even if she was beaten, she would definitely not cry.She is not such a fragile person, but soft on the outside and strong on the inside.


Mo Zihuang took out the handwriting written by Yueshang Yuanqing and handed it to Shaoyin.

"Here, open your eyes and see clearly!"

Shaoyin slowly opened the words and presented them in front of Lan Qinyan.

When those four words came into Lan Qinyan's eyes, she recognized that they were Yueshang Yuanqing's handwriting.Even if she didn't read the signature, she knew exactly who wrote it.For so many years, she had secretly collected his words and bought them through various channels at a high price.

Every word he said, every stroke he made, she remembered in her heart.

"I heard that Yuan Qing went back to get married this time! The bride is as beautiful as a flower, talented and beautiful, a perfect match!"

Shaoyin said with emotion, and poked Mo Zihuang with her hand.

"Yeah! I also received the invitation card!"

Mo Zihuang nodded, and said seriously.


Lan Qinyan felt that the world was collapsing, and she was almost unable to stand on her feet. Her staggering figure was like a leaf swaying in the wind, without support.The face as clear and beautiful as a lotus in water turned pale.

Looking at the handwriting, she thought of Yueshang Yuanqing's face, and the tears of longing could not be restrained from welling up in her eyes.The moment she blinked, tears fell.

Did he not remember her, and his childhood words?
She really can't afford to lose, can't afford to lose this love battle.If she had known this earlier, she would rather have never hoped, never expected, never waited.

The ruddy eyes, the clear tears that burst the embankment, are like raindrops swaying.

"Quick! Catch it!"

Feng Meixue hurriedly took the porcelain bottle to catch the tear, but the tear, as if attracted, flew into the cold jade exquisite ball in Lan Qinyan's hand, merged into the exquisite ball, and floated inside , looks like a water-colored pearl, sparkling.

"It seems that this cold jade exquisite ball is prepared to collect seven tears."

After Shaoyin saw that the cold jade ball had only absorbed one tear, she didn't absorb the remaining tears.

"Don't cry! I'm crying into tears. It's a sin! We just made a fool of myself. Yueshang Yuanqing is still a bachelor who no one wants!"

Shaoyin spoke hastily, lest Lan Qinyan faint from crying.


Lan Qinyan came back to her senses, stopped her tears, and looked at Shaoyin pitifully, as if she wanted to confirm her words.

"At present, he is not married, but I heard that the family is pressing for marriage. I won't know in a few days. Love is not based on waiting, otherwise, you will never know whether you will lose the opportunity to have forever in the next second."

Shaoyin reached out to take the cold jade exquisite ball in Lan Qinyan's hand, the silver tassels were shining like moonlight in the midday sun.

"We won't disturb your rest."

She patted Lan Qinyan's shoulder lightly, looked back and smiled, with a hint of encouragement.

She could see that Lan Qinyan had a deep affection for Yueshang Yuanqing, and the man in the painting was younger, but she still recognized that it was Yueshang Yuanqing.It seems that there seems to be an unknown past between the two of them.

"I see, thank you!"

When Lan Qinyan heard her words, a firm look flashed across her eyes.She has to fight for her own happiness. If brother Yuanqing forgets the original promise, then she will tell him personally.

She has been on the lookout for so many years, so it's time for her to be brave again.

"Even if I can't afford to lose, I will fight again!"

She has always been a person who is afraid of losing, but if she just waits at the same place forever, she can only lose in this battle.If you don't fight once, how will you know who is the winner.

Hearing Shaoyin's words, Zhan Luochu seemed to have some understanding and some dejection.She was very clear about her feelings, which were doomed to no result from the very beginning.An unintentional person, no matter how much he pays, he will never see it.Even if that person smiles so warmly, his heart has no warmth.

She has always understood, but has been pretending not to understand.

Seeing that the first tear was found, Feng Meixue felt a little relieved.It seems that the legend is true, and the tears of the seven predestined people will surely make the epiphyllum of tears bloom.

Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang left Lan Mansion and walked on the Qingshi Long Street on foot. There was a strong medicinal fragrance in the air, wafting from the surrounding medicinal gardens.

"I didn't expect that there is a destined person by our side! But thinking about it, it is a rare fate to meet and get acquainted in the vast sea of ​​people. This tear of longing is really beautiful and sad."

Shaoyin shook the Hanyu Linglong ball, looking at the beautiful tear, condensed with longing, it was poignant and moving.

(End of this chapter)

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