Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 313 Taking the People's Love

Chapter 313 Taking the People's Love (2)
Her eyes glanced at Mo Zihuang coldly, without waves, with a cold ecstasy chill and soul-piercing wisdom, completely inconsistent with the alienation and indifference that she should have at her age.

Why does this girl have Leng Yueli's beloved Yinfeng Konghou?Yinfeng is the most precious treasure on the list of ancient artifacts, and Leng Yueli will never give it away at will.

Who is she, and how did she appear here?

She seemed to be the only one in this place, and she seemed extremely silent, and that lonely figure was independent from the world, making him seem to see a crescent moon hanging in the sky.

"Give me the Falling Immortal Token!"

The girl's icy and ethereal voice was as cold as ice and snow in the coldest winter.

Emperor Mo Zi took out a snow-white ice and snow token that Xuantian gave him. The token was in the shape of a silver lotus with a fairy character engraved on it, full of fairy spirit.

When he took out the Falling Immortal Token, the token flew into her palm.

There was a sad look on the girl's face, this Falling Immortal Token was a gift from her mother before her death.The Luoxian Pavilion created by her mother, now she is the only one left, guarding this uninhabited Linglong Pavilion, recalling the good times that warmed her life and supported her to go on.

She never got out of that unforgettable pain, but gradually learned how to live with this pain.

No one can always be smooth sailing, and life will not always go well.Everyone always has to go through the smoke and water in spring and winter, see the vicissitudes of life, go through wind and rain, and go through the bustling barrenness before he understands the taste of life and transforms into a butterfly.

"I wonder if Luoxian Pavilion has what I need?"

Mo Zihuang asked, with a serious expression on his face.The coercion that this girl inadvertently exudes is like the might of heaven and earth.

She looked about seven or eight years old, but Mo Zihuang didn't dare to underestimate her at all.Because he couldn't see through this girl's strength at all, he just thought she was so unfathomable.

"There is nothing you're looking for in Luoxian Pavilion, but I can tell you where it is."

A water mirror floated in the hands of the girl in white clothes. With a wave of her plain hand, the water mirror shone with brilliant brilliance, looking like a dream.The information she wanted to know appeared on the water mirror one by one.

"Wanhu Zhu is located [-] meters below the southern foot of Baoshan Mountain, and Lanxiangzi is born on the top of Yinshan Mountain facing the sun."

Her cold and childish voice came down clearly.


Mo Zihuang knew these two places, and they were not too far from Wuqu City.

"No delivery."

The girl in white put away the water mirror, her voice already meant chasing away guests.

"The last time I was in Mount Jiuhua, I thank this little girl for saving me."

Mo Zihuang vaguely remembered that it was the sound of the piano that calmed him down, and then he was rescued by Leng Yueli.

He has never had the chance to meet this mysterious benefactor, but now he never expected to meet him here.

"Need not."

The girl in white had a cold expression on her face. If he hadn't mentioned this matter, she would have forgotten Mo Zihuang long ago.She was impressed by the woman in Mo Zihuang's arms at that time, and that woman reminded her of her sister Shaoyin.

Seeing that the other party didn't like talking with people, Mo Zihuang didn't stay any longer, but rushed to the place the girl in white said.

Time flows like water, flowers bloom and fall, clouds roll and clouds relax.

The night had already faded layer by layer, and was covered by white veils.

Shaoyin sat by the window, looking at the bamboo forest downstairs.The large bamboo leaves swayed and made a soft sound, like a morning song.

The figure of her sitting quietly, like a touch of the most beautiful silhouette, is imprinted in the eyes of others.

Looking at the white plum that suddenly appeared in the bamboo forest, standing upright on the cold branch, the coldness reminded her of Mo Zihuang.

After only a brief separation, she found that her heart felt a little empty.She didn't know when she realized that she was moved by him, and she could always meet him on weekdays, but she didn't have any special feelings yet.It wasn't until after they parted that she realized that she couldn't live without him.

It was only after we parted that I realized that his weight in my heart was already so heavy.

She used the whole world in exchange for being with him and smelling the fragrance of flowers together.Join hands to see the gorgeous spring flowers, feel the summer breeze, reflect the autumn sun, and gaze at the winter snow.

She took out the exquisite cold jade ball in her hand, that small cold jade ball carried two crystal clear teardrops, and also pinned her hope.

When can we gather all seven tears?she does not know!She only knew that she would keep looking for it, even if the crowd was vast, she would not hesitate.

She didn't know that she also had such a silly time, and she wholeheartedly hoped that he would be fine.

It turns out that to be really nice to a person does not require any reason, nor does it require any rationality.Just thinking about him wholeheartedly, without asking for anything in return, simple, transparent and pure.


A wind-like sigh came out from the top floor of the Nongqing Pavilion opposite.

A graceful figure stood at the highest point of the Nongqing Pavilion, but his eyes were fixed on the quiet figure on Yingluo upstairs.

"Le'er, you have someone you like."

Shangguan Nianxi walked over from behind, with a hint of sadness on his veiled face.

"Master! There are no apprentices!"

Shao Le's gentle voice is full of helplessness and sadness.

"Le'er, your mouth is lying, but your eyes can't hide your love."

Shangguan Nianxi's voice fell slowly.If she couldn't even see through her beloved disciple, then she would have lived for so long in vain.

Shao Le's medical skills are inherited from Shangguan Nianxi, who is known as a ghost doctor with wonderful hands, and is also her most proud apprentice.

"When you have someone you love, you will have weaknesses. This teacher told you a few brothers a long time ago, have you forgotten?"

Shangguan Nianxi stared at Shao Le, not missing any of his expressions.

"I have never forgotten what the master said, but love for her is like air, how can I stop breathing?"

Shao Le's eyes showed melancholy and dejection, he knew clearly that falling in love with her would be full of scars, he knew that he must never fall in love with her, he knew that he had to forget her.

Has always been shallow edge, but since the Wife.

Those he loves don't love him, and those who love him don't love him.

Love hurts, but he insists on not letting go, even if he is doomed to be desolate and lonely all his life.

He believed that even with the passage of time, he could still clearly remember her face, that snow-like smile.

Time will not make him forget, it will only make him go over and over again, gradually getting used to the pain and sweetness of longing.

(End of this chapter)

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