Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 314 Love the people like children

Chapter 314 Love the people like children (1)
"Silly boy! Why bother?"

When Shangguan Nianxi heard his words, a suffocating pain spread in his heart.

"Master, why are you bothering? It's been more than ten years, and you are still alone?"

Shao Le's gentle voice fell slowly, leaving Shangguan Nianxi speechless.

She was talking about her apprentice, so why not herself?

That person doesn't love her, but as long as she can look at him from a distance, she is already satisfied.

The painting that was sold at the fireworks auction last time was a fake, which really made him laugh, but she was already very happy when she found an excuse to meet him.

"Le'er, master knows that you have always wanted to be strong, so don't be too forceful in everything. A gentleman does not take away people's love."

Shangguan Nianxi stretched out his hand and patted Shao Le's shoulder. Seeing her lover like this, she felt very distressed.She has always regarded him as her own. This child's life is too miserable, and he has endured too much suffering that he shouldn't have to suffer!
"In addition, there is a sentence, the master knows that it is useless to say it, but he has to say it."

"Master, you don't need to say it, I won't stop, blood and hatred are irreconcilable. Such a dark life is not my choice, I have no way out."

Shao Le glanced at Shangguan Nianxi, already knew what she was going to say, waved his sleeves, turned around and left in a lonely way.

"Le'er, stop! Don't make the same mistake again and again!"

Shangguan Nianxi stood alone on the top floor of the Nongqing Pavilion, and her outstretched hand finally fell powerlessly.

She looked at the quiet morning light, Shao Le's back was fading away, her eyes were a little moist.

He has always only seen the shadow in front of him, but ignored the sunshine behind him.

After Shao Le's figure disappeared, she turned her eyes to the place he had been looking at just now.She saw a vague figure, sitting by the window, like an elf among flowers.

Shaoyin was sitting by the window, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, her cold little hands warmed up.The room is filled with the aroma of green tea, refreshing.

"Miss! May I come in?"

Hai Lian's voice came in from outside the house, with the meaning of asking.

"Lian'er, come in!"

Shaoyin looked at Hailian with a joyful smile on her face, and trotted over full of youthful vigor.

The last incident made her have an unpleasant memory, but she is cheerful and optimistic by nature, and now she has regained her former vitality.

"Miss, I don't seem to have that scent on me anymore!"

Hai Lian immediately ran over to tell Shaoyin the news, she had been wearing pearls to sleep last night, after getting up this morning to take a bath, she found that she no longer had that special smell on her body.


Shaoyin sees Hailian no longer in any way, which also proves that her method is not wrong.Because Hailian didn't drink much of the flower god's sacrificial water, and she wore a special sachet, her symptoms were much milder than others.

Now the fragrance she exudes has been absorbed by the pearls, as long as you find orchid seeds as medicine, you can clear the remaining poison in your body.

There doesn't seem to be any records about Lanxiangzi in the medical classics of this place. Presumably people have not discovered its magical medicinal properties.

She asked Ye Juanbi to find some medical books last night, and searched earnestly all night, but did not see a single word about Lan Xiangzi.If it's just okay that no one finds out, there's still hope.

"Is there no news from your grandfather?"

Shaoyin took a look at Peixin, and heard that their master went to Luoxian Pavilion alone, but Jiuying and Xiaoluo didn't follow him.

The two of them lost Mo Zihuang and are now looking for him.

At this moment, Emperor Mo Zi had already left Wuqu City, bought a horse, and rushed towards the place that the Lord of Luoxian Pavilion said.

He knew that there was no time to delay now, so he hurried all the way.


The horse's hoof raised a cloud of dust, making Bei Gongguan and Luo Xiaokui who were outside the city look dusty.

He didn't take a closer look at the two of them, so he rode away.

"This bastard! Cough cough cough!"

Bei Gongguan spat out a mouthful of black blood, and jumped his feet in anger.If it wasn't for the two of them coming here secretly, they didn't want to startle Mr. Beigong, so they just sneaked in their camp to avoid the limelight, and they had to leave immediately before dawn.

They had just left the city when they met such a bastard who walked without looking at the road!
"I seem to have seen the figure of this person somewhere!"

Looking at Mo Zihuang's leaving figure, Luo Xiaokui muttered to himself.Reaching out to wipe the dust off his face, he looked particularly embarrassed.

"The next time I ask Lao Tzu to see him, I must strip him alive!"

Bei Gongguan said viciously, the sand fell into his eyes, the pain made him cry.

Because of such a big event in Wuqu City, Shao Yin, as the main concubine of King Wu Zun, had to come forward, so she took Mu Fu and Hai Lian to the City Lord's Mansion early in the morning to preside over the overall situation.

Before Mo Zihuang came back, she had to stabilize the hearts of the people, otherwise there would be chaos.

Many people have already gathered outside the city lord's mansion, and their children were arrested by the officials, so they are naturally extremely worried.

"What's going on here? Why are we Xiaocui imprisoned? We haven't been released yet!"

"Our family's Ah Hong didn't come out either. How is she doing now? Why did she suddenly go crazy?"

"Let my daughter out!"

"Please, sir, let me meet my daughter!"

"If you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies, you can't secretly dispose of our daughter!"

The people said with tears streaming down their faces, their hearts filled with fear, for fear that something bad happened to their daughter.

"Although our daughter is crazy, it is also a life!"

"Hand over our daughter!"

"Hurry up and hand it over!"

Someone was instigating among the crowd, making the people even more excited.

They were all worried that something would happen to their family members, and now they heard their words and immediately demanded the return of their children.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, your daughters are fine, but they can't be let out for the time being."

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion calmed down, seeing the people so agitated, they were a little overwhelmed.

"No! They must be delaying the attack and want to delay time!"

"We can't be fooled by them!"

"That's right, you can't be deceived! Our child must be handed over immediately!"

"Hand over my sister!"


The crowd was excited, and they rushed to the City Lord's Mansion one by one, with worries about their family members in their eyes.

Facing these unarmed common people, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were also very embarrassed. If they accidentally injured the common people, it would definitely cause a bigger riot.All of them were sweating profusely, and were about to cry in anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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