Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 322 Important People

Chapter 322 Important People (1)
He had already received news that she would come, and he had been thinking about how to face her when he saw her.Yunmeng's side has already set up a net of heaven and earth, and now that she is sent to her door, she may never come back.

Jiangshan beauties are important, he secretly weighed them in his heart.

She was still so peaceful, like a cloud in the sky, passing by his heart without a trace, touching the softest part of his heart.

Seeing her standing with Mo Zihuang, and remembering her current identity as Mo Zihuang's wife, he suddenly felt a sense of loss.

When they got married, he thought about stopping it, but there was no way to stop it.He watched her marry as a wife, but he was powerless to bring her back.

There was a dark sense of loss in his eyes, but it was only fleeting, and no one could see the clue.

"This chess game is coming to an end, but it's just stalemate here, it seems that there is no solution."

Meng Junlin's attention returned to the chessboard. The chess game of the two sides was evenly matched, and it turned out to be a dead game in the end.

"Zihuang, come and help me see how to break this chess game?"

His eyes swept over Shaoyin, and he nodded slightly towards her, as a greeting.

"If you want to make a breakthrough, you must die and survive."

Mo Zihuang glanced at the chess game, and said a simple sentence, which made both Meng Junlin and Meng Tan show their comprehension.

Both of them are smart people, if this chess game continues, both sides will lose.

So I just stopped, and inviting Mo Zihuang and Shao Yin to have a drink together, it's right to clean them up.

A few people just had a drink or two, and Situ, who was beside Prince Mengtan, walked over with a serious face.

"Situ, if you have something to say directly."

Prince Mengtan saw Situ anxiously, glanced at him, and said calmly.

"Young Master Luo is critically ill, and the imperial doctor has gone to the doctor several times, but there is still no effect."

Situ said, it's not a secret anyway, if he hides it from the Supreme Emperor Meng Junlin, it will make him feel suspicious of Mengtan.

"It's already so serious? Didn't Fuchun feel good a few days ago? Why did he become critically ill as soon as he returned to Luo's house?"

Prince Mengtan's expression was a bit cold, Luo Fuchun was one of his few good friends, he came back a few days ago to get married, and after that he became ill.

Now there are rumors that Luo Fuchun married a wife who is a bastard, not only did not succeed in rejoicing, but made Luo Fuchun's situation even worse.Luo Lao is furious now, it seems that Zhang Yinling's life is not easy now.

"I heard that Princess Wu Zun has excellent medical skills. I wonder if you can go to Luo's house with me?"

Prince Mengtan thought of Shaoyin's medical skills, he was so serious back then, he was saved by her.Maybe there is a strange disease that no one can see, Shaoyin has a solution.

"This king's concubine doesn't have time to hang around with you!"

Mo Zihuang looked at Mengtan vigilantly, and did not give him a chance to get along with Shaoyin.Who told Meng Tan to have a face that would bring disaster to the country and the people, but he happened to be a golden bachelor with talent and wealth.

If he doesn't guard against Mengtan, who should he guard against?
"Healing and saving lives should depend on whether the doctor is willing or not. I didn't mean to ask King Wu Zun."

Meng Tan glanced at Mo Zihuang, and said without haste.

"Is the Emperor Doctor willing to help?"

He even changed his title, obviously he didn't have a good attitude towards Mo Zihuang.

"I can go and see, but I can't guarantee that it will be cured."

Shaoyin's faint voice surprised Mo Zihuang.

He didn't pay attention to the fact that the cold jade exquisite ball held by Shaoyin was shining with purple-blue light.When she lowered her head, she noticed that the Hanyu Linglong Ball was glowing, so she held the Linglong Ball in her hand so as not to attract attention.

"If you want to take someone out, you have to bring them back properly, otherwise I won't be able to explain to my old friend."

Meng Junlin spoke, with a bit of majesty in his voice.

"Father, don't worry."

Mengtan nodded in agreement, and when he heard Shaoyin's agreement, he also felt inexplicable joy in his heart.

"Since the Purple Emperor is here, let me go to the imperial study. Xi Wu has been nagging her for a long time, and you can't justify not going there. That girl will be under the care of my people, and she will be fine."

Meng Junlin stood up and said to Mo Zihuang.

Hearing Meng Junlin's personal assurance, Emperor Mo Zi didn't doubt it, and told Shaoyin a few words before going to see Emperor Xiwu with Meng Junlin.

Yunmeng's true overlord is still Meng Junlin, if something happened to Shaoyin in his territory, how would he have the face to meet Feng Meixue?

Prince Mengtan's car drove out of the palace gate in a low-key manner.Situ sat in front of the carriage and drove, while Mengtan sat quietly at the side. He was also surprised that Shaoyin would be willing to help.

Originally, Shaoyin didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but accidentally discovered that Mengtan was one of the seven predestined people. Naturally, she would not miss such a great opportunity.

She put her hands in front of her body, and the large petals on the long skirt bloomed beautifully.

Her expression is very calm, people can not see her thoughts.

"Can you tell me about the condition of the patient?"

After a long silence, Shaoyin spoke to break the silence.

"The patient had been ill for more than half a year. He was already terminally ill, but he suddenly got better. As a result, he suddenly fell ill a few days ago, which was more serious than before. His body was extremely cold, as if he had lost his soul. He talked nonsense all day long and convulsed all over his body. Trembling, the doctors were helpless."

Meng Tan spoke methodically, and told about Luo Fuchun's condition.He also heard these from Situ, because of his special status, it is not suitable for him to associate with the hermit family, otherwise it will arouse the suspicion of interested people, so he has never found a chance to visit.

If Situ hadn't said that Luo Fuchun's situation was critical today, he would not have taken Shaoyin to take the risk.

"Sounds like it should be frightened."

Shaoyin made a preliminary judgment after hearing him talk about Luo Fuchun's illness.Usually, when people are frightened, they will tremble with fear, their whole body will feel cold, and in severe cases, they will even become mentally abnormal.

"What's going on, we'll have to wait and see to find out."

"It's coming soon."

Meng Tan nodded, confident in her medical skills.If she is willing to act, Fu Chun will be fine.

"I'm going to trouble you today."

"My consultation fee is very high, and I will ask you to pay it then!"

Shaoyin's faint voice fell down clearly, like a clear spring, and it was very pleasant to listen to.

"no problem!"

Mengtan agreed quickly, thinking that Shaoyin made a doctor's visit for his sake, and felt a little secretly happy.

(End of this chapter)

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