Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 323 Important People

Chapter 323 Important People (2)
The carriage passed through the bustling streets and arrived at a quiet square. Snow-white pillars stood on the square.

The square is covered with thick snow, and few people set foot on this place.

The carriage didn't stop and sped straight towards the square.

Shaoyin heard the voices of the surrounding people going away, Sushou opened the thick curtain, and saw this special square.The sky pillars are really magnificent, each of which is carved with a lifelike dragon, and the sky pillars soar into the sky, full of domineering.

"What is this place?"

She saw the desolation around her, she did not expect that Mu Xue City, the capital of the empire, would have such a desolate place.

"This is the giant spirit array, the boundary point connecting the two heavens and the earth."

There was no trace of surprise on Mengtan's face, and she opened her mouth to introduce Shaoyin.

He is not a talkative person, no matter what he has, he hides everything in his heart, and he is notoriously cold.But in Shaoyin's view, he is quite easy to get along with.

She has been in touch with his purest side, and she also understands that his nature is not such a cold and indifferent person, but there is too much helplessness in reality, so he must cast a hard shell with indifference in order to protect his soft heart .

"Two worlds?"

When Shaoyin was puzzled, he saw Situ driving the carriage, hitting the stone pillar in the southwest, without any intention of stopping.

The carriage was driving very fast and was about to hit the stone pillar, but Shaoyin didn't feel any impact, as if the carriage passed through a soft curtain of water.The scene in front of him rippled like water waves, and it has completely changed its appearance.

She understood what Mengtan meant by the two pieces of heaven and earth. Although there is only an invisible curtain between this place and Mu Xuecheng, it is a world of difference.

Different from the hustle and bustle of the mortal world in Mu Xue City, this place is full of aura of heaven and earth, with beautiful bells and spirits, just like a paradise.

The warm temperature like spring, the continuous peach blossom forest, and the flying birds are full of auspiciousness.

"I thought King Wu Zun must have taken you to the ancient clan realm, it seems that he didn't want you to come into contact with these things."

Seeing Shaoyin's expression, Mengtan knew that it was the first time she knew that there were two worlds in Mu Xuecheng.Regardless of Mu Xuecheng being turned upside down, this place will not be affected in any way.

Not only Mu Xue City, but even Zique City, the capital of gods, has the entrance to the ancient clan world, leading to the world of immortal cultivators.Those who can gain a foothold in the ancient clan world are super families with profound backgrounds. Because these families are too powerful, they have unwritten rules, and it is strictly forbidden to intervene in secular battles, otherwise it will be a catastrophe on earth.

Many people don't even know the existence of these people at all, but Meng Tan has known this place since she was a child.The clan land of the Meng Clan is also within the Ancient Clan Realm, and the Beigong Family and the Luo Family also took root in the Ancient Clan Realm.

Mo Zihuang didn't want Shaoyin to be involved in the right and wrong of the hermit clan, she was an ordinary person, and he only wanted to live an ordinary life with her.

Sometimes, knowing nothing is the most carefree.

Shaoyin didn't answer him, but just carefully looked at the ancient clan world, she saw many auspicious beasts flying past that she had never seen before, and many people passing by on clouds and fog.She has even seen many immortal cultivators who are said to walk with a sword.

After the carriage entered the Peach Blossom Forest, it went round and round and came to an extremely prosperous city.This is not Mu Xuecheng, it is even bigger than Zique City, the capital of gods.

Many things that she had never seen before appeared in her field of vision, and it made her completely understand that this is really another world.

On the bustling streets, there are many treasures of heaven and earth randomly placed on small stalls, and the people who set up these stalls exude a powerful aura.

Beside the crowded street, there are many high-ranking families, and the Luo Mansion stands right in the middle, occupying a large area of ​​land.

A notice to seek medical treatment was posted at the entrance of Luo Mansion, and many people gathered in front of Luo Mansion.

"I heard that Mr. Luo's family is sick again. I don't know what kind of bad luck it is?"

"Some people say that the bride and groom are incompatible, Kefu!"

"Hush! You can't talk nonsense, the Luo family is not something we can offend."

"That's right! Offending the Luo family, that would be bad luck!"

Everyone began to discuss in low voices. Many people who claimed to be famous doctors entered Luo's house one after another in the past few days, but Mr. Luo's illness was getting worse and worse. Everyone could feel that Lao Luo's anger was almost uncontrollable.

"No one dares to treat Mr. Luo now. If he can't cure him, he will offend Mr. Luo!"

"I heard that Mr. Luo has invited many famous doctors these days, and even invited an imperial doctor. Unfortunately, none of them can cure Mr. Luo's strange disease."

"A well-behaved person will get sick as soon as he says he is sick. This is life!"

When Shao Yin got off the carriage, he heard that the focus of the discussion was Mr. Luo's illness.It seems that Mr. Luo is an important person, otherwise he wouldn't have attracted so many people's attention.

She knew that if Mr. Luo could not be cured this time, she might cause trouble too.But in order to get the consultation money she needs from Mengtan, she has no way out.


The Huoyue ferret, Xiao Mengmeng, was very excited when she entered the ancient clan world, and looked around with her big watery eyes all the way.

"Huh? I think I've seen you before!"

Just as Shaoyin was holding Xiaomengmeng and was about to enter the Luo Mansion, she heard a crisp and crisp voice of Yingying.

She turned her head and saw Jun Fusha rushing forward, looking at Shaoyin in surprise.

"We met when we were in the palace last time."

Seeing Jun Fusha's carefree appearance, Shaoyin reminded her.She still remembered that the girl went to Xiao Liu to settle accounts last time, and heard from Zihuang that Xiao Liu had been complaining a lot recently, and she didn't know where to hide for refuge.

"Oh! I remember!"

Jun Fusha patted her forehead, she remembered that this was Mo Zihuang's wife and Mo Xingxi's sister-in-law.

"Are you going to Luo Mansion too?"


Shaoyin nodded, not knowing what Jun Fusha was doing in Luofu.

"It happens to be on the same road, so let's go in together."

Jun Fusha took Shaoyin's arm familiarly, and followed her happily without feeling any part of it.

Shaoyin was stunned, but she didn't lose face.

When Mengtan saw Jun Fusha, she frowned, obviously not happy to see her.Who doesn't know that this woman is a well-known witch, and there are not many people in the entire ancient clan world who can subdue her.

With her involved, nothing good will happen.

It's just that Jun's family and Luo's family are family friends, and no one dares to stop Jun Fusha from entering.

(End of this chapter)

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