Chapter 324
Mengtan couldn't stop her, and walked quietly beside Shaoyin, and entered Luofu with them.

Because Jun Fusha led the way, no one stopped them.

"You are also here to see Xiaochun!"

Jun Fusha guessed that there was no other reason for Prince Mengtan to come here in person.Mengtan and Luo Fuchun played well when they were young, and they were also brothers, but unfortunately some unpleasant things happened later, so they saw each other less often.

"I also went to his side, I know this place well, you just follow me!"

"Miss Jun is here to visit Mr. Luo?"

Seeing that Jun Fusha seemed very anxious, Shaoyin asked a question.

"Why should I worry about him! I'm here to watch the excitement!"

Jun Fusha froze for a moment, and then seriously said something that left everyone speechless.After working for a long time, she is just a spectator!

People who don't know think she cares about patients!
"I know you didn't come to do anything good."

Meng Tan said angrily, she had heard about Jun Fusha's notoriety for a long time.

"Grandma can do whatever she likes, it's none of your business! Sister-in-law, let's go! Don't talk to him!"

Jun Fusha dragged Shaoyin to go inside, leaving Mengtan behind.

When Shaoyin heard Jun Fusha's address, she also didn't understand, why did she call her little sister-in-law?Could it be that something unspeakable happened to her and Xiao Liu secretly?

Absolutely adulterous!

She took a look at Jun Fusha, and heard that Xiao Liu had gone somewhere recently, maybe she eloped with her!
Antique pavilions, terraces and pavilions, gorgeous atmosphere without losing aura.The layout of Luo Mansion is very particular. There are golden Fengshui arowanas in the huge water tank, and there is a mystery in every place.

Surrounded by light and water, the lake looks like a Big Dipper.Wuhua Tianbao, happy to block the evil.

Shaoyin's journey along the way, from the small details of one side, she can see that the Luo family is a family that pays great attention to Fengshui.

Shaoyin's medical skill is the combination of medicine and divination, and he also has a deep research on Feng Shui.Her grandfather, Mr. Shao, is a master of Fengshui and is very proficient in Fengshui layout.The surrounding environment will subtly change the human body. Sometimes, many patients are sick because of problems in the place where they live, that is, feng shui problems.

In her opinion, to save lives, it is not the key to whether the prescriptions are prescribed in a satisfactory manner, but the most important thing is to be able to cure the sick.

She took a rough look at Luo Zhai, and guessed that a special Fengshui master must have been invited to decorate this place.But the closer she got to the place where Mr. Luo lived, the more she felt something was wrong.

This place was originally the best geomantic treasure in Luo Mansion, but it seems to have been tampered with.The manipulators are very clever, just changed some places in the details, which reversed the feng shui of this place.It seems that Mr. Luo's illness is not an accident, but man-made.

Her brows were slightly frowned. This is likely to be a family strife. No matter who cures Mr. Luo, it will cause a whole lot of trouble.

"Sister-in-law, follow me closely! A lot of people have come to Luofu in the past few days, and there are also some annoying ghosts."

Jun Fusha reminded her that she was afraid that Shaoyin would suffer a disadvantage here.The Luo family is considered a big and famous family among the ancient clan, Luo Fuchun, the most beloved grandson of Luo Lao, is critically ill, which naturally attracted the attention of all parties.Whether it was voluntary or to show face in front of Luo Lao, other families sent people to express condolences.

"Xiao Liu has been with you recently?"

Shaoyin asked in a low voice, she also saw many people gathered here, most of them were people she didn't know.


Jun Fusha nodded, her face was a little flushed, and there was a trace of worry in her eyes, which was too thick to melt away.

"That's Young Master Luo's room."

She didn't say much, and got a little closer to Shaoyin.

Meng Tan and Situ walked behind. They were traveling in secret this time, so naturally they didn't want to attract attention.

"Get out of the way! Can you be responsible for delaying Luo Shao's illness?"

An arrogant voice suddenly resounded.


Most of the people present were the young masters of the aristocratic family, so they were naturally very unhappy when they heard this arrogant voice.

Turning his head to see the appearance of the person coming, he quickly fell silent.

"It turns out that Young Master Guan is here!"

Everyone hurriedly said respectfully, no matter how upset they felt, they could only hold back.

He is a genius of the Beigong family, narrow-minded. Heard that he has made a marriage contract with Luo Kui, the eldest daughter of the Luo family, and his status has risen. They don't want to provoke him.

"This is Daoist Zhongtian. I spent a lot of effort to invite this Taoist priest! I believe that with the presence of Daoist Zhongtian, Luo Shao's illness will definitely be cured."

Bei Gongguan opened his mouth to show off, for fear that others would not know who he invited.

"It turned out to be the Taoist priest of Zhongtian, I have been admiring him for a long time!"

"Daoist Zhongtian is a master of Taoism! If you have a Taoist priest, Luo Shao must be cured by the medicine."

"Don't bother, Guan."

"Miss Luo and Young Master Luo are really siblings."


Shaoyin saw Bei Gongguan and Luo Kui standing beside a Taoist priest in Taoist robes, who looked like a master.Being able to get the appreciation of everyone, it seems that the Taoist priest of Zhongtian also has some skills.

"Hmph, I saw these two dogs and men! I really don't want to see anyone, whoever comes out!"

Seeing Bei Gongguan and Luo Kui appearing lovingly, Jun Fusha couldn't help but sneer at the side.

She and these two guys have always been enemies, and there have been many disputes, so naturally they are too lazy to talk to each other now.In the past, it had nothing to do with the fights between their juniors, but now many older generations are here, and Luo Lao is very annoyed by Luo Shao's affairs, so she can only restrain her temper.

"Let's go take a look too."

Mengtan invited Shaoyin to come over to treat Luo Fuchun today, but it seems that Luo Kui invited the Taoist priest Zhongtian to come over, and he doesn't know if he can cure Luo Fuchun.

"it is good."

Shaoyin has not seen the patient, so she has no right to speak. She can only make a judgment after seeing the patient's condition.Looking at Bei Gongguan's face, the poison from last time has been cured.It seems that the strength of the Beigong family is indeed strong, and there are many powerful contacts.

Because there were a lot of onlookers, they were not conspicuous among the crowd.

At this moment, the focus of everyone's attention is on the Daoist Zhongtian.

"Come in quickly, Taoist priest, please save my husband."

Zhang Yinling's face was full of tiredness, obviously she hadn't rested for several days.

(End of this chapter)

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