Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

341 Chapter 1 Outspoken

341 Chapter 1 Outspoken ([-])
"Bold! How dare you say such outrageous words! Someone! Take him down!"

Queen Kapok spoke, with a look of indifference on her face.She kept telling herself that Mengtan was just a pawn, so she never got close to him, and now she can be ruthless.

"Queen, don't get excited!"

Ma Xiaohua said with concern, her face was full of worry, and the dagger in her hand had already reached Queen Kapok's neck.

"Whoever dares to strike, your queen will be killed!"

She changed her weak appearance to reveal a hideous appearance.

Seeing that Empress Kapok was restrained, the guards in Fengyi Palace naturally did not dare to act rashly.

"why you are treating me like that?"

Queen Kapok looked at Ma Xiaohua sadly, never expecting that she would be betrayed by her own daughter in the end.

"If you want your daughter to live, don't be stubborn!"

Ma Xiaohua proudly said that things went so smoothly, thanks to Queen Kapok's longing for her daughter for so many years, they just set up a fake game and let her be fooled.

Thanks to Lord Xuehou's good handwriting, he can imitate other people's handwriting so vividly that even the closest people can't tell the difference.If they hadn't written a few letters in Hai Lian's handwriting, otherwise, they would have had to spend a lot of trouble.

"You are fake!"

When Queen Kapok heard Ma Xiaohua's words, her face showed shock and anger.

"Give me back my daughter!"

"Then it depends on your performance! To kill you or to kill your daughter, you choose."

Ma Xiaohua whispered in the ear of Queen Kapok, with a smug look on her face.

"You won."

Empress Kapok's face showed a look of despair. Her prosperity and wealth in her life were all obtained by sacrificing her daughter, and now she has nothing because of her daughter. This is the cycle of karma!

"No one is allowed to move!"

She opened her mouth and ordered that her daughter's life was in other people's hands, and she couldn't take the risk.

She had already lost her daughter once, and if the child was still alive, it must have grown up.She has no other wish in this life, but just to see her daughter one more time.

"Come here, help the Supreme Emperor back!"

Meng Tan waved his hand, and among the imperial guards in Fengyi Palace, the troops he had arranged in advance appeared immediately and surrounded Meng Xiwu and the Queen Mother.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

A group of heavily armored imperial guards kowtowed to Meng Tan, and held the jade seal taken from the imperial study room into Meng Tan's hands.

The ministers saw that the general situation was over, and now that Meng Tan was taking the throne strongly, no one could stop him.

Among the ministers, there is no shortage of the prince's influence, and they have always supported the prince's succession, so they naturally agreed with both hands that Meng Tan would inherit the throne.

"See the new emperor!"

More than half of the ministers supported Mengtan, so that Empress Mumian saw that Mengtan was not only full-fledged, but had already replaced Emperor Xiwu's influence in the court.

Meng Xiwu didn't even know that Meng Tan was not his parent and child, so she always delegated power to him.Now that he knew the truth, he could only shake his head helplessly.

Does the person waiting in Xuegong know about this?If that is what that person meant, then no one can shake Mengtan!
"Please invite Prince Mengci back to Tianci Palace. Without my order, you are not allowed to leave the palace gate."

Meng Tan waved his hand, and the ministers all stood up one after another.

"Brother Prince!"

Mengtan looked at Mengtan's cold appearance with tears in his eyes, and felt that such a royal brother was very strange for a moment.

Seeing Mengtan's actions, Shaoyin knew that Mengci had been grounded.If it weren't for Meng Ci not being a big threat to Meng Tan, it might not be as simple as being grounded.

How many battles for imperial power were bloody, and brothers fought against each other, and father and son turned against each other.

"take away!"

Mengtan ignored Mengci's plea, but coldly ordered someone to take him away.

"Queen Kapok lost her morality, besieged the palace and committed crimes, abolished her queen position, and was exiled to the cold palace."

He glanced at the kapok, and his cold voice fell.The content is similar, but the target of the conversation is changed.

"You rebel son—return my daughter—"

With red eyes, Mu Mian wanted to pounce on Meng Tan, but was dragged down by the imperial guards.

Shaoyin saw that Mu Mian was calling for her daughter over and over again, and for some reason, she felt sour in her heart.It seemed that there was an inexplicable pain in a certain corner.

Mu Fu watched the farce end like this, and saw that Mu Mian got the retribution she deserved, but she was not at all happy.

She didn't know if there were any hidden secrets about what happened back then, but she could feel that Kapok really loved her daughter.Even after more than ten years, she never gave up searching.

Both inside and outside the imperial palace were men and women of Mengtan, and all the soldiers in the court were under Mengtan's subordinates. This battle to seize the palace without gunpowder ended without any suspense.

"In the next few days, I invite you all to stay in the palace for a few days to participate in my enthronement ceremony."

Meng Tan's majestic voice fell down, holding the jade seal in his hand, with a look of contempt on the world on his face.

For this throne, how much he silently paid, only he knows.

This time, thanks to Xue's help, he was able to achieve his goal so smoothly.

As for how to deal with those people in the palace, he still has to think about it.

The envoys from various countries did not expect to attend the birthday banquet of Queen Kapok, but instead attended the Hongmen Banquet.At this moment, they just hope that they can go back safely, and they dare not say anything about Meng Tan's words.

As for Mo Zihuang and Shaoyin, it is not difficult for them to leave the palace, but Shaoyin did not plan to leave immediately.There are still many unsolved mysteries in her heart that need to be solved here.

What's more, Mengtan still owes her the consultation fee, how could she leave like this!
It's just that now is definitely not the time to ask for a consultation fee, she can only wait and see what happens.If she wanted to leave, she had to make sure that Meng Ci was safe.

She didn't want that cute big boy to become an innocent dead soul in the struggle for imperial power.

Seeing Meng Xiwu and the Queen Mother being taken away, Mo Zihuang was also deeply puzzled.Because he knew that Meng Xiwu had great strength, and it was impossible for him to be powerless to resist.

He thought about it for a while before he understood the crux of the matter.Meng Xiwu didn't resist, it should be because of the one who was waiting for Xuegong.

When Mufu heard Kapok's heart-piercing voice gradually fade away, she couldn't bear it.

In her opinion, Kapok is just a poor and sad woman who has been planning every step of the way for many years, and finally falls into the hands of the baby boy who was brought back that year.When the chess pieces in his hand are no longer under control, the chess game will be in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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