Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

342 Chapter 2 Outspoken

342 Chapter 2 Outspoken ([-])

She wanted to ask Shaoyin to find a way to save Kapok, but she didn't know how to speak, so she could only keep silent again.

"Let's go back and talk."

Shaoyin didn't want Mu Fu's identity to be exposed, so she gave a soft reminder and left Fengyi Palace under the guard of the imperial guards.

These imperial guards are called escorts, but they are actually monitoring everyone.

Those officials and important people from various families were all arranged to stay. In the past, if they could stay in the palace, they would burn incense to thank the emperor for his kindness.But in the current situation, they are all worried, for fear that Mengtan will eliminate dissidents at this moment and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Now that these people are hostages in the palace, it can be said that it is a breeze for Mengtan to clear the obstacles.

Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang returned to Chang'en Palace, the maids in the palace were trembling, the number of guards stationed outside was several times higher than usual, even people who didn't know what happened in the palace felt it The palace is not peaceful.

Emperor Mozi didn't know that Shaoyin was the real Princess Chaoyin, so he didn't pay much attention to the change of imperial power in Yunmeng Dynasty.

In fact, he feels that the current Yunmeng Dynasty is very similar to the Tianyao Dynasty, and the emperors are all unwilling to ascend to the throne of God.Whether it is Fengdi Fengyunhua or Wudi Mengxiwu.Both of them have a feeling of rushing ducks to the shelves, and they have to shoulder the burden of a dynasty.

The two emperors were not interested in power and only wanted to retire, but it was a pity that the children under their knees grew up too slowly, so they could not retire.

Originally, Meng Xiwu still had a hope, Meng Tan was definitely the emperor's talent, but it was just a joy in vain.

"We will leave the palace later."

Mo Zihuang said, he had never paid attention to these guards, and it would not be difficult to take Shaoyin and Mufu out.What's more, Mengtan also doesn't want to have a bad relationship with the Tianyao Dynasty when the throne is still unstable, which will be very detrimental to him.

There are still voices against Meng Tan in the court, after all, he is not the blood of the Meng clan, and in the Yunmeng Dynasty, which clearly values ​​blood, many old and stubborn people will not recognize him.People in the Dream Clan would not just sit back and watch the throne fall into the hands of outsiders, they would definitely take thunderous measures after getting the news.

What happened next had nothing to do with him, he didn't want Shaoyin to be affected.

"I have one more important thing to fetch."

Shaoyin understands that Mo Zihuang's departure at this time is for her sake, but there are many things that don't just need to stay away.She has long been involved in this struggle, and no matter where she is, she cannot escape.

"What? Do you have to get it now?"

Mo Zihuang asked suspiciously, feeling a little puzzled.

"Well, it's the tears of a predestined person."

Shaoyin nodded and said, but Mo Zihuang misunderstood what she meant.

"That snow is too dangerous, don't get close to him. I'd rather not have those tears, maybe I can find another way."

Mo Zihuang also had a headache when he thought that Master Xuehou was one of the seven predestined people.

"I'm not talking about him."

Shaoyin said calmly, with a slight smile on her jade face.

"Is there another predestined person in this palace?"

Mo Zihuang never paid attention to this point, not as delicate as Shaoyin.The person he cared about most was her, and he didn't pay much attention to his own affairs.

"Yeah. That person is Meng Tan!"

Shaoyin didn't hold back any more, and told Mo Zihuang directly, so as not to make wild guesses.

"Yesterday you found out that he was a destined person, so you agreed to go out and save people!"

Mo Zihuang suddenly realized that the original bit of bitterness and jealousy had all dissipated, leaving only a deep sense of emotion.She could have refused Meng Tan's request, but she agreed because of that tear.

Although there were only seven tears, Shaoyin put a lot of thought into collecting them.

"It's just that in the current situation, I'm afraid there's no way to take this tear."

He analyzed the situation, they had better not get in touch with Mengtan now, otherwise it would make the already chaotic situation even more complicated.

Every move of the two of them now represents the Tianyao Dynasty.

"But the time is less than half a year."

Shaoyin bit her red lip, not wanting to give up a great opportunity at this moment.The next time I want to see Mengtan again, I don't know what year and month it will be.

"It's okay, the situation is not too bad now, and you don't have to worry about me."

Mo Zihuang held Shaoyin's hand, and his voice was also full of tenderness.

As long as he is calm, there will be no major problems.

"The current situation is not yet clear. Let's wait for another day or two before leaving. Look for opportunities in these two days to get the tears, and it is best to get both tears."

Shaoyin took out the Hanyu Linglong Ball, with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"What can you do?"

Mo Zihuang thought that these tears were not easy to hold. Whether it was Mengtan or Master Xuehou, both of them were tough guys of steel, so they definitely couldn't cry.

"It's definitely useless to be emotional, so I'm currently researching a kind of tear gas. Whoever it is, as long as his eyes are normal, he will burst into tears after being smoked by this tear gas."

Shaoyin took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Alright then, I'll take Mengtan's tears, and I'll secretly arrange for you to leave the palace first."

Mo Zihuang took the bottle in Shaoyin's hand, but she didn't expect her to develop this kind of thing. It seems that she really put in a lot of effort.

"I still have one more thing to do, let's meet outside the palace after it's done! I still have this in my hand, and I can freely enter and leave the palace."

Shaoyin took out the king stone bracelet that Mengtan had lent her, and before she had time to return it to Mengtan, this happened.

"This is the King's Stone!"

Mo Zihuang also knew about the King's Stone, but he didn't expect Mengtan to give such an important thing to Shaoyin. It seems that that guy must have some plans for her.

"If that stinky brat dares to attack you, see if I don't smoke him to death!"

He clenched the porcelain bottle tightly in his hand, and his tone was somewhat vicious, making Shaoyin dumbfounded.

"Hehe! You're thinking too much. He just lent me this, and he still has to pay it back."

Seeing his cute appearance when he was jealous, Shaoyin said it amusedly.

The two discussed some details, and it didn't take long before they heard Mufu brought the latest news.

Mo Zihuang was surprised that Mufu could still find out the news when the situation was so turbulent, but seeing that Shaoyin didn't show any strange expression, he knew they should know something.

(End of this chapter)

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