Chapter 363 Honored (3)
"Nonsense, I think you have someone in your heart. I heard rumors about you and Beauty Moon along the way, but my ears were calloused."

Yueshang Yuanqing retorted, directly making Mo Lingxuan feel ashamed.

"Ni Chen and I are innocent, don't insult your daughter's family's reputation."

Mo Lingxuan said displeasedly, he also heard a lot of bad rumors, thinking of the rules of Ziying Temple, he was worried that Nichen would be implicated.

"Just kidding with you, if you can really bring the saint home, then you are really capable. By the way, why isn't that kid Zihuang here? Is something wrong?"

Yue Shangyuan took a sweeping look, but did not see Mo Zihuang.That guy of his who loves his wife like his life would never leave Shaoyin alone in such a dangerous place.

"He's why I'm here."

Shaoyin knew that Yueshang Yuanqing and Mo Zihuang had a deep friendship, so he didn't hide it, which confirmed his doubts.

"How can I help?"

Yueshang Yuanqing asked, and when he learned of Mo Zihuang's accident, his face showed concern.

"Whoever among us enters the Medicine Pagoda will have a chance to meet the God of Medicine. Brother is in a bad situation right now, and needs the God of Medicine to take action. Do you understand what I mean?"

Mo Lingxuan looked at Yueshang Yuanqing calmly, with a somewhat serious tone.

"Well. If I enter the medicine tower, I will ask the God of Medicine to help me. But although the God of Medicine is my uncle, he has no relationship with us, so I'm not sure if it will work."

Yueshang Yuanqing agreed, but there was no guarantee of success.Yaoshen is the older brother of his grandmother Ziyunxiu, and some unpleasant things happened between them, and Yaoshen has almost lost contact with their lineage.As for what it is, their juniors don't know.

"It's a pity that Senior Mianyue is not here, otherwise if you ask her, it will definitely succeed."

Mo Lingxuan said helplessly that Mianyue Junbi was the first wife of the medicine god Ruan Aocang, and the relationship between the two was very good.Mianyue Junbi is kind-hearted, if she can speak, the God of Medicine will definitely make a move.It's a pity that she doesn't know where she has gone now, so they can only rely on themselves.

"Decoct the medicine on prescription No. 77 and give it to the patient."

At this time, Nalan Fengyin's voice came, and everyone's discussions stopped immediately.

"The wrong prescription was prescribed this time, and everyone who has the wrong symptoms will end!"

Nalan Fengyin handed over a bunch of prescriptions marked with wrong marks to the elders of Yaota, they announced the list of elimination, and only seven people were left standing on the high platform.

The medicinal materials are all the right medicines, and even the symptoms are wrong, so there is no need to look at which medicines to use.

"What kind of disease is that? Why is my diagnosis wrong?"

The person who walked off the stage with his own prescription was full of doubts.

As for the remaining seven people, they saw that their prescriptions were circled with some flaws, but fortunately, Nalan Fengyin judged that these small flaws would only affect the efficacy of the medicine, and would not affect the patient's health. The body takes its toll so they can stay.

The seven people who remained were Shaoyin, Mo Lingxuan, Yueshang Yuanqing, Nan Gongshang and three old men.This result stunned many people.

The only prescription that is not circled is the prescription No. 77 in the hand of a drug boy.

The medicine boy decocted the medicine according to the prescription, and after a while, the hot medicine was brought out.

"Feed him to drink! One dose will be effective!"

Nalan Fengyin said, very confident in this prescription.

"Thank you holy doctor, thank you all!"

The woman quickly took the medicine bowl and gave it to the lying middle-aged man.

A warm current spread from his body, the middle-aged man felt warm all over his body, and the cold air entrenched in his body disappeared instantly.

"Stand up and take a look."

Seeing that the effect of the medicine had been exerted, Nalan Fengyin spoke.

"Come on, let me help you! There are so many highly skilled doctors here, it must be fine."

The woman encouraged, and reached out to help the middle-aged man.

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man standing up, nothing happened at all, and they all showed amazement.

"I'm fine! Really everything is fine!"

The middle-aged man was so happy that he couldn't help crying. He is a big man, and he can only lie on the bed all day long and can't do anything. It is really more uncomfortable than killing him.If his wife hadn't been by his side all the time, he probably wouldn't have had the confidence to live long ago.

"Gu Qianqiu has written about you here! Thank you also for the friend who opened the prescription!"

Gu Qianqiu's face was fair and gentle, and he bowed his hands towards everyone.

When everyone present heard his name, they all gasped.Unexpectedly, this person is actually Gu Qianqiu, who is known as the Ghost Face Wenpan, and he is a very powerful person.

It's just that life, old age, sickness and death, even the most powerful people, cannot escape.

"I don't know if the holy doctor can tell you what the cause of this disease is?"

The beautiful woman asked, and she was very happy to see her husband's condition improved.

The others were also full of doubts, and they all looked at Nalan Fengyin.

Especially those doctors who were judged to be wrongly diagnosed are eager to hear the answer.

"Little girl, tell me."

Nalan Fengyin saw Shaoyin and asked her to explain to everyone.

Shaoyin froze for a moment, then spoke.

"What he got was not a disease, but poisoning. The poisonous python that chased him back then was already poisonous. Even if he was not bitten, as long as he smelled the poisonous breath from the poisonous python, he would be poisoned. You didn't notice this at the time. A little bit, so the toxin has not been cleared for many years, which will cause such a result.”

When she spoke concisely, the faces of the doctors who were judged to be frightened and injured felt hot.

Even a little girl under 20 years old can see that it is a symptom of poisoning, but these doctors who claim to be highly skilled in medicine have made a mistake in their judgment, which makes them wish they could find a hole in the ground and burrow into it.

"That's why! Over the years, we have consulted many doctors, but none of them considered poisoning, that's why it took so long."

Gu Qianqiu said suddenly, even he himself did not think that it would be poisoned.This little girl is really not simple, she sees things more thoroughly than those older doctors.

"This medicine is very symptomatic. It is specially used to drive away snake venom. After taking it for a period of time, it will return to normal."

Nalan Fengyin nodded, agreeing with Shaoyin's diagnosis.

The poison of this kind of poisonous python is very special, many people don't know it at all, Shaoyin's knowledge of it at such an age is also surprising.

Gu Qianqiu and his wife stepped down from the high platform, and the second patient came up.

(End of this chapter)

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