Chapter 364 Honored (4)
This is a woman who still has charm, and the person accompanying this woman is none other than Shangguan Wei.The third level this time is to randomly select a few from the crowd who came to see a doctor in the nearby square as the test questions. Shangguan Wei's mother just happened to be selected, which made her overjoyed.

The remaining seven people stepped forward again and began to diagnose the patient's disease.

"What symptoms does the patient have?"

Nangong Shang asked, wanting to seize the opportunity.Now there are only seven people, which means that as long as four are eliminated, the remaining three can enter the medicine tower.

The diagnosis this time is very critical, and they are also very afraid of that No. 77. They don't know who it is, which makes them feel very uncertain.

"My mother has a sore throat and can't speak. Let me tell you about my mother's illness."

Shangguan Wei said slowly, a hint of worry appeared on his elegant and graceful face.

"Mother's hands and feet are cold, her stomach hurts, and the medicine stone is useless."

Several people heard that the patient could not speak, and they could basically judge it as a throat problem.They checked the tongue coating and throat separately, and after diagnosing the pulse, they began to prescribe prescriptions.

Shaoyin also took the pulse for Mrs. Shangguan, checked, and then began to write the prescription.

Shangguan Wei anxiously waited for everyone to prescribe a prescription, hoping to find her mother and cure her.

Soon the prescription was handed over to Nalan Fengyin, this time the number of people was small, and everyone was confident about the disease, so they were very confident in prescribing the prescription.

Nalan Fengyin only judged that one prescription was wrong, and the others wrote the same.

The one who made the wrong prescription was an old man. Seeing that his prescription was marked with the wrong symbol, he walked down in frustration.

"Lingxuan, tell me about this lady's symptoms and prescriptions."

Nalan Fengyin took a look at Mo Lingxuan and asked him to come out to explain everyone's doubts.

"This lady suffers from yin syndrome sore throat, neurasthenia and sleepiness, abdominal pain and diarrhea, vomiting without thirst, smooth and slippery tongue coating, and deep and thin pulse, which is a symptom of pure yin without yang. Cold throat syndrome is very rare and needs to be treated. With Sini Decoction for conditioning, if it is not a cold syndrome, do not take it by mistake, otherwise you will die."

Mo Lingxuan said in a gentle manner, let the rest of the audience not think that the throat symptoms are the same, if they don't check carefully and prescribe the right medicine, it may lead to death.

When everyone heard Mo Lingxuan's reminder, they all nodded. They still had to see a doctor before taking medicine for their illness.If you take medicine indiscriminately, you will have big problems.

Everyone's illness is different, and the prescription should be prescribed according to the illness.

The aconite in Sini Decoction is poisonous, but in some cases, it can cure diseases and save people, restore vitality and restore yang.

The medicine boy cooked a bowl of medicinal soup according to the prescription, Mrs. Shangguan took it on the spot, and immediately felt much more comfortable in her throat.

"Thanks - thank you all!"

Mrs. Shangguan cleared her throat and finally spoke.

"Thank you all!"

Shangguan Wei was so excited that he held the brocade handkerchief in his hand, and thanked everyone.

"Auntie is fine, and she will be cured after some recuperation. Don't catch cold again in the future, and don't eat too cold things."

Shaoyin gave a warning, and saw that there were still six people left on the field.These six people can be said to have real skills, and whoever wants to stay has to rely on real skills.

I don't know whether it's a coincidence or some reason, but the symptoms of the next patients are not too difficult to treat. The prescriptions for the symptoms of the six people are very accurate. A batch of patients on the field were cured, and they left with the prescriptions contentedly.

Many onlookers also learned a lot of skills and benefited a lot.

It's just that the six people on the high platform suffered from anxiety.

Before I knew it, it was already three poles in the sun, and it was noon.

Nalan Fengyin randomly selected a number plate, and immediately someone carried an elderly woman up to the high platform.Seeing this person, everyone showed serious expressions.

"This is the highly respected sword elder in Ziying Palace. I heard that he has a very strange temper and never takes medicine. Now, even if there is any magic formula, I'm afraid it won't work!"

"Yeah! I've also heard about Mr. Jian's illness. I heard that the pain is like a thousand arrows gathering in the heart, but he is stubborn and unwilling to take the medicine. This makes the Elder of the Medicine Pagoda in the Purple Cherry Palace feel very worried. hair."

"I don't know what the strange disease is. It made the most beautiful chief elder in the Ziying Palace almost die."

"I heard that it was because of a powerful enemy's surprise attack on the Purple Cherry Palace. At that time, the palace master and others were not there. Jian Lao blocked all the masters by himself. He fought to the exhaustion. In the end, he even burned his life force to save the elite geniuses of the Purple Cherry Palace. .”

"Mr. Jian is really righteous!"

Many people praised Jian Lao, but it was a pity that Jian Lao suffered from such a strange disease after that.But Mr. Jian was very stubborn and refused to take the medicine, which is why he got to this point now.

Six people stepped forward to take the pulse of Jian Lao, and Jian Lao would be sent here because the owner of Ziying Hall requested it personally.

"I declare in advance that Master does not want to take medicine. If it is prescribed, I am afraid that there is no way to cure Jian Lao."

A young man who was following Mr. Jian, Mu Zuixi, Mr. Jian's apprentice, said, with a look of helplessness on his handsome face.

Jianlao's parents used to die because of a misdiagnosis by a quack doctor, so Jianlao has always resisted taking medicine.

"thanks for reminding."

Everyone cupped their hands and thanked Mu Zuixi, all of them had serious expressions on their faces. What doctors fear most is that patients do not believe in themselves and do not cooperate with the treatment.In this way, even if you have the best medical skills, it will be in vain.

It seems that this topic is the most difficult.

If you don't think of a good way, I'm afraid it's about to end.

Several people made a diagnosis, pondered for a while, and wrote the prescription.

Soon, everyone's prescriptions were handed over to Nalan Fengyin. Healers must learn to be flexible and not stick to one formula.

He looked at everyone's prescriptions, but did not make a decision.

"Go and treat Elder Jian by yourself."

Nalan Fengyin's voice fell, causing everyone to look at each other.

"The order of treatment is determined by drawing lots."

He ordered people to fetch the lottery bucket, and decided the order of treatment according to the lottery, which was considered fair.However, the person who heals first must have an advantage. If Mr. Jian is cured, then the next person will have no chance.

Several people stepped forward and each drew a jade lottery.

The ones drawn to the front are naturally full of joy, while the ones drawn behind the numbers are full of sadness.

"Crazy girl, what number did you draw?"

Yueshang Yuanqing asked in a low voice, holding the fourth number plate in his hand.

Shaoyin flashed her number plate, it was the last number.

"Do you want me to change it with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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