Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 101 The eight-diagram mother Ji

Chapter 101 The Gossiping Mother Ji
While ordering Steward Hong to go out in person to pick up the young lady and go home, but actually to find out why the other party is sacred, she was so fascinated by her precious daughter, and on the other hand, she went upstairs and invited the old man in the study down, and went straight to the balcony outside the hall .

Because sitting here can take in everything in her yard at a glance, that is to say, when their precious daughter comes back, she will be able to see her at first sight, so she hastily pulled her husband Ji Yang here Sit and wait.While drinking the tea brought by the servants, the two rubbed their heads together, gossiping and guessing who the man outside hugging their daughter would be!
It was too dark outside, and the people in the guard room could not tell clearly, so they could only wait for the news from Steward Hong.It took more than ten minutes for Housekeeper Hong to return to the villa in a sightseeing car. As soon as she came back, she went straight to his wife, with a smile on her face, and reported to the two people in front of her in a pleasant voice:

"Master, Madam, the one with Miss outside is the eldest young master of the Bei family, Master Jing Jie!"

"Oh, it's really him!" Ji's mother had an expression that I had already guessed, and turned her head proudly to look at the man pretending to be strict, "How about it, I guessed it right, do you agree?"

"Cough, cough, um..." Ji Yang coughed twice, and from the corner of his eye, he saw several servants standing not far away, so he could only reply vaguely.

Lu Qiaoyin, who has been a couple for many years, doesn't know that men are the masters who want to save face. She also dutifully pretends to be a good wife in front of outsiders. When she returns to the room and hums, let's talk about it.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at him lightly, and without saying much, he turned his head and looked at Sister Hong beside him and asked, "Why didn't Miss come back with you?"

"If you go back to Madam, Miss is still outside. I'm reluctant to part with Young Master Jing Jie! So I came back first, but I have already ordered the car to wait there. Xiao Wang will pick up Miss back later."

"Well, you all go down." The servant backed away, and Ji's mother immediately recovered the naughty wife who caused Ji Yang's headache, grabbed her husband's hand and shook: "Ji Yang, do you think Bei Xing is dating a child from the Bei family?" Huh? How long do you think they have been dating? They are so cunning and have been hiding it from us? Husband, where do you think they are? Will they be getting married soon. "

"Okay, Qiaoyin, what do you want to know, can't you just ask your precious daughter?" He said with his eyes and motioned her to look at the small car driving in the garden.

The car came to a stop, the driver opened the rear door, and the one who got out of it was the heroine they had been discussing for a long time? "Bei Xing." Ji's mother called out to someone not far away excitedly.

But Ji Beixing was stunned for a moment following the prestige, secretly wondering why Daddy and Mommy are still sitting here at night, watching the night scene?Nodding to the two, he walked straight to the villa, walked through the hall to where his parents were, and couldn't help asking: "Daddy, Mommy, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Sleep?" Looking at her daughter who was sitting opposite them, Ji's mother raised her eyebrows ambiguously, and teased: "I went to bed so early, so I missed a good show."

"Good show? What good show?" Ji Beixing listened to Mommy's endless words, and turned his head to look at Daddy on the opposite side in doubt. He saw that the man was the same as before, and he would give up at such a time He shrugged his shoulders pretending to be ignorant, and continued to drink his tea.

Reluctantly curled his lips and glanced at his wife's strict father, and resigned to his fate, he asked Mommy again: "Mommy, don't play riddles, okay. If you don't tell me, I'm going to go to sleep."

How could Ji's mother let go of such a rare opportunity, grabbed her daughter's hand, smiled very gently, and her voice was even more piercing: "Baby, Jing Jie sent you back today?"

"Well, yes, what's the matter?" After speaking, he looked at his mother suspiciously, wondering why she suddenly brought up another topic. 】

(End of this chapter)

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