Chapter 102
"You guys are hiding something from us?" Ji's mother saw that her daughter had no intention of explaining herself, so she continued to practice Tai Chi patiently with her.

"I have nothing to hide from you, Mommy, don't think about it all day, okay?"

Seeing that her daughter still has a stubborn attitude, it seems that she will not provoke them all by herself without showing some evidence, she spread her hands, and a sly look flashed across her face:
"Just now the people below reported that Miss, you seem to have been kidnapped by a 'strange' man, so Mommy, I sent someone to rescue you, but the person who rescued you just now reported back."

Now Ji Beixing already knows what her cunning mommy is going to say next, but she still looks like I don't know what you're talking about, and she just doesn't plan to do it herself.

Just listening to Ji's mother fighting with her daughter step by step in a good mood, watching Ji Yang from the side - President Ji Da is very involved, and almost applauds his wife's superb acting skills.

"Hmph, they said it was baby, you kidnapped the handsome guy, and you are holding on tightly! Should you explain to Mommy?"

"I kidnapped" Oh my god, she really admires her mommy, looking at the shining light in her eyes, she feels as if she has been stripped naked and displayed naked in front of her mommy , how can there be any secrets at all!
"Mummy, that person is Jing Jie, I didn't kidnap him." At this point, Ji's mother had lost her patience, and she didn't want to play word games anymore, so she blurted out directly:

"No kidnapping? Then what's the relationship between you two now? Stop, don't try to fool the past with friendship, your mommy and I are not old-fashioned. It doesn't matter why hug for so long? To keep warm?"

Ji Beixing originally wanted to find an excuse to fool him, but he was choked back by the shrewd mommy.Ji's father on the side couldn't help being choked by a sip of water in his throat when he heard his wife's words 'keep warm', and coughed uncontrollably. His precious wife is too straightforward!keep warm?This is still the weather in July and August, so there is no need for heating!
Ji Beixing was relatively calm. Just looking closely, he could find that the corners of his eyes had momentary stiffness and twitching symptoms. He was completely defeated. Ji Beixing thought about the agreement he had with the man outside the door just now. It will be a matter of time before the elders of the two families know. Since her mommy is so interested, she should tell them first.

He raised his head to calm himself down, looked at the two elders with a serious face, and announced in a solemn tone: "Daddy, Mommy, Jing Jie and I are getting engaged!"

"Engaged?" Ji's father, who had been preparing to watch the excitement, was not calm now, but he didn't look like he was joking when he saw his daughter's expression. "You two have decided?"

"Well, it's decided"

"Baby, your news is too explosive. Mommy didn't expect it to develop so fast! When did you guys make the decision? Why didn't you hear any news before?"

"Daddy, Mommy, Jing Jie and I decided just now. Why? Don't Daddy and Mommy like him?" The two couples looked at each other, and Ji's mother took the lead and said, "No, Jing Jie is a pretty good kid for us." I like it, but I didn't expect you to be so sudden, hehehe." Ji's mother laughed and laughed.

"Well, if you agree, then it's all right. I'll let him come to visit Daddy and Mommy at home some other day. Now I'm going to go to sleep. I've been tired all day!"

"Okay, then go up and rest!"

"Well, good night, Daddy and Mommy, what, what?" Ji Beixing waved his hand and left the balcony after kissing each other goodnight on the faces of the two elders. 】

(End of this chapter)

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