Chapter 106
At around 5:50, the car arrived at the agreed restaurant - the music revolving restaurant on the top floor of Yintai where two parties held a banquet last time. From the door opened by the driver, Bei Jingjie in the car came out first, and then blocked the roof with his hand , took out his mommy gentleman, and then his majestic daddy.

Seeing that everyone came out, the driver closed the door and drove the car away from the entrance of the building. Bei Jingjie, a family of three, followed his parents and walked towards the lobby of Yintai, taking the special elevator all the way to the restaurant on the top floor.

When the elevator opened, the lobby manager of the restaurant was already waiting by the door. Seeing the man coming with a respectful smile, he leaned over to greet him and said, "Chairman Bei, Mrs. Bei, Master Bei, good afternoon!"

"Well, has Chairman Ji arrived yet?" Bei Mu asked, looking at the man in front of him.

"Yes, Chairman Bei." After he finished speaking, Bei Mu walked forward with his wife Zhou Xue and the son behind him. The manager immediately took a few steps to lead the way in front of him, and came to a room that was deliberately separated by plants in the hall. In front of the elegant seats, the three people from each family saw each other.

The two elders of the Ji family quickly stood up, shook hands with the person opposite and said, "Chairman Bei, long time no see!"

"Yes, yes, my younger brother was negligent. I'm late, so I'm sorry!" Bei Mu said grandly, calling himself his younger brother, which drew Ji Yang's hearty laughter. They chatted happily, and they couldn't help laughing.

After what happened last night, Ji Beixing and Bei Jingjie came to their senses today. Seeing that things had developed like this, they didn't say much in embarrassment. They just smiled and nodded. Ji Beixing looked at the person in front of him. The four elders spoke softly: "Hello, uncle and aunt!

"The two elders of the Bei family looked sideways at the little girl next to the two of the Liang family on the opposite side, the corners of their mouths were raised in joy, and they nodded in satisfaction and replied, "Okay, Bei Xing is really getting more and more beautiful!" "

Hearing Bei's mother's praise, Ji Beixing blushed a little shyly. Could it be that she is an ugly daughter-in-law who is shy when she sees her in-laws? "Thank you, Auntie, for your compliment. Let's all sit down and talk!" Seeing that everyone was standing and talking, she quickly suggested to them.

"Well, sit down and chat, sit down and chat!" The four elders gave way to each other, and after they sat down one by one, Ji Beixing and Bei Jingjie walked to their parents and sat down.Both parents looked at the two of them in a tacit understanding, but they had the same satisfied smiles on their faces.

The two felt a little embarrassed when they were seen by the four people, especially Ji Beixing looked at Mrs. Shangbei's shining eyes, and felt like a piece of delicious cake, being stared at with covetousness.

Seeing Bei Xing's discomfort, Bei Jingjie turned his head to look at Mummy and joked, "Mummy, stop staring at Bei Xing like this. If you look at Bei Xing again, your daughter-in-law will run away!"

His joke made the four people present laugh, but it made Ji Beixing blush even more. The two elders of the Bei family saw that there was nothing wrong with Ji's free-speaking, so they looked at each other and looked at Bei. Xing's daughter-in-law is even more satisfied, such two families are the happiest!

"Okay, let's stop teasing you, my in-laws. Now that the children's engagement has been decided, shall we hurry up and announce it to the public, and hold the ceremony as well?" Mentioning the children's marriage, Mother Bei couldn't hide her excited inquiry. 】

(End of this chapter)

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